Just shipped a micropatch to fix this. :)
Just shipped a micropatch to fix this. :)
Honestly, agree. Auberaun is really just a meta abuser tbh.
thx d00d
A lot of the comments here even prove the point. People are so bad at yuumi they don't even realize how bad they are.
https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Auberaun Auberaun, one of the yuumi playtesters, is 22-2 on the champion. No flame here, but Auberaun is not that insane of a player. The champ is just good if you know how to play her, which most people don't. Because they don't even know how suboptimally they play it.
Yeah he's not that insane of a player, can confirm
That's not a simple dota-pro.That's SingSing the MemeLord,i hope he'll play league regularly because when i played dota i loved watching him,as he is hilariously funny
love watching him play - it's a really rare perspective to see.
Pinging u/RiotXenogenic to find out if this was inspiration or literally coincidence (though thinking of a yeti-boy duo and them creating a massive snowball is not all too rare now is it)?
Haha, that's hilarious. I hadn't ever seen that post, so this poster was just way ahead of the game and/or clairvoyant.
this is the core of what my original post is about. this echoes the same sentiment Crazy Rich Asians had in Hollywood. Just because we are of Asian heritage doesn't make us any less American or less qualified to represent North America on the international stage. yes Impact and Core JJ are originally from Korea but they represent what it means to be an American. Coming to America and making your mark and becoming successful is the American Dream. And Core JJ and Impact are doing it with their success this year. Same can be said about Xmithie.
allow us to be visible. and don't disqualify us.
My read on all of the twitch spam of this etc. is that it was coming from places (outside of NA) where the national makeup is much more homogeneous than in the United States / NA.
The concept of having a truly multicultural national identity is pretty unique, so its something that can be hard for those from other countries to understand. Then again, maybe I am just being naive on this.
That being said, yes it is tilting - someone like Doublelift IMO embodies the aspirational meaning of what it is to be an american. The dude works incredibly hard to be the best at his craft, has overcome several setbacks, but always comes back stronger.
Import players too are taking there shot to succeed here, and as a fan I don't think about where the players representing my region are born, all I care about is them being proud to represent our branch of League and go out there and play their best.
Yes I do! I've always thought it's more efficient because your keyboard hand has downtime (ability CDs, etc.) but your mouse hand doesn't with movement/aiming always necessary, why put the burden of camera movement on that too?
Oh god no, please, Noc mid is my soloq nightmare (no pun intended). Especially because I've been spamming ekko this season.
Btw, you guys are doing an awesome job with LEC this season.I've never been into pro scene and always watched only hype matchups and important matches in general. But this year I keep up with everything because LEC is just so good. The cast and the players.
I used to think Vedius was likeable. Then I duo'd with him.
Jk hes the best and opened my eyes to the church of midlane nocturne
I used to think Vedius was likeable. Then I duo'd with him.
Ah i see. Is it how every dmg value calculated tho? The reason why i thought you guys might hardcode these is when you hotfix stuff, sometimes the numbers arent updated till the next patch, on the client side,but it actually deals the buffed dmg.
Most of those kinds of patches only go to the server. Since LoL is entirely authoritative, this works out other than a numbers appearing wrong on the client.
The older "@f1@" style of value replacements that I mentioned earlier actually doesn't have this issue (since the server pushes the value out), but it can't be used to drive displaying ratios or similar.
I can wait :3
anything to have the cutest background in all of league
It's pretty much the greatest thing ever. <3
Thanks so much for your patience!
The IDAHOTB team is run by Riot LoveStrut who is a QA Lead, so we're still figuring out how to do art lol
Could you give us more information on this "cash out"? It seems like people(me included) are afraid to attempt to buy the points because they are scared of not getting enough before the expire date.
Not yet. We are still ironing out details here.