League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Jul

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JohnnyTruant_

I have a question about the champion mastery curve brought on by the mention of people twisting stats to fit their agenda, if you don't mind me asking.

It made me wonder, is it even hypothetically possible for a difficult champion that for whatever reason in this scenario is only skilled players to have the same mastery curve as an easier champion that for whatever reason in this scenario is only played by not skilled players?

I know in practice skilled players will use the easier champ if it's good enough, and lesser skilled players want to try out complex champs too, I'm just wondering if it's even theoretically possible for similar graphs to come from different situations like that, or am I misunderstanding that particular graph entirely?

I've never considered this because it's definitely not realistically possible. It is theoretically possible for a high-skill champion to have a flat mastery curve if every person who played that champ is already skill-capped on it from their first game. So, your answer probably depends on how you define "skilled player." If it's "high MMR player," then no, for a number of reasons. If it's "someone who has mastered the champ already (somehow, even though they just came out)," then...maybe.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DestructiveParkour

Quick question: if two champs have the exact same pick rate, but one is picked only by mains and the other is picked only by first-time players, will they have a different depth score?

Also, really appreciate the point about being hard but having no counterplay- that's why I (and a lot of other people) hated the akali-irelia meta.

Yes, they'll have a different depth score. That's what depth is meant to measure.

To your second point, absolutely. It's easier to identify this lack of counterplay when the champion looks easy or the result is consistently achievable across all skill levels, but Akali and Irelia at high levels of play during that period often completely shut out their opponents' options.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kadexe

They weren't as popular before they were nerfed either.

This is correct. Power is definitely impactful to both breadth and depth, but nowhere near that impactful.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ContentDetective

This is riot's equivalent of LS saying "nemesis don't have a champ pool issues, in fact he has a champion ocean" and proceeds to lose because of champ pool issues. She's braindead in the sense that after people play enough games on her they never make punishable mistakes. It's a mistake to have put her in the game.

Hi, we respond to this in the post. Yuumi should indeed be more punishable, which is a counterplay issue and makes her non-interactive. A champion can be both hard and non-interactive—that means opponents are likely to think she's "braindead" when she's actually not. That's not an excuse, but instead a more accurate statement of the problem, which should still be resolved as much as possible. If a champion has to play 34-dimensional solitaire to win but is permanently invisible and untargetable and never leaves the fountain so opponents have no input into their outcomes, that's no good.


Originally posted by Torigaa

For some reason you cannot comment their blog posts?

Are they afraid of what people think about this champ?

Nah, we're actually working on bringing back comments (hopefully this year). It's something we lost we launched the new website, and it's taking a bit longer than expected to re-add them. But we wanna see your comments. BRING ON THE FLAME :')


Originally posted by WatteauAP

Hi, I'm a Japanese player.

Could you check this article translated into Japanese.


Compared to the original article, the text about Extra Bonus RP has been deleted.

Japan is not included in all?

Ah darn, didn’t think any players on the Japan server would be reading this. JP opted out of the promotion due to some legal risks that weren’t sorted out in time. So, yes, Japan not included. Sorry about that

Originally posted by LooneyWabbit1

I feel like I'm making a mistake every time I lock in Swain.


I feel like I'm making a mistake


Originally posted by Spentpoet811

Ahhh yes, UCB

Edit: I guess I started something here?

How dare you


Originally posted by stupidhurts91

Wait is this for real lol

Yes lol. Although Monday is just the meme. I'll probably check it out tomorrow.


I'll fix it on Monday

Edit: Did a bit of digging, and it actually seems like this is working properly. Do you happen to have a video of the replay where it breaks?

01 Jul


Originally posted by mackpack

People always talk about pick rate when it comes to balancing. There's this notion within the community that lower pick rate automatically means only/primarily mains play that champion. Could you shed some light on whether or not this is true?

For example what fraction of the total number of ASol games is played by ASol mains vs. what fraction of the total number of Ezreal games is played by Ezreal mains? Ideally also how this compares to a champion with average popularity.

It's not. There's an easy metric for this: Depth (and Breadth). There was an article about it a while back: https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2017/11/champ-popularity-mixing-math-art/

Low-breadth high-depth are champions who are mained really hard. Low-breadth low-depth champions don't have experts on them. One doesn't really cause the other in either way.


Originally posted by Penguin501

will support be giving the bonus rp since it was stated publicly that there would be bonus rp?

Alright, my bad. Last couple days have been hectic. Support will help you if you write in a ticket and say you bought RP expecting double bonus RP due to the incorrect dates in the article. It’s our mistake not updating the article, sorry about that!


Originally posted by hastalavistabob

Dont think regions outside of the ones mentioned in the article get this bonus RP campaign
Edit: Confirmed for all regions https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/hjcbjk/incoming_pricing_changes_to_league_and_tft/fwlnlux/

Can confirm, all regions

Originally posted by Putininyourheart

Wouldn't this lead to a different meta in proplay? I thought since the juggernaut fiasco you guys were much more cautious about making some big changes in pro play just before world's/MSI.

It would suck watching some top teams reaching world's playing akali (or whatever other FOM champ) just to nerf it right before groups and make a mess with champ pools.

we take in account meta picks in playoffs when we are making the worlds patch

30 Jun

Originally posted by bns18js

think of Asol, who the f plays him? only onetricks so his winrate is much more towards his actual strength

You have no real data for this baseless claim. It's possible for a champion to be both unpopular in general, and have not many mains dedicated to it. You're using one of the most common myths/misconceptions to formulate your opinion.

Unpopular =/= high % of mains. Some champs people just don't like to play and don't like to main.

Actually very accurate btw. sure there are champs that are main heavy, but other times it's just an unpopular champion.

Originally posted by bns18js

pickrate represents a lot more than just power - namely popularity.

Thank god you guys at Riot understand this. Some others tend to forget people like to play what's fun in a video game, regardless of power.

we do want a diversity of champs. We do want a wide variety of champions to be played so that each game is different from the last.

Is there inherent value in trying for diversity? If it's easy to achieve, then sure. Otherwise, IMO it's better just to let people play whatever they find fun repeatedly, rather than forcing(by making less popular champions stronger) them to play different picks.

pro is an exception where pick rate is used due to a mixture of sample size limits and the fact we general consider that pros prioritize playing to win much more than to have fun.

This is an impossible task tbh. But I guess it's the best you guys can work with. But even ...

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There is inherent value. One game being different from the next is key to replayability

Originally posted by JukePlz

Can you explain how Yuumi factors in this logic? You say you aren't interested in nerfing based on popularity but that's exactly what you did to her, now sitting at 44-45% winrate when she was already sitting at 50% in low-high elo and very poor in pro matches (45% WR overall, 38% in Korea) before the massive nerf.

Yuumi was nerfed because she crossed the ban rate threshold in elite iirc. And maybe also pro, sorry don't exactly remember


Originally posted by DreamingDjinn

Are objectives supposed to spawn in the enemy top side jungle? It makes some objectives like training dummy completely unwinnable, as the Golem runs over and f**ks everyone's metaphorical couch.

Sometimes, yes. Many events have rubberbanding mechanics to help out the enemy team if they are behind. If an objective spawns in the enemy's jungle, that means your team is pretty far ahead, so we want to give some help to the other team. The alternative is that the event is just unexciting because a team that's far behind in gold and levels doesn't have much of a shot of winning.


This is a known bug :( While the XP isn't accurate, you are definitely earning XP.