League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Aug


Originally posted by _AIQ_

I do not (or at least "hope not") think that Riot is reducing it to 1 a year. This year was unique because of Covid and because of their dislike of VGUs in general they were put on the back burner.

VU IMO are very important in that a EZ/Morg level update would help so many champions feel better.

VGUs on the other hand just need to be peeled like a bandaid. Riot just needs to do it and get them over with.

Corki, Shyvana, Shaco, Quinn etc... they know the list already, just do it and complete it. VUs will always be accepted better than VGUs as no one will generally complain that Chogath is changed from the 2009 pixel mess he is now to an actual void creature that does the same thing kit-wise.

Riot needs to weigh the opportunity cost of losing half of a .5% play rate champion and realize the amount of players they could get instead if the champions fantasy was more modern. They need to stop making excuses that they "care" about the players of those c...

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Just to be clear, we don't dislike VGUs. We're facing two issues that limit how many we can/want to do at a time, though:

1) They cause churn among existing players of the champions. Even the respectful, lower disruption ones cause some players of the champion to quit. Everyone wants more VGUs of the champions they don't play, but few people want their main's gameplay to change meaningfully (except when it'd be a revert of a previous mini-update or something). We need to bear in mind that while a well-executed VGU gives something cool to play with, it also takes something away that someone loved.

2) They're far more costly than a new champion due to updating all of the skins. And yes, we do see a sales spike on those skins... but not nearly what we'd see just doing the same number of new skins. This cost is largely on the art side, so shipping VUs instead of VGUs doesn't help us much here. (And yeah, I get the "smol indie company" memes, but the reality of ...

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Originally posted by mazrrim

while this is much appreciated could you consider a more active version like empowered ws (q hitting then w) removing and giving protection from grievous for the duration.

This isn't going to change grievous wounds being instantly re-applied allowing for healing to be a dedicated playstyle, it just makes the ult much bigger.

Numbers should go down on healing to compensate for this but it makes the entire game feel less like not getting to play when all your kit is cut by 60%.

Also healing items are basically still bugged and dont apply properly to work on the same statline as grievous wounds

Grievous wounds isn't cancelled out additively in the same stat line as healing bonus as you might expect

60 healing reduction isn't changed to 25% healing reduction with 35% bonus

If you would heal 100 you heal 100x0.4x1.35 = 54 instead of 100 x 0.75 =75

This means all items like ardent and staff feel awful to buy.

We tested that Q/W change last week, and it had the unfortunate effect of making the counterplay extremely unclear.

The R change felt more reasonable - it's giving Soraka a tool to deal with her counter-mechanic, but gated in an appropriate fashion (long cooldown).


Originally posted by mazrrim

Please PLEASE let me play around grievous wounds as soraka , I have been unable to play her in d2-masters elo ever without it feeling like I am trolling after enemy rushes these items plus ignite at 60%

I would not say we think Grievous Wounds is in an optimal state - we do want to revisit the system. In the meantime, we're going to change Dr. Mundo and Soraka to smooth them out a bit given the counter items available. The goal is to increase performance when GW is applied to them, and slightly reduce it otherwise.

A fair amount of champions invest heavily in healing; these two, more than others, are entirely built around healing as the output they actually offer. This is contrast to say, Aatrox, Vladimir, or Swain, who definitely care about healing but have a lot of healing-independent offensive outputs to give their team.


Astral Infusion (W)

Heal :: 100/135/170/205/240 >>> 100/130/160/190/220

Wish (R)

[NEW] Clears Grievous Wounds on Allies before applying the Heal.

Dr. Mundo

Maximum Dosage (R )

Heals 20% of missing HP >>> Gains 15/20/25% of missing HP as Bonus HP

Heals 20/45/70% of max HP ov...

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Originally posted by prxncebubblegum

can we see how are Seraphine and Evelynn doing there?


Originally posted by thelastskull

I've had low spec mode on since before the patch, I also checked if it was still on after the update (which it was), and also tried turning it off then on to see if it made any difference, but I still keep having this issue.

Sadge. Could you DM me you league client logs?


Originally posted by YungDariusA

I'm already using low spec mode and it doesnt change anything.

Darn. Would you be able to DM me you league client logs?


Originally posted by Hatiimm

does not work. my client is already in low-spec mode.

one thing I noticed is that the rune animations and sound effects are enabled even in low-spec mode and that's what might be causing the bug. before the 11.17 update these features were disabled according to the low-spec settings, now i can't turn them off.

Bummer! Okay, would you be able to DM me your league client logs?


Originally posted by AscendedMagi

I do... I use Garena though, maybe it is connected with that issue? Really thankful for a rioter to reply to me.

Bummer! Okay, would you be able to DM me your league client logs?


