
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

17 Oct


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Patch 27.6, launching today, is a huge patch that introduces Hearthstone’s next expansion, Showdown in the Badlands, brings Un'Goro to Twist, makes Battlegrounds mid-season adjustments, and includes goodies for Blizzcon and Hallow’s End festivities!

Pre-Purchase Showdown in the Badlands

Saddle up for Hearthstone’s next expansion, Showdown in the Badlands, coming November 14! In the Badlands, the Bloodrock Mining Company’s struck Gold—or, rather, something even better: Azerite! Now they’re conscripting the townfolk and bleeding the land dry, putting the entire Badlands at risk. A band of mysterious, noble outlaws has banded together to put a stop to it, but the greedy Sheriff Barrelbrim won’t give up that easy. It all leads to this, a massive Showdown in the Badlands!

Showdown in the Badlands has 145 all-new, rootin’ and tootin’ collectible cards! You can learn more in the Showdown in the Badlands ...

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Announcing Showdown in the Badlands Hearthstone’s Newest Expansion

The Bloodrock Mining Company found powerful Azerite in the Badlands. They’re digging deep and bleeding the land dry, disrupting the Badlands and awakening slumbering elementals! Now mysterious outlaws are riding into town to set things right. Tumbleweeds roll by and high noon looms. Grab your horse and your hat, it’s nearly time for a Showdown in the Badlands!


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15 Oct

14 Oct

13 Oct


Yoooo that looks rad!

12 Oct

10 Oct


Back in August, we gave you an update on our increased actions against bots this year. As promised, we’ve kept up that fight, and we wanted to give you a quick update on how it’s going.

In August and September, we banned 66,945 more bot accounts. That number is just the accounts banned for bot activity, not including other actions like inappropriate names or in-game language violations. We continue to evolve our methods and act against these types of unauthorized bots, and will continue taking regular ac...

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09 Oct

Everyone in the Tavern's talking: BlizzCon® is right around the corner! As a reminder, we’re inviting everyone to celebrate the return of BlizzCon this year, livestreaming all of the content from the Anaheim arena for free! And now we’re rolling out a new set of digital goodies and in-game items called the BlizzCon Collection (formerly packaged as part of the “Virtual Ticket”) for those who can’t attend in person. There are two bundle options that are a must-have for fans of Hearthstone®, World of Warcraft®, Diablo® IV, Overwatch® 2, and Warcraft RumbleTM.

Epic Pack ($29.99 USD)

Enjoy these items from multiple games in addition to receiving a 10% discount off one item in the Blizzard Gear Store (restrictions apply):

  • Hearthstone: the BlizzCon 2023 card back, 5 Standard packs, and 5 Golden...
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05 Oct


Originally posted by Megadarth

I hope I'm understood and understand your reply correctly. Are you refering to this specific case here with Millhouse?

SpecificallyI 'm asking because I've dusted Genn and Baku when they were Hall of Famed back in 2019 for example, before legendary duplication protection has been implemented.

When I open Witchwood Packs now and don't own every Legendary, do I have a chance to pull Genn or Baku before I have every other Legendary of that set or did the fact that I owned Genn and Baku at some point in the past stop me from pulling them now before I own all other Legs?

I'm assuming it's the former because I think I got a legendary I dusted some time ago once again as a "freebie" with a bundle.

Genn and Baku would be before that, so indeed the system would not know you had them.


Originally posted by Megadarth

"ever" as in "ever since you've opened the first pack 8 years ago" or "ever since legendary duplicate protection was implemented"?

Ever since duplicate protection was implemented, back in... Early 2020, I think? Long before these cards were released.

04 Oct


Originally posted by Cxrlos0138

Can I please get a chance to reroll the extra copies of manastorm atleast?

I'm sorry, Reroll is for things that can't be disenchanted.


Originally posted by Cxrlos0138

I did have those 3 before, and i did disenchant them because i was a returning player after 4 years and needed the dust.

Ah, then this is working as intended. Duplicate Protection is based on what you have ever gotten, not what you currently have. (Imagine how unfortunate it would be if you got a card, disenchanted it because you didn't want it, and then got it again.)

Once you have gotten all of them (which it seems you have), it's pure random. So you can get those again, but it's not guaranteed.


Have you disenchanted any Signatures from FoL? If you had them before and disenchanted them, getting them back again would be pure random, so quite hard. If not, please DM me your btag so we can investigate.

03 Oct


Patch 27.4.3 is a server-side hotfix patch rolling out today with the following updates and bug fixes.

Hearthstone Update

  • The Jailer has been temporarily banned from Standard and Wild

Dev Comment: We’re putting The Jailer in jail for his crimes against the meta. When we made our last set of changes, Druid was still developing as a class following the Mini-Set. After our changes were locked in, Tony Druid appeared as a top archetype in Standard. We know that we want to adjust something in that deck in our next balance window, and we also know we don’t want this deck to warp the meta in the meantime, so we’re temporarily banning The Jailer until our next scheduled balance patch.

The Jailer will be released on bail (unbanned) in our next scheduled balance patch. At that time, we’ll make other adjustments to address Tony Druid and anything else that needs tweaking.

Battlegrounds Updates

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28 Sep

Patch 27.4.2 is a data-only balance patch, launching today, with the updates across modes.

Hearthstone Updates

Dev Comment: We have a lot of card changes in this patch, and a lot to share about why these changes are being made. 

For the Standard-focused changes, we’re addressing both power outliers and play experience outliers in this patch. When we buffed Warrior in our last balance patch, we did so knowing that they’d get more powerful tools in the Mini-Set, but we wanted to make sure that the deck hit, so we erred on the side of over-buffing it, knowing that we’d have the option to make a small correction back down if we needed. Now that the Mini-Set has landed, Warrior is looking like one of the most standout classes, so we’re making those adjustments. Hunter also has one of the strongest decks in the format, and we’d expect it to get even stronger after the other changes we’re making in this p...

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27 Sep

23 Sep