EU mids? Nah eu casters man... 😍
EU mids? Nah eu casters man... 😍
I'll be doing a full video over it. The nitty gritty though, I simply contacted Swimbananas, her dm's are literally open on twitter. Ultimately whenever someone tells me they are something or someone I go with it for their sake and if they continue to be around me I try and get the truth on the matter. I worked with rioters, got their approval and we were good to go! Truth is, I never believed her in the first place.
Edit: It also doesn't help there is a Riot Lily and Riot Lilith with one L. There's no way Riot would be okay with such a similar name.
I'm not an expert on the topic, but I don't think there's much (if any) policy around "similarity of Rioter names." There are at least two Riot Penguins, and probably a variety of other similar and/or exact match Riot names. Situations where that matters just don't really come up (the only situation I can think of was some humorous confusion around which Riot Penguin was being referenced in a random normal game I was playing).
I'm reading the twitlonger too...
Claims were made not long ago that I am not actually a Rioter, with "evidence" to prove that. The problem here lies that this "evidence" is not verifiable, where as my credentials are. Furthermore, there was even someone making their own claim of being a Rioter as well who did not have credentials. With the additional research done by myself, a few trusted individuals as well as my own superior within Riot, we have found that there is no tie to Riot Games from this individual making these claims.
Is the "fake Rioter" accusing Mel of being fake? Like, one of the more recognizable non-caster Rioters? Is that really what that Twitlonger is saying? If that's the case I'm flabbergasted but I'm so down for this rollercoaster
yes. thats what that says.
Why is kaisa in pro play bothering riot so much? f**king orianna has been picked in pro play for years and they sont nerf her. And we havent seen zed or talon in pro play for years..why not buff them? And what is worse kaisa is one of the most exciting adcs to watch(same thing with talon and zed) while it doesnt get much more borning than f**king orianna
Orianna was just nerfed in 11.8 with a specific target in pro play. We do not balance the entire game around pro play, but if a champion is extremely highly contested in pro that is the basis for a nerf as highlighted in this balance framework which outlines the how we decide to nerf/buff.
Ravenous Hunter (and while you're at it, Ravenous Hydra as well), ALL of the legend runes and wards.
thanks for the response
The omnivamp ones were because the way we calculate omnivamp got changed and with that the tooltips went bye bye. I can look into working up a solution to get them back. The legend ones I've noticed being weird myself, I'll take a look to see what's up.
I don’t disagree with this line of thinking. But hiding those changes as “buffs” is just a really bad way of communicating those types of potential changes.
Like you guys did with the most recent Senna changes, just have a separate page in the patch preview that lists the changes and some logic that explains what the changes aim to do. If it’s a net buff overall but requires shifting power from X to Y for consistency which allows for base stats/dmg buffs elsewhere, then communicate it as such and I think people will be more than understanding!
It’s really bad that we at the Aphelios mains subreddit needed to demonstrate to the community using math and charts that some of the changes listed under the buffs were not buffs at all but were straight nerfs. I think if most of the Aphelios mains subreddit saw the changes with your comments as context, they would have been more on board with it.
Yeah this is great feedback. I think the way it (previously) was communicated went like this:
Designer sets a target for the list (example: +2% winrate in SoloQ, +0% presence for pro)
Designer writes a big list that includes general buffs and some compensation nerfs that are pro-skewed
Gets shipped off to patch notes team, twitter, or localization and stuff and is read as a buff because that was the goal/target (Aphelios is underpowered, make him better).
Gets published as a Buff to players even if some of the lines aren't buffs, because the general list is a buff.
Yes thank you for removing the huge chakram AA DPS nerfs. If you actually think those are warranted, please have a separate change log about the logic behind shifting power from X to Y in his kit. Having those nerfs listed under buffs was just grossly dishonest. I’m hoping it was just an oversight in how the tentative changes were communicated to us!
The general idea was to reduce Aphelios's highest end power (which was chakram + severum), and shift the power back towards baseline (AD scaling+MR) and some weaker stuff (turret damage), in order to bring up his SoloQ winrate without influencing his pro (highest level) play power. My assumption is that the Chakram changes got pulled after his pro priority has looked low enough that the Severum change should be sufficient.
