League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Aug


Originally posted by xXdimmitsarasXx

Random delays being intended back in the day is a bizarre thing, is there a reason stuff like karthus Q or singed W are still random? Given that the zyra thing is being fixed it might be reasonable to look at other instances of this behavior

We are always open to looking into other instances, but in many cases it is valuable gameplay for various reasons, depending on the context.


Originally posted by hayuata

How long was this problem here?

To be clear this wasn't a bug, it was intended back whenever it was added.


Originally posted by DrummerAkali

Love the Cait R change!

Same its lit, I'm addicted to crit scaling on spells


Originally posted by Blaikiri7

It’s zeris AD RATIO ON W that’s an issue, who gives a f**k if zeri builds ap wtf

Typo. The AD ratio is also being hit.

130% >>> 100%

16 Aug


These numbers (an issue with scrapes) just show lvl 1/18 values. The scaling is ~20-40 lower from levels 11+ and should be a larger DPS hit to non-AP 2nd item builds.

Also we're pulling back the AP buffs a bit


Originally posted by VariableDrawing

people wanna talk about how it was a fluke and IG trolling etc

Which is stupid, they never give any reason on why it was supposedly a fluke either

IG played like they always did (never cutting loses and fully commiting to any fight) and TL came prepared and punished them for it

FWIW Double/Core hard sh*t on bot lane. As soon as IG locked Varus/Kench I knew it was doomed because neither player really played those champions and they just decided that they'd take away champions and magically win (they didn't)


Originally posted by bz6

Hey this is off topic from the thread, but I just wanted to say I am VERY glad that League is maintaining unique Summoner Names vs. integrating a Riot Account Name. I think you lose a lot of "culture" and history without Summoner Names.

Thank you /u/Riotdanhonks

Just being transparent here - I don't know if we are, or are not, doing that, and I wouldn't be the person to thank either way. My scope here is simply to delete old inactive personal information.


Originally posted by VortexGames

If storage space isn’t an issue, isn’t a “soft delete” more desirable? Just in case there’s those few accounts that do come back?

The intention is to delete player information to reduce our liability. Soft deleting means we'd end up keeping it around.


Originally posted by I_usuallymissthings

Korea does it to a extent, doesn't they?
I feel this would solve a lot of problems in Brazil, north america and EU, at least.

Korea requires it by law, which is why it is done; I'm not personally convinced it's a good thing on the whole but we need to do it to comply with local legislation


Originally posted by Cualkiera67

What's your favorite food?

There's a Korean-fusion place back in Dublin, Ireland called Chimac that does Kimchi Chicken burgers with hot sauce. That. That is my favourite.


Originally posted by Vryali

Is there any way to simply get accounts renamed? I had an account in alpha or beta, lost it, and created a new one in S2, I think. Would be neat to be able to just rename to my old one when it gets deleted. Had engaged player support before but no luck, so hopin' it'd come back up here XD

It's almost semantic, I suppose, but sure would be nice to not have to remember what I put after my account name for just league <3

Thanks for taking questions.

Accounts can be renamed, as can summoner names/Riot IDs. Player support can tell you all about all three of these.


Originally posted by Gfdbobthe3

How complicated is this kind of work from an engineering perspective? Easy? Hard? Somewhere in the middle?

The program itself is not complicated, it's just balancing rate limiting, scale of data etc that's a bit harder


Originally posted by Gawkawa

Unfortunately, I can't log into it because it is a banned account.

The name was Sacrolicious if you are inclined to look into it. I admit I deserved the ban at the time, I let the game get to me a lot more than I should of back then, but this was at least 5 or 6 years ago and I've grown a lot as a person since then. I've tried to appeal a number of times but I never get a response on my tickets.

Logging in to the game through the client and hitting the "you are banned" screen counts as a login.

Unfortunately I can't really comment on ban appeals


Originally posted by monkeydkevin

what will be the time frame that allows me to opt-out of the account deletion after i received the deletion email? (cuz i don't check my gaming email that often)

30 days.


Originally posted by monkeydkevin

I own the "Annie-Versary" skin during the 10th Anniversary event, will my account still be deleted if i haven't been playing for 3 years?

I'm not sure off the top of my head. At any rate, anyone who has that skin won't be eligible for automated deletion until around 2024.


Originally posted by Painchaud213

how much inactive time would tag an account as very inactive?

You'd need to be inactive for 3 years in addition to matching all of the bullet points in the article.


high elo begins slightly below where whoever is defining it is :p


Originally posted by wordsarentenough

This might suck for weird reasons. One of my buddies, who got me into playing league, passed away a few years ago. Every time I sign on, I still see his user name as "away". It's a nice reminder of him. RIP BearT0wn.

I can't make any promises but we've seen a number of people specifically talk about a scenario involving the loss of loved ones. We'll be talking about it internally to see if we can balance deleting player data vs keeping them around.

I'd like a way to at the very least immortalise the connections people made even if the account is gone. I don't know if it's possible but I'm going to do what I can.


Originally posted by chanskiee

Does this also affect Garena servers too?

We don't have plans to include Garena at the moment.


Originally posted by ChironTheCentaur

Is there any place to see what user names may become available?

Not one that we officially support. You could maybe try sites like op.gg but they are pretty hit and miss.