League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Oct


Originally posted by ADeadMansName

Why buff the Q? Right now her QEW max order is rising as her best skill order already. EQW as the 2nd best. Buffing the Q max just enhances that and the QE becomes one of the most stupid combos once she has a bit of AS because it becomes nearly undodgeable.

Q max is still very far from optimal and Q is a spell that heavily drops off in satisfaction and usefulness as game time increases.


Originally posted by Mahelas

Of all champions, Talon being played in Worlds, as a jungler, is kind of mental tho !

Hey, Zed jungle was a thing back in 2013ish!


Originally posted by dialzza

"Full of" isn't quite accurate

But they are very present (both in top 7 junglers at worlds), for a build that really shouldn't be working at pro level in the first place (unless y'all are trying to shift talon and qiyana into bruisers, but I don't think that's what's happening)

And the other super-prevalent champs are all using some form of draintank mythic. I'm definitely biased bc I don't like the playstyle, but the two draintank fighter mythics have completely crowded out stridebreaker and triforce.

Again, Goredrinker is OP. It's getting nerfed, especially for assassin types, in 11.21, so that's at least a decent push.

But even still, Talon and Qiyana were both buffed quite a bit heading into Worlds. Qiyana was specifically targeted for pro-focused buffs.

FWIW, Qiyana hasn't only seen Goredrinker builds. The last time she was played it was full Lethality. I don't remember how many more times that happened, but with only 8 games played, that's a sizable percentage.


Originally posted by Orvvadasz

Can you ellaborate on what you guys meant that you dont feel that your characters have overloaded kits overall? As you may have noticed the community doesnt quite feel the same way.

Its all subjective, so opinions will always vary. I will say that its quite often that the prevalent opinion on reddit is not indicative of the overall opinion of the community.


Originally posted by Rooxstart

I really like the portals, but Summoners Rift itself doesn't feel like it changes all that much -in appearance- in comparison with the current dragons. There's rain, wind, fire and a bunch of other particles and effects with the current 4 dragons, and with this one we only have the portals. The torches that are scattered around SR don't have a special particle that indicates this elemental rift as the others do. The map really needs a coat of fresh paint with this dragon honestly.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll pass it on


Originally posted by Roblox_Morty

I can’t seem to spawn the new dragons in the practice tool nor get their terrain to spawn.

Appreciate the report! We've got this one tracked and noted


Originally posted by BestRemusInMyHouse

The Hextech and Chemtech dragons don't seem to spawn the terrain in the practice tool and their souls also don't work.

Thanks for the report! I will pass this on! To clarify, the souls not working is also just on practice tool is that correct?


Originally posted by aircarone

On one side, it guarantees an LPL team in semis. On the other, another civil war... It's happens so consistently it is boring.

They should try getting top seeds out of their groups, then.

19 Oct


Originally posted by RiotPhlox




Originally posted by dialzza

The fact that worlds meta right now is full of assassins building goredrinker should tell you all you need to know about the absolute state of modern draintanking and damage creep.

Talon and Qiyana represent the 6th and 7th highest presence junglers at 31% and 22% presence respectively. That's like saying support is "full of" Braum and Rell.

Nah, it's actually Lee Sin and co. Buncha fighters. There are more Divine Sunderer users in jungle than assassins.

Not that Goredrinker isn't OP. It is. But your data is wrong.


I don't despise Yuumi.

She exists. She does unique things. I think that's fine.

I think some portion of the collective community hate is just getting wrapped up in insider culture. We have a million of these. 0/10 Yasuo power spikes? Mid or feed? Calling anyone who does "inting"? We've got a million. "Yuumi is a mistake" is just one of them.

Not that no one dislikes Yuumi. Just that it's intentionally overwrought.


Originally posted by TrundleTop1

No alcove portal sadge super epic tho

Oh man we tried that, it was so powerful though and definitely extremely game warping. But we had fun using the "pac man" portal as we named it.


Originally posted by FaithlessnessSea6166

you are so cringe

Why thank you :)




Originally posted by AwsomeMice

I actually think this is the biggest buff Xayah has got in the last 10 buffs or so. Yes 5 MS is way more valuable than R CD fite me. Rip my Conq Xayah build tho :c

Xayah Buffs lets GOOOOOO


Originally posted by puppy_girl


Does Seraph embrace still have this?

Unique – Awe: Gain ability power equal to 5% bonus mana.

It gets haste instead of AP now from that


Originally posted by TheOnlyTrueEnte

Demonic Embrace, including its passive, gives 69 AP.



Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hey, did Chemtank and Frostfire get a cost change? Are they still at 2800g? Did Sunfire get any kind of minor change?

Same prices, and Sunfire is the same as previously


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