The philosophy is that if only some guns are "viable" X amount of the time, his win-rate will rest too low relative to his pro viability, making him tough to buff and evaluate the power of. So this list should flatten the guns a bit but not as drastically as the list that was communicated previously.
the patch notes are a very different change from what they initially said, its a lot closer to a buff than how they originally stated it tbh
Yeah this overall should be pretty significant. .6 AD growth in itself is pretty large and the MR should help a lot for a number of matchups bottom lane and mitigate a bit of jungle/mid burst.
PLEASE FIX THE RUNE TOOLTIP BUGS, they've been going on for several patches now
surely this isn't such a huge ask right?
Which ones are these again? I can check to make sure they are on the radar
Simplest answer: how do we want this champion to be subject to attrition? Are they easily pokeable (like most melee) and so their resource gating is on Health, instead of say mana?
Longer answer: what will feel right for this champion? Every champion has to be balanced, and being resourceless is almost always a large amount of power that they'll have to pay for somehow.
For example, Katarina definitely benefits from being resourceless in terms of being able to farm for a long period of time, but as a result the poke power of her Q is just really low (as otherwise she would be too overbearing in the attrition war). So she gets more tools to scale in exchange for decreased personal snowball power in lane.
As with a lot of design decisions, it's hard to say that's objectively good or bad - there's tradeoffs - but ideally it fits the play experience that Kat players are looking for.
whole balance team smurfing lately, now buff ap items
okay but only because you're being nice
"Mages are totally viable" no they're not.
Cassio, Swain and Ziggs are viable bot. Most other options were nerfed out (Syndra, Seraphine) or just are not viable in Duo exp lanes.
That's like saying ADC are viable top and mid because Vayne and Lucian see play in there and Kalista had a momentary stint top.
Syndra was never actually "strong" if you measured solo queue win rates. Syndra herself didn't even have bot lane focused changes. Seraphine is plenty viable. Over the last 30 days her bot lane win rate is substantially higher than mid/support. Ziggs is also higher in bot than mid, though the sample isn't that high (14k games bot), which means the bottom end of the variance is "just as good."
This might sound like flame but it's not: How do you actually determine that a champion is bad / non viable? Do you just play one game and lose and say, "Yep, Seraphine is trash" or do you do anything objective at all?
Hey Reav3 would know who is taking over the yordle mage now that lutz parted ways with riot
Very much on the radar.
I love NA
Yeah, my bad, I heard it from a video a long time ago and paraphrased. For all I know it could be something someone in a video made up, I should have checked more for info.
You're not technically wrong. Just worth clearing up for the majority of players reading this who didn't play League in 2009 or earlier.
Riot tried to make other picks in bot lane strong.
Bot players had an aneurysm because sometimes they saw something else than ADC and complained so much that Riot reverted the changes.
Even then mages bot are strong. But people dont want them. Botlaners like ADCs, mage players want mid.
Riot didn't revert the all changes, though.
Marksmen still have very low HP regen because that's what internal playtests identified as the major problem for mages: That they couldn't sustain as well and thus got pushed out of lane (I'm sure Doran's Blade is a big part of this).
Let's be clear: Mages are totally viable in bottom lane. Swain was my 1st or 2nd most played on my road to Diamond last season but there are others who are strong as well.
As always, popularity does not necessarily imply strength. Bot laners are used to playing marksmen, so that's what they play. Thankfully, I'm not a typical ADC fan, I'm a bot lane enjoyer and that means I'll feed on Yasuo in three different lanes.
Regarding the timing of the upgrade, if there's space for a 2nd NLR in inventory, you're in a fine spot: 1250g for 60 ap is better than 1350g for 57.8 ap. Then the further upside is better.
not quite since mythic passives exist. i would very much argue for the 5 magic pen being more valuable than the ~150g more efficiency on rod vs seraph.
though overall i would agree with the rabadons path being better unless the window during which seraph is finished while rabadons isnt ends up losing a big fight or something.
Valid for sure. But yeah, Rabadon's is great.
Also YES THATS POTENTISLLY STH RIOT WANT TO CHANGE. Back in the day recalling (backing) was a spell and everyone took it, so they made it its own thing. They couñd do the same with flash (though it may break some champs like shakko and singed to have always flash).
You say "back in the day" like that wasn't pre-closed beta. That's not really a fair argument to be like, "They were still discovering which game mechanics worked, so maybe they'll go back in time to before they knew what would make League good."