League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 May

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheBossVeigar

Was she ever a yordle in development? Or was she always planned to be something other than a yordle?

She was never a yordle


Originally posted by march9191

Do you think yuumi might be able to spawn in a new meta of the support going mid or top?

Probably not, bot control has historically been too important, but I'm not really an expert. I'd be real happy if different champions were enabled to go bot lane because of her, though!


Originally posted by MaliciousMetal

Okay I got a few!

Would Yuumi get along with Skarner?

Why does she refer to Morde as a big metal cat, is it because of his awesome new horns or is there another reason. Other than Morde totally being the kind of villain who'd have a cat to stroke with his clawed gauntlet...Which is probably why he kept Veigar around.

And lastly. When are we getting a Nekonomicon skin for Yuumi?

Nekonomicon was one of my favorite things that I saw posted in r/yuumimains right after her release. I can't believe I never thought of it.


Originally posted by Dewku

How many of you guys are weebs

Shockingly high.


Originally posted by lavajci

To follow-up along that line of thinking, are there any ADCs that would work well as a solo-lane right now, so the Yuumi can be more of a roamer?

Historically Ezreal can do it or someone with wave clear, but Yuumi really wants to get levels first so she can one, give solid heals and catch with her Q and two, its not in a state of the game where she could run into the enemy jungler while roaming alone.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by All_Fiction

Do all cats in Runeterra look like Yuumi or is it specific to Bandle City only?

Also, was Book created by Norra or was it found somewhere?

She's specific to Bandle City, and as such is also unique compared to other cats in Bandle City. She is one of a kind


Originally posted by pedrofracassi

Yuumi plushies when????

I would also like to know this.


Originally posted by Precat8

Her Q ability is really unique what were the prototypes?

The first version of this spell actually spawned the cat from the polymorph of one of Lulu's skins.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RayFrost

What is that forest that Yuumi goes to in her video? Is where the new assassin lives?

Only time will tell


Originally posted by Aoaelos

What do you think that is the strategic niche of Yuumi? Why should i pick her over Sona or Janna or any other enchantress if my goal is solely to win?

She's very good at following divers, juggernauts, and vanguards into the backline. Sona and Janna can't really help a Camille who wants to go after the enemy ADC, but Yuumi absolutely can. Yuumi is also very good in a pick comp, because your ult and a max rank Q is an excellent tool for slowing a target long enough for your ally to catch up to them.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by henry25555

In my opinion yuumi's release was CATastrophic, she's really weak right now even in the hands of professional support players like Zeyzal. What are the plans to bump her up, is the problem primarily on her numbers or on her kit?

We already put in a huge hotfix buff yesterday. She takes awhile to learn to play though, even for professional players. Our playtest team was having pretty big success on her in high elo, but they have played tons of games on her internally before her release


Originally posted by DeathSeesAll

Is there a particular reason why she can not auto attack during her W?

I can understand that you don't want her to build like an ADC while attached to a tank, but as we've seen with "turret" Kog'maw, it shouldn't be a problem to reduce her damage while using her W to avoid this.

We went back and forth on this. There was one playtest where Meddler played Yuumi and just built full crit Attack speed. It was... gross.

The major reason is that I don't think a high damage threat champion is compatible with long term untargetability. You could easily put an ADC Yuumi on an Alistar support and now your ADC all of a sudden has an extra 2000 health, 50% Damage Reduction and a bunch of CC.

We could make her auto attacks very weak while attached, but at that point you're now asking your lane partner to position for both their auto attacks and Yuumi's, which is a another constant pain point the bot laner maybe didn't ask for. The Q range asks them to do a small amount of work, and I think that's the right amount.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by seikunaras

Why do you think the champ is under performing so much?

She is a very unique play pattern, which takes time to learn how to play as against, which I think is the biggest contributing factor. Our playtest team was doing quite well on her in very high elo even before the buffs, but they have played tons of games on her

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kadexe

Do you think Yuumi works well with melee laners like Yasuo or Irelia?


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sanjarobi

Was Yuumi predestined to be just a cat? Any other designs?

There was some really early stuff where she wasn't a cat, but for the vast majority of the project she was a cat

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Momookus

I wanted an anime oppai loli cat girl champion instead I got a literal cat......and I'm not even disappointed. Anyway when you were making Yuumi was it always the idea for her be a literal cat or was there discussion on whether she should be a cat girl or humanoid in some way.

She was always a literal cat. We wanted to do another creature Champion, but not a monster, a cute one, since we don't really have a cute non-humanoid in the game yet


Originally posted by march9191

What champs do you think have the best synergy with yuumi?

Basically anyone that wants to chase down enemies. She's very good at assisting champs that want that. Udyr, Nunu, Camille.... Juggernauts and Divers love having a pocket Yuumi.


Originally posted by Marace55

Give me your best cat puns right meow!



Originally posted by justintoronto

Right now I see a lot of Yuumis that just permanently attached, leading to them just Q spamming and healing whenever. Was that a playstyle risk/concern during their development?

We figured some players would want to play it that way. As a playstyle it functions, although the tuning as it is probably makes it lower win rate than we'd like. The good news about it is that Yuumi is the kind of champion where while you're doing that, you'll have the time to explore other things you can be doing. Times to ward, times to auto attack, times to hop between your allies. It remains to be seen if this playstyle still sticks with Yuumi players or if over time they learn to access the full range of her power.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by pedrofracassi

I love the early character models you guys post on the AMAs sometimes (like the gnar riding hecarim kled or thresh with a giant moustache rakan). What did you guys use to represent Yuumi before her model was complete? Can we see? 👀

For the longest time Yuumi was a recolored version of Cyber Pop Zoe