League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Jan


Originally posted by Pretogues

Oof... Your answers to this topic always give a "League is a business first" vibe. I feel like you're missing the point of what having 12-year-old models walking around the Rift does to the overall perceived quality of the game and brand. Most of your competitors have gone through entire engine changes (Smite, CS, Dota2). League ends up looking cheap/low budget in comparison. Imagine playing Counter-Strike Go 2 with some 1.6 gun models mixed in-between the modern ones. That's what playing with a Zilean on my team feels like.

I also imagine it's far less appealing to buy skins for old models too (Malphite will ALWAYS look like a nose regardless of skin). I dare you to show Corporate Mundo sales before and after the update. It also can't be good for newcomers. Think of all the people who watched Arcane or the new cinematic getting into the game only to find Jayce, Viktor, Vi, Ashe, and Tryndamere looking like LEGOs in-game. There is no way you're saying that from a business s...

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Skins don't see uplift sales after updates, Coporate Mundo included. Its next to nothing compared to a new skin on the crustiest champion.

Mostly because those who want Corporate Mundo already have it ^^' they do not need to re-buy after an update.


Originally posted by AobaSona

I'm sorry but hearing this is infuriating. Champions are getting updated designs in places like Legends of Runeterra, Wild Rift, cinematics, but League, the original game and source material for everything, is just left with ugly outdated and sometimes NON-CANON version of the champions?

This shouldn't be acceptable. It should honestly be considered a responsability Riot has with the community, not a favor. The "goodwill and sentiment" you get should be a bonus reward, not the whole point.

I'm sorry if I'm being rude but like I said, it's so frustrating to read. I care so much about the champions and their lore and visuals and IP and everything surrounding those characters and world, and to hear that Riot doesn't care unless it's gonna get them enough money is legitimately heartbreaking.

We do the updates because we care. Last year we updated Asol, Ahri, Jax and a handful of midscopes.

I'm trying to point out the reality of "can we get 10 updates a year" etc.


Originally posted by AobaSona

Have you considered porting models from Wild Rift, just with better textures? I don't mean the showcase ones, certain champions like Syndra and Lulu actually have new in-game models too.

I really think Riot should consider some kind of visual update besides a full ASU. Something I've been thinking for a while is that for champions who already have decent animations, they could get texture updates + the addition of face animations, and model/texture/ tweaks.

For example: Jinx, Diana, Varus, Nidalee. Their rig and animations are already decent, but they're still outdated compared to more recent champions. Some of those would need new splashes and VO, but some like Nidalee who got one recently wouldn't.

We have considered it and experimenting! It's not as easy as taking it and just putting it in.
I think the bet analogy would be early day google translate. You can write in language and then the translator will spit out somewhat similar thing in a different language, but it doesn't really work and will need someone to comb through it and figure out what is wrong and what the original person is trying to say. Sometimes it saves time... sometimes you are better off rewriting everything.
We are still bottlenecked by some disciplines that are usually short. Thus, we are looking at ones that require lower work from those disciplines. Trying to figure out what works and what doesn't...what might be better vs worse.


Originally posted by Neblinio

Can you give an example of a recent VU/ASU for a popular champion? did Ahri see a significant uptick in players mid or long term? cause if she didn't, what can we expect of unpopular champions' VU/ASU?

Ahri and Jax both saw 1-2 patches of players trying the champion and then return to base line.
The biggest impact was probably Asol! He has a much better baseline now compared to previous (though currently still in the yorick and even slightly lower depth than velkox) and we don't worry about pro issues as much.
However, the amount of champion that has an S tier theme and is heavily held back by their design is minimal.
Evelynn, Warwick and Akali are probably the champions that were the biggest winners from VGUs. But even that the engagements doesn't compare to releases like Kai'Sa, Senna, Kayne and Sett.


Originally posted by cxrtoonz0

The reality is, no update on a single champion will move the needle for a player to come back, engage in the game more etc

This sounds so blatantly made up just like Phreak's basement cherry picked stats.

We did pretty heavy analysis for multiple updates. Most will try out the update for one or two patches and return to the champion they love best.


Originally posted by NickyBoiYT2

Any status on if/when LPP applications will be re-opening? Been wanting to apply for years now :(

Hey Nicky! <3 Hope you are doing well!

We recently updated the webpage with a more current timeline. Right now it just says "early 2024."

This page goes over a bit more of WHY its been closed for so long, but high level- we didn't hit our goals of 2021 when we first updated the page. There was a lot more we needed to get ready before we could open them back up and we underestimated how long that would take. https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-au/event/league-of-legends-partner-program/

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Originally posted by degenspawn

Hey there! I'm not sure if this is the place to ask, but what's the best way to get your foot in the door into game dev, especially as someone whose education and/or experience is only tangentially related?