Originally posted by AscendedMagi

  • Server: SEA
  • Type of Bug: Client
  • Description: Session expired

Apart from the multitude of problems the new client has, it also inexpicably expires session? In game there's literally nothing wrong but the client is so broken that the session expired is much more frequent like every game after or even just opening the client

  • Video Screenshot: open client, wait for session expired
  • Steps to reproduce: Open client
  • Expected result: The client stays open
  • Observed result: Session expires warning appears so frequent
  • Reproduction rate: 10/10 Happens when logging in or after every game
  • System specs: AMD v160 processor, ATI Mobility Radeon 4200, Windows 10 64bit

This usually happens when the client tries to connect repeatedly over 5 minutes and if it can't secure a connection after that time, it will show the session expired modal. Do you have a stable internet connection?


Originally posted by YungDariusA

Server: Euw

Type of Bug: Client

Description: Runes page lags the entire client

Steps to reproduce: Start any game mode and open rune page

Expected result: The runes page loads correctly in the normal and allows the player to change them with no lag or delay.

Observed result: The runes page takes a lot of time to load and lags the client

Reproduction rate: 100%

System specs: I5, GT 1030, 8GB RAM, Windows 10

We think low-spec mode might be a solution to this while we dig into this deeper. Could you let me know if this works?


Originally posted by HinoXLR

- **Server:** LAN (Also happends in LAS)

- **Type of Bug:** Client

- **Description:** In champ select or colection the rune section just freezes, or works with an absurd delay.

- **Video / Screenshot:** https://prnt.sc/1qmy1ff

- **Steps to reproduce:** First launch the client, after that, try to modify your runes on both runepage editor (Champ Select/Colection).

- **Expected result:** Change the runes fast and properly.

- **Observed result:** It begins to freeze until the champ select timer ends, or just work absurdly slow if on colection.

- **Reproduction rate:** 10/10

- **System specs:** Intel Celeron, Win10, 4GB RAM

We think low-spec mode might be a solution to this while we dig into this deeper. Could you let me know if this works?


Originally posted by Hatiimm

Server: BR

Type of Bug: Client

Description: In both champion select or in the runes section of the client, the whole game freezes and takes about 30 seconds to let me interact with the runes and change them, and any click or interaction with it has a MASSIVE delay. Also The spoil window is on an infinite loading screen not allowing you to see any available item fragments

Steps to reproduce: Go into any game of SR or ARAM and edit runes, or go to the runes page within the client and try to edit them. Open the spoil window

Expected result: The runes page loads correctly in the normal and allows the player to change them with no lag or delay. The spoil window load correctly.

Observed result: The runes page takes a Massive amount of time to load and lags the whole game. The Spoil window does'nt load.

Reproduction rate: 100%

System specs: Intel Celeron, 2GB RAM, Windows 10

We think low-spec mode might be a solution to this while we dig into this deeper. Could you let me know if this works?


Originally posted by thelastskull

  • Server: LAS
  • Type of Bug: Client
  • Description: In both champion select or in the runes section of the client, the whole game freezes and takes about 30 seconds to let me interact with the runes and change them, and any click or interaction with it has a delay.
  • Steps to reproduce: Go into any game of SR or ARAM and edit runes, or go to the runes page within the client and try to edit them.
  • Expected result: The runes page loads correctly in the normal and allows the player to change them with no lag or delay.
  • Observed result: The runes page takes a lot of time to load and lags the whole game.
  • Reproduction rate: 100%
  • System specs: Intel Celeron, 4GB RAM, Windows 10

We think low-spec mode might be a solution to this while we dig into this deeper. Could you let me know if this works?


Edit: excuse the formatting from phone :-(

Decay at apex tiers is super unforgiving. It’s something we have on the roadmap to address.

Transparently it’s more to give you a bigger window of decay prevention after decaying out of Master to Diamond, but we can look at the banked days.

Just a reminder for those that aren’t sure what OP is discussing:


When you enter a division with Decay active, you’ll be given a number of Banked Days. At the end of each day, your number of Banked Days will decrease by 1, and if you don’t have any, you’ll lose LP instead. However, you can earn more Banked Days by playing games. The amount of Days you get per win, and how much LP you lose when you decay, differs by rank:


Banked Days per Game: 1 Maximum Banked Days: 10 Initial Days Before Decay: 10 LP Lost on Decay: 250 FOR DIAMOND:

Banked Days per Game: 7 Maximum Banked Days: 28 Initial Days ...

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29 Aug


Originally posted by dracdliwasiAN

Pretty weirdchamp, ngl

ya, and?


Originally posted by LongLeggedLimbo

Damn I missed Ender

missed u too

Originally posted by shekurika

how are you verified? :O

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJpCdhfX8pM&t=5s - here you can see me break the news of the Summer script to Drakos and Vedius

Originally posted by shekurika

how are you verified? :O

I'm the Broadcast Writer for the LEC :)

Oh no, they’re on to me...


Originally posted by Dm_Me_TwistedFateR34

Because instead of deleting it they buffed it into being the only viable Shyv build

It’s still weaker than multiple versions of bruiser builds but go off.