
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

04 Aug


Patch 27.0.2 is a server-side hotfix patch, rolling out now, with the following updates and bug fixes.

Battlegrounds Updates

Quest Changes
The following Quests are more difficult to complete:

  • Find the Murder Weapon
  • Dust for Prints

The following Quests are easier to complete:

  • Burn the Evidence
  • Pressure the Authorities
  • Track the Footprints
  • Reenact the Murder

Quest Reward Changes
The following Quest Rewards are harder to earn (the requirements on the Quest they’re paired with are harder):

  • Turbulent Tombs
  • Cooked Book

The following Quest Rewards are easier to earn (the requirements on the Quest they’re paired with are easier):

  • Bloodsoaked Tome
  • Snicker Snacks
  • The Golden Hammer
  • Scepter of Guidance
  • Timeline Accelerati...
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03 Aug

01 Aug

The time has come to shape your world! TITANS is now live with 145 collectible cards, the new Forge keyword, the new Titan keyword, Legendary keepers, the returning Magnetic keyword, and more!

What’s Included: New Keyword – Titan

The titans are massive god-like entities with unimaginable cosmic power. Minions with the Titan keyword have three special abilities that they use instead of their first three attacks, creating an immediate impact and further shaping the game the longer they stick around.

In TITANS, each class gets a Titan. What will you do when you can harness the power of the gods?

What’s Included: New Keyword – Forge

The titans used powerful...

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31 Jul


Hello everyone, the following is being posted on behalf of Aleco Pors, Lead Designer on the Final Design team:

TITANS is about to go live and you’ve now seen some of the new design space that we’re exploring for Paladin in this expansion and beyond. This is the second class we’ve given a tune-up to this year, after Priest. We wanted to take this time to talk about why those changes were made and what we consider (or don’t consider) when adjusting a class like this.

There are two main considerations when we make these types of changes: 1) player enjoyment of the class (the most important consideration); and 2) how much design space the class has for us to work with.

You’ll note that “power” is not a consideration for these types of changes. We’ve seen some questions and comments about why we adjusted Paladin when the class already seems strong. The short answer is just that power isn’t relevant for class tune-ups: this is about...

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28 Jul


Yes, it’s on the known issues list, thanks. Updates on the situation will be there once we have them.


Patch 27.0.1 is a server-side hotfix rolling out now with the following updates and bug fixes:

Battlegrounds Updates
General Quest and Quest Reward Updates

  • New Quests no longer appear more frequently than normal.
  • Victim’s Specter, Burn the Evidence, and Pressure the Authorities have been returned to the Quest/Quest Reward Pools.

Quest Updates
The following Quest has been made easier to complete:

  • Burn the Evidence

Quest Reward Updates
The following Quest Rewards have been more difficult to complete (this means that requirements of the Quests paired with these Rewards will be harder to fulfill):

  • Endless Blood Moon
  • Sturdy Shard
  • Doppelganger’s Locket (this Quest Reward is also now rarer)

The following Quest Rewards have been easier to complete (the requirements will be easier to fulfill):

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27 Jul

26 Jul


Bug, not buff

Being looked into, ty for the report!

25 Jul


The decks awarded to new and returning players have been updated with Patch 27.0! New players are eligible for their free deck after completing the tutorial, the Starter Quest chain, graduating from the New Player Ranks (Ranks 40-1), and then returning to the main menu. Returning players who have been away for 90 or more days are eligible for a free deck just for logging in. Returning players can claim these returning decks each time they are eligible.

Players borrow all these decks for one week following their eligibility, so they can try them out before making their choice. It’s possible players may not see their chosen deck in their deck lists if they do not have an open deck slot when they choose their free deck. The cards in the deck (aside from the Core Set cards) will still be added to their Collections. They can clear a deck slot and use the deck codes below to construct the decks.

Each deck includes the cards listed, except for the Core Set cards in them. Core...

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Patch 27.0 is now live, and TITANS is launching on August 1! The following are some of the issues we’re tracking this patch:

  • [Resolved 7/28] [Hearthstone] Always a Bigger Jormungar is not working correctly with cleave effects like Hollow Hound’s. It is expected to be updated in a patch prior to the launch of TITANS.
  • [Resolved 7/28] [Hearthstone] Imprisoned Horror’s cost is being reduced by Blood Treant. Due to a recent rules change, paying Health is not intended to count as “damage.” This interaction is expected to be updated in a patch prior to the launch of TITANS.
  • [Resolved 7/28] [Hearthstone] Forest Seedlings and Frost Lotus Seedling will decrease their cost on turn 1 if kept in the mulligan. This is unintended and is expected to be updated in a patch prior to the launch of TITANS.
  • [Resolved 7/28] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that cards that go into the secret zone (Secrets, Auras, Love Everlasting, etc.) cast by School ...
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