The best answer to this question is honestly going to be "it depends". There's so many different paths into the industry that it's kind of hard to nail down a "this is the way".

The best advice any of us of our respective crafts can give you is just... start doing the thing you want to be an expert in, and learn everything there is about it. Want to be an artist? start making art. Want to be a game design? Start making stuff.
Literally start creating stuff or practicing the craft.

It may work out, or it may not, but if you don't start doing the thing you want to do, then it's never going to just come to you. Just because you're in something now, doesn't mean you can't change. Pretty sure all of us can name someone who was in a different career field before they just popped into games.


Originally posted by SkeletonJakk

Getting to see a little bit into the thought process of the how & why is really interesting here.

Appreciate the League Team for doing this AMA.

To be honest, if updates were a grand slam in terms of engagement (players coming back to play them, continue playing them, uptick in players in longterm of playing them), I do think there will be a lot bigger draw to doing them. Unfortunately, we have done enough of them to see that they may uptick shortly but have no long term impact or even mid term impact.
It buys us goodwill and sentiment, but only on some reddit threads and twitter. Some countries are more change adverse than others


Originally posted by TurtleEpic

Hi, my main question is when will the support item be hotfixed? It's way too easy to abuse the item and will affect comp/pro if not fixed soon no?

Also is there any intention of ever adding VC to the game?

When will Vanguard be added to league? (already seen a few scripters)

Popping over here to cover the Vanguard question! I'll try and poke folks for the others.

Currently it's planned to be deployed with the 14.4 patch, but that could always change depending on development shenanigans. You should start seeing prompts to download and install Vanguard starting in 14.2 (also with the usual development things can change caveat).


Originally posted by Primerion-ken

But lexi, might i ask why we r getting way less content if so? Like what r we getting instead of all these cuts and fewer releases? We used to get 5 new champs, 3/4 vgus, and multiple NEW mods a year in 2016-2018

I think there are alot of factors.
1) We have higher and higher bar with higher organizational complexities. Discipline bars (engineering, art, design, sound etc etc) have all increased over the years thus it is harder and harder to do. Moreover, we just have more people to align (especially Lore wise) as multiple teams are working in the same universe.
2) Champs team had lots of veterans that we are branching out and helping re-staff other teams. Eg: Modes. We did refill those headcounts, so as time progress things might speed up. Teams need time to settle in and work well together.
3) Active decrease of champions. We actively decreased the amount of new champions each year because we were looking to staff up these other initiatives.

I don't know much about how we got to the point where there wasn't a modes team etc. That was before my time here :)


Originally posted by corbin_ch

Hi Riot Devs,

With the intention to introduce Vanguard to League, has a decision been made about Linux support in any capacity?

I understand that Linux is not currently supported by Riot, but the community has been able to keep it running well for many years now, and there's a growing worry that Vanguard will spell the end of this for us Linux users.

Thanks for taking the time!


Yeah you're right that currently we still don't support Linux and at least at the moment we don't have any plans for that to change. That's not to say that it will always be the case, it's just one of those harder decisions to make when it comes to supporting operating systems.

The impact from cheaters/scripter/botters has been pretty substantial over the years and Vanguard will put a massive damper on that. Unfortunately some fringe user cases like playing League on Linux will likely be stopped almost entirely in order to better combat the cheaters who want to ruin everyone else's time.

The ways that Linux users currently are accessing League will likely break and/or will no longer be able to play League. In order to continue playing League you'll need to migrate either to Windows or Mac. I know it's definitely not the answer you're looking for but unfortunately it's the only option for now. :(


Originally posted by Estraxior

I don't think there are lots of other companies or industries that will turn old releases into new ones without selling something or other

League is much more of a "changing" game than other games. So, it's more often that an old champion will stop meeting the needs/wants of the current playerbase. I feel like other games tend to have characters that fulfill this need throughout the lifetime of the game, thus a VGU isn't necessarily needed in those cases.

League's gameloop inherently creates the problem of needing champion VGUs so that old champions don't fall into irrelevancy. It's Riot's job to notice this issue, and not sweep it under the rug by saying "other games don't do it as often, you should be glad we're caring for you guys!"

I'm not trying to say that, I'm going to be real with you. Others are not doing it because there is very real cost and thus most companies would look for something in return (New game release that you would have to purchase, DLCs etc).

League is ultimately is a free game. If we pause everything to attempted to do this many reworks...I don't think we would be in business for very long. It also isn't sustainable.

