Why is yuumi’s kit so so similar to sona in many ways. Just the hability of targeting herself to a champ makes her a bit diferent. Do you have strong rules at Riot to try make every new champ as different as possible from others or is it fine to have such a similar champs?
Also isnt yuumi the cat that we have had making faces for the emotes for so long? How much time have you been working on yuumi because the emotes have clear inspiration from her.
We want new champs to fill roles that no other champion currently does. From a bird's eye view, Yuumi's abilities have a lot of overlap with Sona (poke spell, heal spell, speed spell), the whole package is something very different. Yuumi is much better at being aggressive and picking people off, while Sona is better on the defense, able to snap stun someone that dives you. Yuumi can follow a carry into the backline, buffing them and helping them take out squishies, while Sona is better at buffing the whole team.
I personally think that each champ should have their own niche, but the individual tools they use to get them there are less important.