League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 May


Originally posted by Krana_lol

Why is yuumi’s kit so so similar to sona in many ways. Just the hability of targeting herself to a champ makes her a bit diferent. Do you have strong rules at Riot to try make every new champ as different as possible from others or is it fine to have such a similar champs?

Also isnt yuumi the cat that we have had making faces for the emotes for so long? How much time have you been working on yuumi because the emotes have clear inspiration from her.

We want new champs to fill roles that no other champion currently does. From a bird's eye view, Yuumi's abilities have a lot of overlap with Sona (poke spell, heal spell, speed spell), the whole package is something very different. Yuumi is much better at being aggressive and picking people off, while Sona is better on the defense, able to snap stun someone that dives you. Yuumi can follow a carry into the backline, buffing them and helping them take out squishies, while Sona is better at buffing the whole team.

I personally think that each champ should have their own niche, but the individual tools they use to get them there are less important.


Originally posted by TheySeeMeTrollinLoL

If she's on the PBE for a while, why can't you guys predict her winrate being low on live servers if it's low on PBE to start off?

Meddler had a good post on this topic a while back, link here.


Originally posted by George9946546


What's this?


Originally posted by mazrim_lol




Originally posted by khaot-cerrai

First of all, thanks for making Yuumi, she is everything I like in life made a champion (in my favorite role). Now questions, why is her ult damage so low? Or like in general actually. I remember that even at full build against 1st wave of minions she couldn't even one shot them, is her main role being a healer?

She's not intended to blow people up. It's a huge zone that can sometimes hit the enemy team over long periods of time. The focus for the spell is starting and winning team fights, not blasting an entire team to death.


Originally posted by Precat8


What cant she do?


Originally posted by GustingWind

As a support main myself, I find that Yuumi is very reliant on the positioning of your ADC. Was the intent always to be hoping that your ADC would be in the right spot when you needed them? This is especially critical to her ult, which I have definitely screwed up bc my ADC is running away instead of facing the enemy!

The Ult case can be frustrating, since there is a split second where you want to cast it and they might jerk you out of the way. That's why you can fully control it while detached as well, if you're worried about your ally's positioning, I recommend starting the ult while unattached until your ADC gets the message to follow up.


Originally posted by NotEfe

what are you guys thinking about the way subreddit reacted to yuumi? is she really that bad as the subreddit says or do you guys have another opinion about it

I thought the reaction was appropriate for what the data said - with a 30% winrate day one, she's clearly hard to learn and we underestimated that internally, and you're also not going to want the 30% winrate champion on your team when commonly champions that are in the low 40 percents are considered really weak. Now my personal opinion, after the buffs she's definitely OP.


Originally posted by cinox

do you really think is it good designed heal, i mean the worse your adc trade you are more rewarded ? Played few times against her if you poke her and they are hugging turret you will lose in sustain battle, she heals more than soraka almost. Anyway well designed champion, i do like her kit and unique playstyle. Only problem have with her E(heal)

The heal scaling dependent on low health is specifically to encourage the Yuumi player to stick it out and fight with their ally rather than leaving as soon as they're low. Your best chance to turn fights is in the most dire of moments!


Originally posted by C3ntra

Those of you that designed her kit, do you think that you succeeded in bringing the original fantasy to the game?

Also, what was the first thought that brought Yuumi into existence? What was the spark of inspiration? Was it along the lines of “let’s put a cat in LoL,” or “What if we had a support that constantly sticks with teammates to help them?@

The initial pitch for the character was always "support that attaches to their allies." I do think that Yuumi's kit creates a mentality of co-dependence and a 'we're in this together!' kind of feeling.


Originally posted by Plecsius

any funny glitches/interactions you ran into while testing her?

There was one time she attached and everything worked correctly except for the whole untargetability thing. She immediately ate an entire Lucian culling to the face and died.


Originally posted by Rammed

Fully utilizing the passive, baiting pressure abusing the fact that the w cooldown goes down while in an ally, not building her like a normal support

Yeah, knowing when to be attached and when to be unattached in lane is a big optimization point, as well as mechanical usage of the W to avoid skillshots (Yuumi should be able to avoid Blitz/Thresh/Naut hooks 9 out of 10 times, and Alistar engages pretty reliably too).


Originally posted by RedShirtKing

The mid-patch update to Yuumi so soon after her release may be the largest I've ever seen. What do you think caused that discrepancy between where you thought she stood in power level during PBE testing and what we saw on the ranked ladder? Do you think bumping up her numbers across the board is enough of a fix to get her into a healthy state, or are there other changes you might be considering now that the playerbase at large has gotten a hold of her?

The learning curve on the champion was longer than we were hoping/expecting. Players from the team are having success with her on live, but it seems like the skill for her don' translate as well as we were hoping. We still need more data to figure out exactly what we should be doing from here on out.


Originally posted by PClicious

Your champ sucks and this is not banter. It literally has 2 skills (E-R), everything else is useless. D4 here.

I'd encourage you to put more time into her, she's a pretty difficult champion to pick up!


Originally posted by moodRubicund

Did she used to have more portal-related powers with her book while in development? There are other attach-supports in other MOBAs like Abathur from Heroes of the Storm, who have global presence as well. Portal powers would seem to work well with a global presence-skillset yet they seem totally irrelevant to Yuumi, who doesn't use portals to do anything except get back to base.

We tried a couple. Her ult was initially concepted as a portal that would summon spirit creatures, but that didn't work for a variety of reasons. She had a spell where she would set up a mini-ryze ult and teleport anyone standing on it away, but it gave way too much safety to Yuumi's attached ally. If they were ever CC'd, Yuumi could just pop them away.


Originally posted by Zezimaz

Hi! thanks for the AMA, did you guys consider her Q being AoE? or maybe proc something similar like lundens echo? thank you

We did! We wanted hiding behind minions to be reasonable counterplay, so we took the AoE off of it. The damage + scorch + Spell Thiefs + Aery was often enough that the poke even through minions was too much.


This question is for RiotMaxw3ll. Why are you such a memelord?


Originally posted by Hextech_Avenger

In early iteration of the character, were there any ideas of granting the person you were attached to a percentage of Yuumi’s MS?

Yeah, actually. Constant MS creates issues where in lane you can chase down the enemy laners for favorable trades, so it was better as a spell that you had to pay a cost for.


Originally posted by BellyDancerUrgot

Ever gonna get that reverse yuumi skin where the book is riding the cat?

Also are rengar and yuumi friends in the kitty rengar alt verse?

I'm still holding out for BatCook.