League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Nov


Originally posted by kmsnbd

I had no idea this was a thing... has this always been a thing?

Did some digging and it looks like this was added in 7.2 along with a change to make his passive more modern and player-friendly.


Originally posted by Task_wizard

Verified to be working correctly. I recently went two and one over a couple URF games by playing zero-damage Trundle. Double checked the damage charts after just to be sure.

Wow the absolute madlad, respect


Originally posted by PursueSomeBitches

Why doesn't Ezreal's description text say his W will cause turret aggro?

Its really hard to capture all of the possible information about every possible interaction a champion's abilitiy with have with every game mechanic without causing the tooltip to be extremely cluttered. I will say that we are guilty of often including some bits of information not others, or including this kind of info in some tooltips not others, which is likely something we could be better at.


Originally posted by Wunzicker

Imagine saying some dumb shit like this instead of fixing the bug

I will ask you this: Who is to say its a bug or a feature? We don't define every single possible interaction and possible combination of things because that's just not feasible. If we need to make an explicit decision on whether we intend for something to be in the game we either make that decision collectively or individually by whoever the designer is. In this instance, the interaction was brought up to the champion designer during development and he decided to keep it in, thus it is a feature.


Originally posted by auzei13

Is this the reason veigar sometimes shows on on death recap doing nothing while not even getting an assist

Yeah most likely. Though death recap has its own set of bugs/issues that likely conflate that.


Originally posted by shrubs311

i'm trying to one trick her to plat (currently just dropped to gold 2) so i'm sure it'll be useful for me

Good luck! Shes a fun champ so you chose well :)


Originally posted by ClownFundamentals

/u/caenen_ I feel like I've been seeing you correct everyone, including Rioters, lately that it's never done 1 true damage, and has always done 0 damage (different from doing no damage).

Edit: https://reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qihzws/_/hiklue1/?context=1

Is that right? Honestly I would believe it, interesting. Appreciate the fact!


Originally posted by sanketower

Is this the reason why you can technically steal a buff with Bard's R?

Bard's R can proc damaging item effects like Night Harvester so I assume this is related to that.


Originally posted by loitermaster

And it's an auto attack reset

A classic, one of Master Yi's most important mechanics! Shoutout to Cowsep for teaching me this fact :D


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Is it proximity based?

I've always found it wild how I can wall someone off without hitting them with it and I still get the assist

I don't know specifically with Anivia and Trundle, but I would not be surprised, especially because Trundle's Pillar has the slow field around it which would also count. I know for sure some abilities are, such as Veigar E which doesnt actually have to touch you (it just has to be close enough to you) to grant him an assist.


Originally posted by shrubs311

thanks for the tech!

Your winrate is skyrocketing as we speak!


Originally posted by thwospfneka

I believe this is because it does 1 damage, same as trundle pillar

It used to do that as a workaround, but now we have the tech to make it count as an assist or stack for electrocute, Phase Rush, etc. regardless of whether it deals damage or not.


Originally posted by Fabiocean

You can use Samira's passive dash on turrets that get tp'd on, since they apparently count as hard ccd during channel.

Another Samira one: You cant Q while ulting as Samira, but you can use EQ together without stopping your ult


When Master Yi is meditating he gains stacks of his passive double strike AND halts the duration of his E and R

01 Nov


Ah this place looks super cool, I’m gunna have to visit some time for sure! Best of luck, hope everyone enjoys. =)

If worlds was a week later might’ve made it!

31 Oct


Originally posted by Vespuczin

Lack of Victor appearances in trailers is disturbing. Personally I am more excited about his and Jayce storyline than Vi and Jinx's.

fret not.


Originally posted by esskay04

We love you phreak! All the way back to your basement season 1 days!

Thanks :)