League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


Please don't leak our patch notes.


Originally posted by Jlocke98

Do you guys have a blog or something about how you actually architect your code? The number of interactions and edge cases seems crazy. Wasn't there a bug that affected other champions that only occurred when Lulu was on the map? (Something about auto attack modifications i presume)

There's an tech blog here: https://technology.riotgames.com/

The most significant one I can remember involving Lulu wasn't really a lulu bug in particular. It was a series of bugs that Lulu was just best equipped to unveil.

For most of those ones, those have to deal with how character stats actually works. AD, AP, etc.

Every 0.25s (minimum), a character's stats get rebuilt from nothing. Everything on them gets reset, then the game readds character base stats, character per level stats, all items, all script based stats (e.g. from buffs), and then there's an optional "conversion" step (e.g. for Pyke). This process is pretty...

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Originally posted by Caenen_

Her detach position is always how many units towards her side of the map?

When she detaches, she dashes a short distance from where her model is.


Originally posted by Caenen_

Btw can you confirm that Yuumi's W still has her sit on top of her target, technically speaking (floating and health bar bone being offset for the animation only, hovering around the other champion visually but not gameplay-wise)? Or was that changed before going live?

Yeah for almost all purposes, yuumi’s position while attached is her ally’s position. Save the visuals you described as well as her detach position.


Originally posted by Caenen_

Glad to hear this! Thanks for frequenting these forums!

No problem! Thanks for the memes


Sponsorship renewals mean a lot to us. It is a signal we are doing the right things for our partners and continue to drive towards a long term thriving E-sports ecosystem. Thank you State Farm, Mercedes Benz, L’Oréal, and many others for your continuous support over the years all around the world. And props to my colleagues who keep making a game awesome to play and to watch after 10 years and keep building a thriving E-Sports ecosystem! You all rock!


Only occasionally got to work with Janelle (though she loved the dank data), but more importantly I've always appreciated her engagement with the community for the skins team. She was a huge inspiration to me to engage more around gameplay, balance, and data!

It's always tough when a talented and passionate coworker moves on, and it's even harder when they're your friend too. BUT I'm super stoked for whatever is next for her, and I'm sure she's always welcome back in gaming and at Riot specifically.


Originally posted by AdnanAd0

Cactopus v2 leaving when !?



Stellari good

Stellari leaving bad

Will miss 😭


/u/Shynkr0 did the design for these way back when they were an intern (They're now a non-intern Rioter). This has been out for awhile, actually. :)

There's also a fun bit of tech design story to these that's a good example of "building something right" to get more gameplay space:

We avoid syncing quite a bit of data when relating to minions since they are quite frequent and there's just a lot of information to cross the wire. With item inventory in particular, every character CAN have an inventory, but only champions and towers ever had it fully synced. This was mostly just to avoid the overhead of anything else.

Well, we actually found some success of people finding the tower icons when they were just starting to get more into the game and that helped to subtly seep the more nuanced...

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Originally posted by waldo667

The trick is to *keep* building thornmails.

6 Thornmail Ashe OP.

I miss stacking Sunfire Cape...

Originally posted by 51isnotprime

Even the active? Do you need to reset Overheal every time you want it?

everytime you get a new shield. Overheal only grants a new shield if you didn't have it before (otherwise it just grows the existing shield). It works as literal to how it's worded as possible

21 May

Originally posted by [deleted]


don't worry, i'm pulling the base hp buff


Originally posted by Madpoli

I'm especially glad the tutorial is reworked and it doesn't tell you to build thornmail on ashe.

Wait... so I should stop building thornmail on Ashe...? That explains why I'm so hard-stuck. :(


Originally posted by bendablefeast

As long as all the text is horizontal.










Originally posted by XXXVI

Cut Down as rune choice is very interesting. Why do you prefer it over stuff like Revitalize or Shield Bash?

Cut Down's damage output is very good, particularly because Yuumi's low base HP means that it'll almost always be active. In lane it goes even with Scorch for damage, and then after laning phase it can contribute 3-4x the amount of damage.

Shield Bash/Revitalize is also a good combo, but I find that Shield Bash in particular falls off really hard after laning phase because the infrequent procs you get in teamfights don't actually. Revitalize stays very strong throughout the game though!

20 May