League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 May


Originally posted by Umashi

I basically stopped playing for 4 and a half years (I'll admit to playing a few, but 10 games a year doesn't count!) and now I'm playing hardcore again and having a wonderful time. I was completely burnt out and hated the game prior. Although, it's quite frustrating to be Diamond 4 when I was consistently top 400 back in the day. I'll fix that though with my rediscovered love of the game!

aren't you taht warwick top player?

10 May

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by WoodenLeggedFam

Hey Reav3. Are Morde and the new ad assassin still planned to be released before the end of the first half of the year or did things change a bit? Thanks

still in the first half of the year


Originally posted by RSPOliveira87

“Origen lasted longer than SKT”


Glad you appreciated that 👍


Originally posted by vienna66

I have some glasses pictures :p I just didn't find they turned out as well (the reflection of my university friend taking photos with his smartphone doesn't look as smooth XD) I will probably post the rest later though :)

If you want to avoid glasses reflection you could smear some moisturizer on them (or sandpaper the sheen off but that's a bit permanent)


Originally posted by snaffuu585

Vedius was so bewildered by this fiesta that at one point he explained that if Phong Vu killed the nexus, they would win the game.

Technically correct


Originally posted by LavagoIem

Is it just me or is the casting is really rough right now. This game was so hype and they couldn't build on it at all.

Would love to know what specifically you felt was off?


What. A. Game. 3rd highest kills in a game ever at MSI. I got so wrapped up in the chaos haha. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.


Originally posted by Nightwing_Starfire

Right now you are trying to avoid answering to my question and saying something out of context. Dude, wake up. Data science has advanced alot and it can totally catch the pattern that i mentioned above.I dont know if you dont have that skillshot or you are lazy to code. Maybe hire someone competent ? you guys are very slow and incredibly poor at making excuses. Even mobile mobas are more technologically efficient and have features that riot has not even started to think. Check MLBB

maybe the walk out on Monday will bring some fresh changes.

So, I agree with you. There are ways to make the algorithm better. There's no doubt about it. And yes, it can individually see people's purchase behaviors.

The challenge half the time with these products is not necessarily the data science models, but the matters of how you handle the engineering of it. Want to scale that extra feature out to millions of players in a multi-region fashion where you can train and serve that model is a non-trivial engineering challenge... especially when one of those regions is China.

I really mean what I said by being edgy... I'm more than happy to have a conversation with you, but... yah, you kinda just seem to want to be rude about it. Why? Maybe because it gets you a response like this...


Originally posted by Iwishisawahippo

Love Phreak for this. And really just shows that positivity is a great trait for a competitive player. Shutting down helps no one really.

Yay! Glad I could help this guy reach Diamond :)

09 May

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PremadeXayahADC

Will the result be in the same week? or in the next 1-2 months? And would we get some early explorations for the winner? :)

We will be doing update blogs over the course of development for the winner, similar to the skin ones, but they will be much further apart since Champions take a lot longer to make then skins


Originally posted by skchyou

Unpopular opinion :
Cilantro is overrated

Cilantro is like eating the sea shell soap in that little dish on the bathroom counter at grandma's house. Wouldn't know tho >_>

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by lolilolk2

Pantheon pantheon pantheon pantheon

We are already working on Pantheon

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DooMWhite

Can't they all just get reworked ? :P.

Eventually, yes. This poll is to guarantee one of them for 2020


Originally posted by superzpurez

Hey Meddler just wanted to clarify that the Yi changes are still being shipped and aren't covered by the "not doing compensation changes" bit.


Yes, they're shipping. It does make it a bit harder to assess where he'll end up because they're happening at the same time as the Rageblade changes. We'd want to do them even if Rageblade work wasn't being done however so they're not in response to Rageblade.


It has to do with the reset and early LP inflation from the start of the season

Two biggest factors (from one of the designers):

(1) Due to the early season LP issues we saw, where high skill players were earning LP fairly quickly, Diamond+ got fairly inflated. When we had the reset earlier this season, we floored the reset at Diamond 4, meaning no one was put lower than that division. This pushed most of that inflation back towards D4.

(2) There's also a general tendency of people to hit a benchmark and take a break from Ranked - division 4 tends to be larger regardless of tier, but this becomes even more true as you move up the ladder.


Originally posted by Aldonall12

Ooooh Wukong changes. That's very exciting

Hope so. Looking forward to feedback, expecting some things people will like, some that will probably be disliked (some shifts in power) and some people fixating on numbers that just haven't been balanced yet.


Originally posted by EpicHuggles

We're not doing compensation changes to champs who might be affected until it's clear what sort of changes are or aren't necessary. Expectation is there'll likely be at least one champ who needs a bit of work, given the number of current Rageblade users.

I sincerely hope this is specifically referring to Kog'Maw. He's sitting on a 2% P+B rate and relies heavily on Rage Blade + BotRK, both of which will have been recently nerfed as of 9.10.

He's one we'll look at yeah. Can't guarantee any changes, but putting time aside to assess.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Theangelsdust

Is anyone else really disappointed it's not a vote out of all 140+ champions?

Would love to see the numbers after that poll personally.

We already collect data from players on "What Champion you want a VGU on most" from surveys, that includes all the Champions. This is meant to actually go over what our goals are, and what problems we would be looking to solve, so players can make a more educated decision on which VGU they want.

08 May


Originally posted by ChickenandBiscuits8

0w0 he's here! ...I didn't expect you to see this and comment lol. Thank you for sharing info with us and answering questions. I appreciate how personable the Rioters are. Shout out to Riot Swimbananas! :) She is very nice and good at her job.

Thanks Riot Xenogenic for the tweets I'm assuming you're sharing info on twitter as you know what's going on because things aren't all rolling out on time maybe because the Rioters have more important things going on like arbitration/walk out related stuff. People's quality of life at work is more important than mission info. Thank you for sharing with us when you can. :)

In a lot of aspects, this is the biggest event we've ever done. There are so many people involved and so many moving parts. And like every event, we will do a post-event retro where we talk about what went well and what didn't so we can continue learning and getting better and better at making and delivering these experiences.

I will be sharing all of the pain-points I've witnessed amongst players, such as not having more of the information earlier, so I appreciate all the feedback! It directly helps us improve