League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Apr


Originally posted by ZeShmoutt

You know, every time I see one of their behind the scenes video I feel that something is off with my champion concepts.

I just can't pinpoint what. It's frustrating.

My guess would be that your concepts aren't being beat up by a full team of people with competing ideas and inspirations. Every champ pod has art, design, and narrative embedded, and that's not even including the gameplay teams, art discipline, other champ teams, etc.

Champions evolve and improve a LOT because of (sometime-difficult) collaboration and the push-and-pull of what different people think is cool or right for the character. I bet if you aggressively chased feedback and tried to incorporate it into your ideas, you'd start to find that missing piece.


Originally posted by SirRobyC

I don't know who the person at 5:28 is,but I know I want to befriend her just from the stuff I see on the desk.

that would be u/RiotPhoenix/ -- VFX artist extraordinaire


Originally posted by zekeismydaddy

Holy, they also blurred that part of the video too lmao


Originally posted by ImHappyAfterAll

next week

says who


Originally posted by Road_House_Gundyr

The lack of order on Riot's desks really unnerves me; i have no idea how they can work with all that stuff over it.

Desk tidiness is quite a spectrum at Riot, from "literally nothing" to "i can't see you behind all those dishes"


Originally posted by AngelTheTaco

I wonder why they only focused on the kit process, there was no art talk or even her voice actress like at all

If you want to know more about art and see part of a VO script we talked about both a bit in the PAX Irelia panel


Originally posted by Saadi1987

That's a new champ at red side bottom left in champ loading screen. It's a place holder splash so most likely of what champ we are getting next.

At first I thought it was a Shaco rework they are internally testing but his summoner spells made me disregard that thought.

That would be Swain, in his magnificent placeholder Feeney art.

10 Apr


Originally posted by lorddave7

Does our team have to be advalible all weekend? Or is there an option to only play one day?

You can play one,two or all three days. You can also start on any day but the more games you win the better your rewards will be. Your first day will always be a 4 team bracket. If you win that you'll go to an 8 team bracket. If you lose you can put in tickets for the next day to try the last bracket you lost again.

09 Apr


These are pieces on concept art from a side-scrolling beat-em-up a group of Rioters made during Thunderdome (our internal hackathon). We brought it on the road for the NA finals in Miami.

08 Apr


I don't have a specific one, but in general it's reading the lane/understanding what matchup we're in. So many times my ADC is either ALWAYS AGGRESSIVE IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT I'M VAYNE AND WEAK RIGHT NOW or NEVER AGGRESSIVE THANKS FOR THE SHIELD IT'S REALLY GONNA HELP ME STAND BEHIND YOU DOING NOTHING.

Honestly one of the most challenging parts of being a support main is learning to read the patterns of rando ADCs

02 Apr


who keeps hitting all these dead people's save buttons


Originally posted by ohanse

Still, we talk about it from time to time

I'm imagining this happens every time someone new joins the team...

"Dude no it's just SUCH a pain in the ass. Wait until you're like 6 months in - you'll be stuffed up to the back of your teeth with your actual job, and you'll be like 'f**k podcasts!' like the rest of us."

tbh any recurring thing is hard. even Ask Riot is way harder than it looks; thank god u/bananaband1t is so good at keeping people answering.

27 Mar


Well then. I'll take one of these...

26 Mar


Originally posted by ScorpionSamurai

Did you get the job lol

despite all odds


Originally posted by Darklenlol

I'm afraid this is most likely because You don't own the champion/champions. Notice that it says on the lower part "Offers include champion if unowned", so it adds the value of the champions in RP, in addition to the RP value of the skins.

Let's Take General Wukong's offer, for example:

The Skin normally is worth 750 RP; Wukong on the other hand is worth 880 RP.

For a total of 1630 RP. This amount is discounted by -70%, which leaves it at 489 RP.

IF you were to own Wukong beforehand, then the price would be 750 RP reduced to 30% of the original cost, which would be 225 Riot Points.

Note that this happens because usually you don't own the skin without owning the champion first. The only exception for this would be getting granted the skin due to certain circumstances, like Victorious Skins which are granted once the season ends, along with the champion if you don't own it.

TL;DR: Don't worry, Riot isn't scamming anyone on this case. Ju...

Read more

-opens this thread


"Is this right? This can't be right, right? Can someone math this?"

-scrolls down

"Thank god for real heroes."

-logs back into WoW


When I interviewed at Riot I was relatively new to League and I spent a good chunk of my interview explaining to a senior leader why taking teleport on Sona was the only correct way to play her

22 Mar

21 Mar


Originally posted by KalixRajah

Thanks for your advice. I've been focusing more on trying to learn from my mistakes than get tilted. I'll try taking breaks after a loss and see if that helps me focus on the next game better :)

If you lose two in a row step away from ranked, maybe for the rest of the day. Probably the best possible advice.

Beyond that, it's:

*Focus on one role (and even one champ)

*Understand that no single game matters. You'll lose, you'll win -- keep your eye on the big picture

*Learn as much as you can about League. Most of low-Elo climbing is about situational awareness and game sense over mechanics. You can get to Gold just by making better decisions than the other team.

*Learn to trade. An ADC that knows how to effectively trade in Bronze/Silver won't be there long.

But, overall, stay posi and remember League is here for you to have fun. If it ever starts to stress you out, take a couple days off :)