
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

04 Sep

02 Sep


Originally posted by zulukiwi

Hey u/HS_Celestalon, not sure if you're still monitoring this but was hoping you wouldn't mind replying to one specific point. It hasn't been quite sitting right with me that you phrased the above as "what you're asking". I wanted to verify that we're on the same page that we're talking about a behavior that EVERY OTHER SET does follow, not some creative extra behavior I'm dreaming up :) [Not sure if you actually meant it that way, just double-checking]

Here's a post you've made in the past where you note that once you own all cards in a set, goldens will "prefer a card you haven't gotten the golden of". I just wanted to clarify it's this behavior I'm talking about. Other sets guarantee you get goldens you don't have in golden before getting duplicate goldens (of that rarity). Caverns of Time does NOT - you can and I did get duplicate goldens before getting goldens o...

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To be clear, Caverns *does* guarantee that a golden you get will be one you haven't gotten before, just like every other set.

The new thing here is that this is the first time we've done reprints. Goldens are a cosmetic thing, not a functional thing, just like the reprint, so we counted them as tied in priority. We hear the feedback that you'd prefer it if golden trumped different set, and it's something we're discussing for the future.

01 Sep

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Twist is Now Live!

Today is the first day of the first official season of Hearthstone’s newest Mode, Twist! Twist is a Hearthstone ladder Mode with regularly rotating season, each with a twist on the rules or eligible card pool. With constant shifts and new card combinations, fresh challenges await each Twist season!

If you haven’t tried it yet, you can learn more about the Twist mode in our official ...

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Originally posted by HS_Celestalon

It shouldn't have rerolled Signature Patches... Can you DM me your battletag to investigate? Also, can you check whether you even have Golden Patches?

Chatted with u/CookyHS, and we found the problem. Working on a fix that we hope to release soon (it's a holiday weekend here in the US so it's looking like middle of next week at the earliest though, just to set expectations). Thanks for your patience, hang tight!


Originally posted by Narrow_Helicopter278

Owning a Caverns version of a card does count toward owning it. If you get Caverns Worgen Greaser, you won't get Gadgetzan Worgen Greaser from a Gadgetzan pack (until you've gotten all the Gadgetzan commons, then it's just random).

What about something like spawn of shadows not having the same statline between the different versions?

That's a bug and will be fixed shortly.


Originally posted by TerryGonards

Malorne isn't new

Acidmaw isn't new

Flame Leviathan isn't new

Wickerflame isn't new

Hobart isn't new

I got no NEW Legendaries.

These are not new cards, even after rebalance. They are not even separate from the old cards as they replace them in your collection.

And the fact you are up at around 1:30 am (US Central) responding to people just shows how bad y'all screwed up and now y'all have to play damage control.

I don't sleep, and I respond to players because I care.

Those are indeed reprints. If you got them, it's because either A) You never got them before (or did but disenchanted them before duplicate protection was introduced in 2020), or B) You've gotten ALL of the legendaries in Caverns of Time and are now getting duplicates.

Also, they aren't supposed to 'replace them' in your collection; that's a display bug with the Collection Manager that we're working to fix asap.


Originally posted by GalleonStar

It would be low priority I know, but worth discussing introducing view modes for your collection that lets you separate by 'collector mode', i.e cards separated by water mark and cosmetics, and an 'identity mode', i.e cards are separated by name.

It would be a nice QOL improvement for deck building. If worried about confusion causing players to disenchant the wrong cards, could have disenchanting only available in Collector Mode.

We agree, something like that would be nice. As you guessed, it just hasn't been high priority yet.


Originally posted by TerryGonards

Why did y'all set it up where people could old legendaries before getting new stuff?

We should be getting Caverns exclusive cards first THEN the old cards.

All yall did was roll a mini set into WILD PACKS and slap a new pack opening animation on it.

We didn't. You'll always get new cards that you haven't gotten before old cards that you have gotten before (unless you disenchanted them pre-2020), of that rarity.


Originally posted by euqistym

Is that also the reason my disenchant button shows no dust?

Mass Disenchant only disenchants things that are 100% exact duplicates. Like it doesn't include cards that you have both normal and golden copies of. Many people wouldn't be able to use Mass Disenchant at all if it did, because they're collectors.

You can still manually disenchant whatever you like.


Originally posted by euqistym

There is so much wrong with this update, I opened a lots of duplicates that are now all gone?

No, they're not gone. There's a display issue with the Collection Manager where you can't see both at once:



Originally posted by motazaliad

Hi Celestalon,

Thanks for doing what you're doing to clarify things for people. If I may; I, too, am after some clarification regarding duplicates across Caverns of Time and its feeder-sets.

I opened some old gods packs followed by some caverns packs, and managed to get 2 copies of the Epic card: Crazed Worshiper - one of which came from an old gods pack, the other from caverns. Given this scenario, I have two questions...

  1. Am I now facing the possibility of owning 4 regular versions of the card through opening more old gods / caverns packs (x1 from each set due to not being "duplicates" per se, but rather the same name/stat/effect from two different sets)? Or is this a case of me NOT receiving any more until I get all OTHER epics from either set?
  2. Is there a way to consolidate the cards so that they're both from the SAME set? I know this is nitpicky, but I get a tad pedantic with the aesthetics of my collection and seeing two sets of x1 Crazed ...
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  1. No, once you have 2 total, you won't get it again until you've got all of that rarity (from whatever pack type you opened).
  2. Their watermark is different so they are listed separately for collectors. No current plans to let you swap between them.

