
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

31 Aug


As far as I know right now:

- There are no issues with duplicate protection; it's safe to open packs. You're getting duplicates because you already have all of the cards of that rarity, as is expected.

- There is an issue where if you have 2 of an old card and 1 of the new card, the 1 doesn't show up in collection manager. We're working on this now.

(Upvotes appreciated so more people see this)

30 Aug

Patch 27.2.2 is a data-only patch, launching today, with bug fixes and updates to Hearthstone, Battlegrounds, and Duels.

Hearthstone Updates

Standard Card Updates

Dev Comment: When we made our last round of changes, we knew this balance window was coming soon, so we took a lighter touch on Hunter. Now that we’ve seen the results of our last changes, we’re happy with how the meta is shaping up, but it’s clear that we need to give Hunter a bit more of an adjustment to give other classes some room to breathe.

Hunter has two decks we’re targeting with these changes: Arcane Hunter and Hound Hunter. Halduron is a card we previously buffed to give the Arcane package a chance to shine. We’re happy with our prior change to the effect, but just need to adjust the numbers slightly to keep the power in line. For Hound Hunter, we wanted to hit the deck’s early game and its explosive e...

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29 Aug

28 Aug


Hey all,

As you know, last week we launched Patch 27.2, a massive patch that included Battlegrounds Season 5, over 100 balance changes, and the Caverns of Time expansion (launching soon!). Unfortunately, with a patch that large, a few things slipped through the cracks.

Some of you have noticed that there were a few Hearthstone balance changes that weren’t announced before the patch went live. These changes were things we tested for the patch, but had decided not to ship—or, at least, we didn’t mean to ship.

We’ve seen your excitement about these surprise changes and we’ve decided that some of them would be fine to keep in the game. Of the six cards that slipped through the cracks, we’ll be letting three of them keep their newfound buffs: Timber Wolf, Jinyu Waterspeaker, and Firelands Portal.

On the other hand, we don’t think it’s the right time to make the changes to Dragon’s Breath, Swipe, or Glaivezooka, so we’ll be pulling those changes back out in Pat...

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27 Aug

26 Aug

25 Aug


Patch 27.2.1 is a server-side hotfix patch, launching today, with the following updates and bug fixes.

Battlegrounds Updates

Armor Updates
The following heroes now have less Armor:

  • Shudderwock has 5 Armor at higher ranks, still has 10 Armor at lower ranks.
  • Infinite Toki has 7 Armor.
  • Forest Warden Omu and Kurtrus Ashfallen have 8 Armor.
  • Inge, the Iron Hymn has 8 Armor at higher ranks, still has 6 Armor at lower ranks.
  • Dinotamer Brann has 12 Armor.

The following heroes now have more Armor:

  • Bru’kan and Ozumat have 15 Armor.
  • Sneed has 17 Armor.
  • Guff Runetotem, Jandice Barov, Sindragosa, and Skycap’n Kragg have 18 Armor.

Anomaly Updates

  • The Fortitude of Khaz’goroth, Denathrius’s Anima Reserves, A Faire Reward, and Oops, All ____! Anomalies will all appear less frequently.
    o Sir...
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24 Aug

23 Aug

22 Aug


Passing that one along, thanks.


Patch 27.2 is now live, bringing with it Battlegrounds Season 5, preparations for Caverns of Time and the launch of Twist, and more!

The following are some of the known issues we’re tracking this patch:

  • [Hearthstone] Reprint cards that are included in Caverns of Time are defaulting to the Caverns of Time version in the in-game crafting menu (which isn’t yet available for crafting). If you want these returning cards before Caverns of Time goes live next week, you can still craft them by going to the crafting menu, searching for the card, and then switching the collection manager to that card’s original set.
  • [Resolved 8/25] [Battlegrounds] The Echoes of Argus Anomaly (all Battlecries and Deathrattles trigger an extra time) has been temporarily removed from the Anomalies pool for being a bit too anomalous and causing crashes.
  • [Resolved 8/25] [Battlegrounds] Y’Shaarj has been temporarily removed from the hero pool due to a bug with ...
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