League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Oct


Originally posted by sandweeecch

That's fair, low elo players tend to be unpredictable and just aram, but i still think it's important to know your macro because you can create huge gold and experience differences through it when they aram and build leads that can make objectives nearly impossible to take for the enemy team, then again your own teammates probably won't listen though so you'll have to 1v9 with the leads you create

Macro is a great way to accrue leads but unless you have the knowledge to execute on that macro (which involves execution, especially if you are not at an advantage already), it's less reliable in the ranks OP will be at to begin with than just raw mechanical skill. In many cases, players simply don't know how much damage they deal or can take and that alone will win you a lane, and a 1/0 lead is devastating when applied with, again, the appropriate execution.

You don't need complicated macro play to climb at all, and you certainly don't need to worry about it much beyond "where was the jungler last seen?" for a very long time


Originally posted by sandweeecch

Why do you think smurfs can keep 90% winrates in low elo, do you think it's because of their execution or because they know how the game works? I'm saying that he should learn macro over execution and once he has good macro he can focus on execution, since he'll be learning execution along the way

On the account I made in NA I went from unranked to platinum with zero losses as a mid lane player playing Ryze back when he was considered weak; none of that was due to macro play (I suck at macro), it really was just down to execution in lane. I suppose if you're a support or a jungler then it may be more about macro, but as a mid or top you can solo win just by outplaying your opponent and forcing multiple people top or mid lane without even looking at macro; people will naturally come to try to shut you down, and if you play well you'll just kill them our waste their time (or both).

Not that this is how you should play, but this is also a very common reason why one trick ponies tend to climb to a plateau around plat or low diamond and stay there, because that is when macro does start to matter. You could argue that perhaps I had internalised macro knowledge that enabled me to win vs low elo players, but I can tell you with absolute confidence ...

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24 Oct


Originally posted by MasterOfNap

Definitely not normal. Maybe it’s an observer thing?

It's an observer thing, yeah :D

23 Oct


Originally posted by SteamMonkeyKing

Pls help anyway u can. Love you <3 <3 <3



Originally posted by SteamMonkeyKing

Observers pls stop zooming out on nexus explode.

I have no control over that though 🥺

22 Oct


I just really liked playing Orianna and Zyra. I've never really considered myself a main of a particular main, just a main of specific champions I enjoy, which is why I also (much to the chagrin of my adc) sometimes play support (Rakan, Pyke) and top (Sett)


Originally posted by crowley_yo

That's some shitty ass and shallow opinion coming from a lead ngl. Can't say I expected to hear something smart since you've done absolutely horrible job on the behavioral system so far. Balance team is controversial topic because some agree and some disagree with the balancing direction game is taking, but you my man and your team are the main reason game is at such shitty state and has been for last couple of seasons. If that doesn't scream RECONSIDER YOUR DAMN OPPINIONS I don't know what does. What makes you feel so confident that you are doing the right thing when game never seen as much toxicity, while nothing firm is being done on the topic. My all chat is already disabled any match and it was never a problem, what is a problem however is the team chat that is by far most toxic place, if you completely disable it you can't communicate with the team about important calls, but if you don't disable it you risk getting insanely tilted because of the team that constantly trash tal...

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Thank you for your well formatted and reasoned argument.


Originally posted by THE3NAT

Dam bro, you got a riot employee giving you advice.

Sometimes I browse New when I'm in bed in the morning because it's where the true spice lives.


Having come from WoW myself when I started, I also wanted a healer archetype champion. Sona was the one that felt right for me. I tried Soraka but I didn't understand how to play her at the time. Sona is definitely a solid entry champion who is easy to play and buffs and heals her allies.


Originally posted by KindredChokoBons

Hey! Thanks a lot!

Yeah, I was unsure about the wording. Helped means "ganked by his teammates" and I used ganked as "ganked by the opposite team".

So basically the amount of time that his team invested in him vs. the amount of time invested in his rival in lane.

Got it. Thanks!


This is awesome, thanks!

Could you clarify what "Helped" and "Ganked" mean? The wording feels ambiguous to me.


Originally posted by I_CUM_ON_HAMSTERS

They played meta the whole series, this revisionism is hilarious. Sure they picked Blitz/Leona/Alistair, but they were still only doing that because they secured Ivern Jungle or Karma Mid because at the end of the day they were still just doing the "Ardent buff our ADC to high hell and smash our faces together ARAM style" meta. They were still building Knight's Vow on Sejuani Jungle and Shen Top to put on ADC too.

There was a significant adjustment in their playstyle from first game, to the two wins, to the last losses, and at the time it was even called out by the casters that they were going off their style to the "expected" style.

It was the top comment of the post-match thread 4 years ago; I'm not sure how you can claim it's revisionism.


At 2017 worlds, there were three picks of Leona, three picks of Blitzcrank, three Sivir and two Alistar. Of those picks, one of Blitz, Ali, and Leona were picked in this series, as was one Sivir game. This also one of three games that Karma mid wa...

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it's not monday yet

21 Oct


Originally posted by Masalar

Do you have any tricks for gaming related motion sickness? I have a friend who struggles with this and it very much limits his ability to game with us. We do our best to work around it but...yeah.

  1. Windowed Mode
  2. Increase field of view if possible
  3. turn off motion blur/head bob if possible
  4. put a small sticker in the center of the window for your eyes to focus on

Originally posted by patmax17

I'll look it up, thanks :)

One question, out of curiosity: do you actually study other games as part of tmyour job in the player behavior team, or do you just play apex legends because you want to?

Study, first person games make me motion sick :x


This was something that we did a preliminary investigation into after the last time this was discussed on reddit, but we ended up deciding against doing it. If I can find a writeup of the reasoning I will post a summary here.


Originally posted by patmax17

I have to say, i'm not very familiar with other games, what are examples of game you think have a good and nuanced ping system?

quick chat is also an interesting approach, I agree

Apex Legends


Originally posted by patmax17

I'm actually interested in what a good communication tool could be. I think pings are a good idea, but they lack the depth and variety needed. I do think they're a good starting point though, an idea could be to have more ping options, especially for vision ("is it warded here?" "please ward here" and "it is warded here"), or objectives/directions (let's do this objective, let's engage, let's not engage,...)

I think there are games in market that have pretty robust ping systems. Quick-chat is also an approach I am interested in. (Contextually aware messages that can be sent in chat via click/hotkey rather than typed out)


Originally posted by Rokic3

Yes I had to reboot as if I am just starting to play. A complete crash on its own without a warning or anything.

Was Riot Client still open? Like if you were to have 'stay signed in' unchecked, would it have you login again or would you just see the play button in Riot Client?


Originally posted by Lilocuti

https://imgur.com/a/0dAV6KzLast patch 2 to 3 game black scrren, but now after the game sometimes blackscreen or the client disappear. The client work well with 11.16 patch back. I have this issue from 11.17 to now

can you send a screenshot of the black screen youre seeing now?