Originally posted by Capn_Forkbeard

I opened a wild bundle today (2 legendaries + 25 packs), rightfully assuming that I'd at least open all of the rares + commons from Caverns of Time, seeing as I own all of the rares/commons from the applicable sets (Legacy -> Gadgetzan). Not only did I not get anywhere close to completing the new Caverns rares/commons, the majority of the cards opened were cards I already had 2 of in the old sets. Not previously disenchanted, not currently unowned - these were cards I already had complete sets of in my collection.

For example, I had 2x Jade Spirit from Gadgetzan, I opened 2x Jade Spirit with the CoT set logo, meaning I have 4x Jade Spirit in my collection without the 'disenchant your duplicates' option in the collection manager. I don't know if this info helps in your quest to resolve the duplicates issue, but it really doesn't seem like intended duplicate protection behaviour. Definitely a downer, I hope there's compensation for the early adopters here.

Could you double-check? There are only 9 new Commons and 10 new Rares in Caverns of Time, so it's extremely unlikely that you could have opened 25 Caverns packs and not gotten all of them, if you started with having all of the old cards. If you're sure, please DM me your btag to investigate.


Originally posted by qordytpq

Are we not supposed to be offered a re-roll if we get signature of a card we already own? Because I wasn’t offered the option to re-roll Patches. Is that because I opened CoT patches but I own MSoG patches? Also, if we should have been given the option to re-roll, would it be a random MSoG legendary or random CoT legendary?

EDIT: Sorry, I didn’t think about it, but could this happen if I previously dusted and re-crafted Patches? I still feel like we should be given the option to re-roll, but maybe this explains it? I’m not sure, but i probably dusted him(?) when he got nerfed before.

Correct, getting a Signature no longer offers a re-roll of an existing card. That was the case in March of the Lich King when they weren't disenchantable, but is no longer necessary since they're disenchantable.


Originally posted by zulukiwi

Hey Celestalon, appreciate you taking the time to reply! Please hear me out, it is not working at a cosmetic-specific level.

The following is one of (many) examples that happened to me today:

  • I already owned 2 golden A Light in the Darkness (Whispers of the Old Gods versions)
  • I did NOT already own any golden Worgen Greasers (but did own vanillas)
  • I opened a 3rd golden A Light in the Darkness (now a Caverns of Time version) *before* opening a golden Worgen Greaser
  • I am a completionist so I do not disenchant golden cards. I don't think I've EVER disenchanted a golden card (other than ones I get a diamond or signature version of). So it's not explained by me having disenchanted away the golden Worgen Greasers before 2020.

The specific issues I ran into were specific to golden cards. I made an assumption that similar logic applies to non-goldens, but I'll admit don't know for a fact. But could you pl...

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Ah yes, Goldens do not currently do what you're asking but it's something we've actively been discussing.


Originally posted by HS_Celestalon

If I'm understanding you correctly, it does actually work the way you hoped it would. You will get cards you've never gotten first.

The piece you're probably missing is that cards you disenchanted (since 2020) count as having been acquired. Once you've ever gotten all the cards of a rarity, even if you disenchanted them, you'll start getting (random) duplicates.

To your specific list of points...
1. They do fill in holes, per first reply.

  1. This is correct. Collection achievements are based on collecting that set.

  2. This is the same as with normals and goldens. You may want both for cosmetic reasons, so we don't auto-disenchant them. We think that letting you customize that to choose to do so would be nice, and hope to add that at some point.

  3. If a card is in a valid set in a format, ALL versions of that card will be valid for that format, so you can safely disenchant the other versions. That's the intention. However, that is not currently working for Duels (it's not letting you add old cards), which is a bug we're working to fix soon.

  4. Owning a Caverns version of a card does count toward owning it. If you get Caverns Worgen Greaser, you won't get Gadgetzan Worgen Greaser from a Gadgetzan pack (until you've gotten all the Gadgetzan commons, then it's just random).

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If I'm understanding you correctly, it does actually work the way you hoped it would. You will get cards you've never gotten first.

The piece you're probably missing is that cards you disenchanted (since 2020) count as having been acquired. Once you've ever gotten all the cards of a rarity, even if you disenchanted them, you'll start getting (random) duplicates.


Originally posted by danielsundfeld

I've the regular Han'Cho from Gadgetzan and opened a signature from Cavern pack. But I was missing the new legendaries. I thought I could only open a signature from a card that I already owned if I have all legendaries. Is the signature protection different or is it a bug?

Every Signature card was an existing card. None of the new legendaries come in Signature. So if you rolled a Signature, and you had all the old cards that could be Signature, it'd have to be a duplicate of one of them.


Originally posted by Mihrasen

I got copies of cards I owned but have disenchanted, like Worgen Greaser, before getting cards I have never owned. Is this intended behavior with the duplicate protection? If it is I guess I'm just crafting the cards I want instead of bothering with packs.

Yes and no. Duplicate protection only knows about cards you disenchanted since duplicate protection was added in 2020. If you disenchanted it before 2020, there's no record that you ever had it, so you can get it again.