League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Jun


Originally posted by MrVsbi

Just let Quickshot cast alone please

Out of interest what specifically did you dislike. I thought Guldborg did very well for his first LEC casts and we already have some ideas of where to develop, like every new caster there is a ramp up in skills as well as familiarity with fans. It's normal when anything or anyone new is introduced.


Appreciate you posting this. Did it happen after you used your ultimate and Fiora possibly used W to block it? That's what my guess is and I'll look at it Monday :)

12 Jun


Originally posted by darkacesp

What about Lucian? Seems like he’s very much just left bot lane for mid and has more success there.

Realize Riot did nerf him, but mid feels more and more where I see him.

It happens, champions migrate lanes. Nocturne for example used to be almost only a jungler but now he is very much in solo lanes. We hold more stricter goals for new champions as well as champions we are actively making changes to, but it's simply impossible to enforce strict goals for every existing champion in the game. If we deemed that Lucian mid/top was unhealthy for a specific reason or perhaps it became a pro play problem, then that might lead us to make some changes.


Originally posted by peldazac

I was happy when they said Ender was leaving LEC, but i still have to see him and his ears??

Im wearing a headset you doofus

Originally posted by dracdliwasiAN

Game of Thones, LEC Kings and Dynasties...I see the connection.

Looking forward to it!

Clash of Kings


Originally posted by dracdliwasiAN

Laure, that was such a good segment, I love how confident you sound and look!


Originally posted by dracdliwasiAN

So u/THELECScriptwriter, that script looked quite beefy with several pages. Surely there's not more roster swaps mid-season right?

Perhaps you could bring Alphari back to LEC?

We got some extra episodes from the last season of Game of Thrones.

So, expect more plot-twists.


Originally posted by DSThresh

what about vayne lucian kalista mid/toplane ?

Depends on the champ. As long as they aren't overpowered or dominant for the most part they aren't that bad. Most only exist as niche counterpicks anyway, which will always exist. Something like Kalista might be a problem because Kalista in a solo lane does not utilize a large portion of her kit, for example her passive on W and for the most part her R. If a champion is functioning without some of their abilities that is likely not something we want, so we might look to make changes to help rectify that.


Originally posted by 4716202

Did the LCS stop taking reddit comments for the broadcast? interesting. Wonder why lol

It's new tech and we're still learning how to consistently implement it in the best way. We're still on the lookout for reddit comments.


Originally posted by GreyWolfx

I wish you guys would just let things be good in weirdly unexpected and unintuitive ways. Some of the most fun I had in this game was ages ago by looking for really strong, weird stuff and taking advantage of the fact that other people weren't recognizing it as being as good simply because it was unintuitive. These days though, if something is good but "not intended" it will get nerfed promptly into a sub 50 winrate position to put an end to the fun before it starts. It's just a boring philosophy and discourages creativity and "treasure hunting" or looking for cool shit no one else has found yet and getting rewarded for a while until the rest discover it as well (probably from watching you pop off with it.)

I definitely find myself yearning for the days of old sometimes, I used to love playing Sona mid for example. I think a lot of the problem here stems from how hyper-optimized the game is now. Its great that everyone has reliable, easy access to really accurate data sources for just about everything for league, but one of the downsides is that often when something "unexpected" becomes even remotely strong, it completely takes over the meta. Good recent examples of this are Soraka/Sona top. Plenty of really strong, quirky stuff still exists out there I assure you, but the problem usually comes when it becomes optimal because then it tends to start causing problems.


Originally posted by DSThresh

what about mage champs on bot/top and adc champs on mid/top ?

We definitely allow for some level of flexbility, where they become a problem is where they harm the overall health of the game and create problems. Ziggs and some other mages being playable bot occasionally? probably not a big deal. Mages being so good that they completely replace marksman bot lane? Definitely a problem because its invalidating the marksman class.


Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

the other guy worded things to heavily insinuate that Riot demands things be exactly how they plan. X champion MUST be Y role, no exceptions. Which, he's not wrong. Riot very much tries to enforce things like "Janna is a support, nothing else". But they also allow natural evolution to champions, like Zyra literally only being a Midlaner, her intended role, when she's batshit OP, and instead is one of the main Mage Supports.

Granted, a lot of that falls apart when you see Seraphine or Viego being played more in their non-intended roles, and seeing better success there. Or Sett, the master of Quadraflexing.

Yeah we allow for some level of flexibility for sure, as long as its not game-breaking or unhealthy. Something like Viego mid or top being comprable to jungle isn't that unhealthy, but obviously if something like Yuumi jungle was good there would be clear gameplay problems.

11 Jun


Originally posted by ChangeMyUsername

Would you guys ever consider making something like Odyssey/Star Guardians a full length roguelite game akin to something like Hades? If I could play League gameplay without going thru pvp I legitimately would not ever play anything else.

Riot's certainly open to making other games, that's not my area of expertise at work though, I'm just focused on the LoL and TFT side of things, so I'll leave any future games discussion to the teams in R&D :)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

That Sylas tech paying off :)


Originally posted by gusky651

Same! Kinda related question: as a Rioter, is it hard for you to avoid spoilers related to content made by Riot?

I can only speak from my experience, since it depends a little bit on what you're working on, but generally Rioters are super respectful of not spoiling stuff unless someone wants it spoiled. We're all players and fans at heart, so most teams help you preserve the magic if that's what you want!


I ran a game of Shen with Lissandra R (could have picked Kayle R too). You don't know how great it feels to Shen R + Taunt + Shen W + Locket + Lissandra R to completely deny someone from killing an ally. Looking back, Kayle R may have been even better.


Originally posted by Nikushaa

zoe ult is gonna be really good, imagine it on someone like skarner or leblanc

Skarner + ZoeR is so rude and hilarious.

I actually really enjoyed it on Vladimir. It amplifies his laning annoyingness up so much with having reliable empowered Qs.


Originally posted by xMetix

Why the One For All game pacing instead of traditional Summoner's Rift? Do casual players prefer it that way? Seems like it makes the mode less complex and gets boring quicker for no reason.

OFA pacing was a short hand way of stating what the pacing is, but it's fairly different in a lot of ways. You do start at level 3, but levels 3, 4, and 5 take a bit longer to rank up leading to more of a laning phase than what OFA has.

You also get your summoner ultimate near immediately (~2:15s initial cooldown). So, before level 6, you're effectively playing your champion's base kit with someone else's ultimate. Which means you still have to very much think about how your lane matchup might go. Starting level 3 helps mitigate a lot of the worst cases that generates.


Have you really PLAYED League of Legends if you haven't Blitzcrank hooked someone then Lee Sin kicked them into your fountain?