League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Jun


Originally posted by AquaticSnail

It's the legendary riot cobblestone who bailed my ass out in my one of my plat demotion games.

You're a beast. I owe you.

I banned skarner the next queue though, I hope it wasn't you who dodged?

Haha, I never requeue immediately or requeue when someone dodges precisely because that's the only time Skarner ever gets banned. I always wait a minute or two to make sure I get different players :-P


Originally posted by Rainman_Johnson

So you boosted with a pie to try to get an early whip from an Abby Demon?

I'm sure you know, but for those that don't know the dagger is a 1/32,000 chance to get it to drop from a normal Abyssal demon, and considering you can only kill a few at a time because you only have a minute until the boost from the pie wears off, that's insane RNG.

Yeah I pied up going for a whip and lucked out lol


Originally posted by Boudac123

Rest in peace sanguini blade o7



You can play if you completed ranked placements last season as well as this season.


Originally posted by RuneKatashima

This feels correct.

Them's the brain weasels talking to ya.

There's a skin line idea in this comment somewhere....


We are back! I hope you guys enjoy.


Originally posted by Vicinitiez

What's motw?

Match of the Week


Originally posted by Beatnation

Not a single shot of my boy Adam, damn...

Check MOTW in an hour.


Originally posted by DoYouWantToPayThe1

Will other items like Sanguine be removed. I'm thinking of those like Navori Quickblade which are also kind of niche or those like Silvermere Dawn which are not really built.

They're all candidates for more work or removal generally


Originally posted by patmax17

Please tell me you're on the skins team xD

No, I just harass the skins team with horrible meme skin line ideas on a regular basis.

They tolerate me though. We got a good thing goin.


Originally posted by Ganadote

Theyโ€™re not there until you use an ability or someone gets near them, in which case you see a finger slowly digging itself out of the dirt.

Yes. Yes this.


Originally posted by Asgard_Teight

Hey do you know something about "leash range on monsters highlighting" in jungle? No news since announcing it in April 30.

Not sure where that is right now, sorry. Are you interested in having that in?


Originally posted by RiotSmileyjoe

You son of a bitch, I'm in ๐Ÿ‘‰

Please dont tell finance I said that.


Originally posted by Riot_Jetsetradi0

I would pay my entire paycheck to have this as both a Skarner and a Seraphine skin. This is an absolute triumph of the arts.

You son of a bitch, I'm in ๐Ÿ‘‰


Originally posted by BEEFTANK_Jr

both a Skarner and a Seraphine skin

Typical Riot making skins for different champions that look the same.

I'll make you a deal. Buying the skin once unlocks it for both champions, but you just never know which champ you're playing until the match starts.

I feel like if any skin deserves a monkey's paw curse....it's this one.


Originally posted by MagentaHawk

Could be a fun/horrible feature where players don't know which champ you are playing until your first ability is thrown out. Or I guess if the pillars are there. Nm, I'm an idiot, lol.

What if, and hear me out, what if....what if the finger crystals were just always there. On every game of SR...no matter what champs you had? I think this would be good. This feels correct.


Originally posted by CaptainScags

When you are capturing it, instead of the channel animation, you dance

I was also thinking that if you are near it and not facing it, the finger would slowly bend down and try to touch you - then immediately return to normal if you turn to face it.


Originally posted by Makdog21


The crystal pillars could be giant fingers....this is just the gift that keeps on giving in my head.


Me yesterday: I'm a Seraphine main.

Me today: I'm a Skarner main.