
Halo Dev Tracker

03 Jun


Originally posted by Boyinlost286

A tweet from @halo

You're definitely not wrong

02 Jun

01 Jun

31 May


It's written by a most handsome and stylish trio, I hear. Rumor and speculation, of course...


Originally posted by 1Potato1337

Thanks Uny, nicr update, bit smaller than Postums's update tho ;P

Word count doesn't matter - it's all about how you use it ;D


Originally posted by jaybird435

Any idea when legendary xp packs will come back in halo 5 ?

Keep an eye out for them in June!

30 May

29 May


Originally posted by Sc0oBeR

They might get Reach released earlier, but I dont think we can expect the fully featured release with things the avid PC gamers will want like uncapped fps or a full FOV slider. I can also forsee 343 having to balance controller auto aim as well as mouse input due to player feedback. Dont forget all the MLG maps we loved too. It's just hard to see the releases being that close together, while still supporting the previous released titles.

It's a complex process for sure. The team is committed to the native PC "pillars" Max has outlined previously but it's definitely likely that the full extent of those features / what's feasible will vary by game and/or not be "fully" implemented right at "launch." In the May update blog, the engineers talk a bit more about the technical challenges of implementing FOV sliders and uncapped framerates in these older games.


It's hard to say really... The team does feel that Reach is probably the most challenging of all the titles being worked on and thus will take the most time. A good chunk of this initial work will pay dividends across the rest of the roadmap - i.e. stuff like the flighting pipelines, build management, etc... So, definitely not 'starting from scratch' with the other titles and we expect/hope that once Reach is out, the others shouldn't take the same amount of time. That said, it'll all be driven by flighting and quality so we'll have to see how it goes and take the time needed to get it right.


Originally posted by TheJran

I will drag my balls through broken glass just to see a 480p image of a menu. I'll take anything!

Ouch. Please don't. To set expectations appropriately, we are going to be showing a small slice of a work in progress demo build of Reach running on PC. Our streaming setup isn't yet able to handle 4K hotness so it'll be an old school 1080p broadcast. We don't have a release date to share since it's all dependent on flighting and development (it's ready when it's ready). Max will also drop some new info on the progression system, we have updates on the specs for Reach matchmaking settings, and more...


We've pulled the trigger. We'll be showing a tiny slice of a work in progress demo build of Reach on PC.


Originally posted by soda401

Sorry, I don't know what a social stream is because I'm not really keeping up with all of 343's streams and social media accounts. So I didn't know what kind of stream gave the Ice Unicorn. I should have been more descriptive of what I meant.

Sometimes the social stream is just us talking about stuff, other times it's a 'playdate' that involves skin giveaways. Tomorrow will be a show-and-tell variety with no skins to pass out.