Ex: If we scale up rapidly in this economy (when most companies are downsizing), sure we can support that for a couple of years. But what happens when all of the champions are updated? Where do these devs go then? Unlike other companies, Riot does not heavily let go their devs whenever projects release.
If we don't scale up rapidly, as we trickle in the update content... there is a very real question of which is more important and what tradeoffs we are making. Do the next couple of new hires go towards updates, or new mode, or new champion or new seaso...

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Originally posted by Salty-Prize-5347

Have you guys ever considered doing texture updates to base skins to modernize them without having to do a full asu?

For example just a better base texture for gragas so he doesn't look like a minecraft person, or updating base ekko's hair to be more like it is in arcane?

Feel like you could do a lot with just a little

We have done things like VFX and splash updates. However, some of these champions are pretty gnarly behind the scenes, thus if we were to update even textures...we would want to update everything if possible.


Originally posted by Zarathielis

The vastaya from freljord was described as mid range mage, what current mage would be considered mid range, sylas, ryze, annie?

And I really loved Hwei, I hope his designer Emizery will work on another new champion!

Last question: Will we get another champ roadmap in april? I really want to know more about how ambessa will play, I assume she will be a bruiser but so far no role etc has been announced so waiting for more info.

Also I loved the cinematic, great job!

I want to talk a bit more about the updates on deck in the next roadmap (Ex: Shyvana). Not sure when the best time to talk more yet. Maybe April, maybe later. I think with Ambessa, I'm not looking to spoil too much :D We have some neat things planned for her and spoiling it too early will not be as fun!
Sylas was the champion we ended up making last time we attempted to make this mage.


Originally posted by Zarathielis

You have said before you had a project involving heavy AI you couldn't do yet, any chance you still want to do that?

Our tech is not at the place where we can do that just yet.


Originally posted by QUINN_VALOR_VGU_WHEN

Hi, dev team. There are over 60 champions in League who could use an ASU or VGU due to outdated visuals, themes, or gameplay. Currently, the pace at which we’re receiving these updates is roughly 1-2 per year, which means we may be waiting several decades for our favorite champions to get their much-needed overhauls.

While I know the most strategic avenue for the business is to space these updates out to keep players invested and looking forward to something new every year, is there anything being done to make sure some of us get to see these reworks within our lifetimes?

Here’s a list of champions who could at the very least use an ASU, if not a full-blown VGU:

1.) Alistar 2.) Amumu 3.) Anivia 4.) Ashe 5.) Blitzcrank 6.) Brand 7.) Cassiopeia 8.) Cho’Gath 9.) Corki 10.) Darius 11.) Diana 12.) Draven 13.) Fizz 14.) Gragas 15.) Graves 16.) Hecarim 17.) Janna 18.) Jarvan IV 19.) Kassadin 20.) Katarina 21.) Kennen 22.) Kog’Maw 23.) L...

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You are right when you say that updates makes no business sense. Updates are pretty costly, we are not just updating the base but re-doing years of investment into a champions (skins etc). I don't think there are lots of other companies or industries that will turn old releases into new ones without selling something or other. We also found that large updates actually have a pretty good chance to turn away returning players (your most loved champion isn't like what you remembered and thus higher barrier to return) and turn off some mains of that champions (you love the way the champion is now). Not to mention
The reality is, no update on a single champion will move the needle for a player to come back, engage in the game more etc. I know lots of players that are vocal on reddit do believe that updates encourage them to play more, but the reality is that new champions are a bigger draw with no comparison.

However, to maintain long-term overall health and game fidelity...

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Originally posted by LunekJones

What are riot thoughts on Viktor? Champ is pretty dead in high elo and pro play for a long time now

Surprisingly, overall his playrates are not that low. His playrate could be higher in higher elo etc, but it's not too problematic. Usually it's more problematic for a champion to appear too much in pro.
I think we would see how the new season shakes out first!


Originally posted by FrontFeature0

Do you have any plans for Ryze personally, i think an Asol style CGU would suit for him, or you can make a small update like (ultimate change, adding shield or healing on his kit), but please do something about this champion.I also have two rework concepts for Ryze, you can check them out if you want.

I agree! I think the team wants to level up a bit (we have a handful of new to champs team designers and myself) before attempting. Considering this is like what... the 13th rework he is getting? XD

Riot Yelough joking tells me that he will do it when he is ready for a promotion in a couple of years.

Season 2024 has begun, and devs from across League of Legends are here to answer your questions. From the CG to the announcements in our ...

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Did the person play normals or just aram?