League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Aug


Originally posted by ownedbymerc

Thanks for the banger commentary bud. Catch some z’s you earned it. Go NA!

Thank you!

I'm trying to steer slightly into calling our region the LCS moreso than NA, mostly because we're a home league for the Aus/NZ players now and pretty much all of our top teams have a few in LCS/Acad. I don't know if they really mind, but I wanna be as welcoming as I can to em!


Originally posted by TheEternalCowboy

You've been waiting for this comment, haven't you?

I got a lot of Twitter mentions so I figured there was a chance it'd show up in the Reddit thread as well.


Originally posted by guilty_bystander

I dig your flow state, it makes for great moments.

Thank you! I've had a great time casting these last two years. I hope I can keep entertaining y'all.


Originally posted by PlayingWithFire42

Might've worked, they did take a very early inhib...



Originally posted by BirbyBun

All I wanted was the W, Phreak! ;(

Yeah but have you thought about me too?


Originally posted by CircleCircleHimself

I played against Phreak in a 5 man flex game against the very same players you just played against. Game was super close, but he popped the hell off and 1v9ed for his team. Some of my team were even popping jokes with him and he typed back every time. Super chill guy who just loves to have fun!



Originally posted by guilty_bystander

He had that line ready for either team, I'm sure.

Nah, thought of it in the moment. Not sure it was the right time, it was 3-2 after all, but very rarely is anything I say thought of before the game.

22 Aug


That's very healthy. I hope you have a great experience with your next game.

Originally posted by 1einspieler

Oh ok, so Soaz‘ Worlds penta doesn‘t count here

Yes, same with Wunder Ryze pentakill, only LEC

Originally posted by 1einspieler

Bb, Whiteknight, Odo, Expect, Soaz, who else got pentas?

So, based on our data, it was BB, Whiteknight, Odo and Expect.

Originally posted by puberty1

you know, i always complain about lec riding their narratives too much, but today they're 100% allowed. give me old kings, legacy, fnc rekkles, everything, inject into my vains lec production

You don't know what you've just started...


Originally posted by Ozaiko

Can't you just make a mini-rework like Irelia one ? Adjusting a lot of numbers to shift the power of her kit. Aurelion and Taliyah really need something... They have been in a weird spot forever...

We have tried Irelia and Xin-Zhao esque reworks to her in the part but they haven't found as much success unfortunately. I agree they do need something its just a matter of finding the time and resources.


Originally posted by Hector_01

Then we have Swain with .4% pickrate Midlane. You know the 'midlaner' that's been mini reworked twice to get him back there and into higher elos, but ended being a crappy cheese support in very low elo and a kinda pretty successful APC (only with certain supports) but a very low pickrate.

Swain is in a pretty similar spot as Taliyah. Very unpopular but one of the highest winrates in the game so that limits us on what we can do. Likely would also need larger-scope work to have a chance at making significant pickrate and satisfaction gains.

21 Aug


Ill say this first since it always comes up but- its clear winrate is not the only important stat when evaluating a champion. With that being said it is a huge limiting factor in what we can do. Taliyah's winrate is already in a spot where there is not a lot we can do with her to give her satisfaction without giving her power. We did the closest we could in opening her back up to being a jungler earlier this year, where as before she was only a mid laner and even more unpopular than she is now. Opening her up to jungler gave her a boost in playrate and it seems Taliyah players overall enjoy her more in the jungle for a variety of reasons. Beyond, the champion is unfortunately just genuinely unpopular. This could be for a variety of reasons, but the fact remains true. We have tried small changes to solve it but couldn't get anything to stick. I think at this point its clear to get a big increase in pick rate she would require some large-scale work which is difficult to find time for...

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Important: Taliyah mid isn't balanced around jungle, it's balanced around Taliyah mid (her winrate there is incredibly high and has been for years).


Originally posted by _Hiram

Thank you for your contribution. I can understand that you don't want to strictly put a champion into one class, because in many cases only one class doesn't fit.

What I was trying say is, that imo Tahm Kench went from a pure support warden to a solo lane vanguard (Just look at pro play, he went from support to toplane almost exclusively). We have 6 champions (Tahm included) that are primarily classified Warden, while we have 14 Vanguards. I see that many Vanguards have Warden attributes, but it works the same the other way around (Poppy E, Galio E, even Braum can Flash R), but that doesn't make them Vanguard. Your examples are primarily Vanguards that excell in engaging, but can also peel with hard CC.

Of course it is possible to use your hard CC reactively and thus guarding your carry, but if you do that, you possibly lose a better opportunity like locking down an enemy carry.

I just like champions that are better defending than they ar...

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I hear you on the pain point there. I think Kench was always going to have to change more than Kench enthusiasts wanted, but losing a support is painful and he's definitely less Warden than he was before.


Originally posted by Xenton

The labels like "Warden" and so on are tenuous and arbitrary at best and deciding who fits where is splitting hairs.

I've noticed you've had people give examples like Thresh or Rell in the comments, only to have you say "They're not Wardens, they're XYZ", which I think misses the point.

As much as anything else, Warden is a playstyle, not a defining characteristic of a champion, beyond a kit that says "This champ can be played as a warden".

Leona, Maokai, Galio, Rell, Thresh, Poppy, Shen, etc.

Yes, some of these champs can "Engage", but all of them punish aggresive plays made against them. You dive a poppy or a leona and you suffer for it, you ignore a shen and you suffer for it. All of these champs can be played effectively in a defensive style, so too can the examples you've given be played aggressively (Taric ulting yi to initiate a teamfight, for example).

If there's something you think the game is missing, don't use buzz words; describe ...

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I want to piggyback off this a little.

We don't make that many 'pure' class members (ADCs being probably the biggest exception?) - that's not really what our classes are for. The classes give us a starting point for strengths and weaknesses that we know works for League of Legends. For actual champion projects, the trick is finding what's going to be special for them - which generally means what they do that's different from the most similar champions, and thus is often a non-class strength - and then figuring out what that means they have to give up, and figuring out how to strike the right balance from a feels perspective.

Darius and Mordekaiser are about as pure Juggernaut as you can get, but when we went to make Sett ("Grappler" as a prototype), it was always clear that he was going to be somewhere between Juggernaut and one of the tank subclasses. If you want to play the Juggernaut, pick Darius. If you want a different experience or need a di...

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Question, what happens when we do a monologue for both teams? Do they just tie then?