League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Nov


Originally posted by PatchNotesPro

Here's one for you: dying 12 times taking every single fight is actually not an appropriate way of playing ranked.

Agree to disagree :)


Originally posted by Excalidorito

Don’t get me wrong I’m not asking for it to be removed

It’s just, one of those things that if it was removed most people would just assume they have a bad day with CS’ing.

Yeah its definitely a sneaky thing that most players dont realize helps a lot!


Originally posted by danktuna4

Is this the galaxy smash I saw in Quantum's stream the other day smurfing on yasuo?



Originally posted by Coti98

weren´t Riven's animation cancels actually a bug they decided to leave it as it is?

I am not sure because Riven was wayyy before my time! I think in general we have left her animation cancels in because of how core they have become to the identity of the champion and her pattern.


Originally posted by kmsnbd

Love the work you put in this comment section!

Thank you :3


Originally posted by YuumiSucksToes

When yi q's a target , and that target dies before the end of his q , yi will return to where he used his ability instead of where the target was.

Another good one! Often useful to clear waves safely


Originally posted by Aliyahu1

I knew the r duration increase, but not the e/passive!

I use/abuse the mechanic to keep my r going as long as possible in ARAMs (and probably SR games to if I ever played him there)

Lethality master yi in ARAM is true evil


Originally posted by SwagOnABudget

Jake Puchero, 4 time LCS champion

Edit: 6, FreeLG won with him 2x

Yeah I think people consistently forget that the #2 all time LCS trophy leader for a little while was Xmithie.

He still is, but Bjergsen finally tied him before his first retirement into coaching.

Meanwhile Doublelift just sitting on eight big ones.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 10inchblackhawk

The "skip waiting for stats" page has been removed from the end of game experience to accurately reflect the client's state

Client's state being disgraceful? The client is learning, start to hide itself to avoid the shame.

Hey, we did improve timing issues with EOG (end of game) in 11.17, and followed it up by evaluating the value of that page, and ended up removing it altogether, for most players, the transition from game end to client is significantly faster now

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp

LEAGUE CLIENT: The "skip waiting for stats" page has been removed from the end of game experience to accurately reflect the client's state

I.e. We can't fix it so just gonna remove it from showing up instead. Lol

Hey, we did improve timing issues with EOG (end of game) in 11.17, and followed it up by evaluating the value of that page, and ended up removing it altogether, for most players, the transition from game end to client is significantly faster now

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RoarkeST

Can we expect to see an Udyr devblog sometime soon? I believe it was mentioned somewhere that we would get another one before next year, but I don't believe it was mentioned when.

Current plan is for the 2nd Udyr Devblog to be very early next year

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bornhat

Based on the description of the Caitlyn changes, is she not getting a new voiceover?

She is


Originally posted by Roffler967

Ok next question: WHY does Ezreal gain tower aggro with a non dmg move? By that logic Ashes E should give her Tower Aggro too.

Honestly, I don't know, I will have to ask!


Originally posted by bz6

League is such an in-depth game man. This is why I love it. Always shit learn. Also this is why it’s still kicking 10 years later 👊🏽

Hell yeah man


Originally posted by Excalidorito

I think it makes far more sense on Kai’sa since Q deals more or less damage to minions depending on how many there are.

ASol passive damage isn’t split up in the same way so personally I just never found it to be that useful.

Thats fair, thought often its very difficult to remove a mechanic without very good reason because the possible consequences are hard to predict and could have cascading effects.


Originally posted by CuteTao

Nice Yasuo play tonight dude :3

Plz buff asol

Thank you! ASol is too stronk though I am sorry :(


Originally posted by aaronshell

Wait, so you can't simply cast Q during ult which is well known, but pressing EQ together will add another Q during the ult?

So you cannot just use Q during R, but you can use E. What you can also do is the EQ combo (which can be done when not ulting, its a mechanic similar to yasuo EQ if you know how that mechanic works).


Originally posted by DaSwagTurtle

U can qss/gangplank w/Alistar ult nearsights including nocturne r. Pretty big for gp who might need to get vision in order to tp/ult somewhere across the map

Banshees and Edge of Night work on this too! Equally interesting, they also work on TF R. He will just not see you at all if you had a spellshield up when he pressed R.


Originally posted by Excalidorito

ASol passive executes minions under or left below 25hp.

It’s literally useless past lvl4 though so I don’t even know why it’s still there lmao

Also ASol E isn’t interrupted if he has a shield to block damage for him. His HP bar needs to be altered which means that with mountain soul, ASol Q/E’s can be even harder to stop than they sometimes already are.

Kai'Sa Q also does something similar where it executes minions at a certain HP point, this is to help with last hitting because otherwise it would be much harder to use Q to farm.


Originally posted by xXxImJusticexXx

Yorick's AP scaling on E, it's not even in the ability description.

Woops! We have this one tracked, let me poke some people and see if we can get this fixed ASAP