League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Aug


Originally posted by Gladiator_of_Kaon

Dan, may I ask you something off topic?

Will Riot ever consider hardware ban a solution to cull some of the toxicity? (not flaming, but other egregious things that dragged this game to its current "reputation") If memory serves, Valorant issues hardware bans mostly to cheaters to keep the game clean. Some will say this idea is too extreme, some will say it will be useless because people can spoof their hardware and it's business as usual. What do you think about it?

I'm not qualified to answer this, sorry.


Originally posted by beewithausername

You ever play tank fizz?

unfortunately yes, but i believe the last time i played tank fizz i had i different online alias. it was a long time ago when it was meta on SR.


Originally posted by herptydurr

What counts as "game currency"? Is that specifically just RP or does IP/Blue essence count as "game currency"?

RP, Teamfight coins, VP. It's purchased currency.


Originally posted by TFTilted

Just throwing my 2 cents in here, but I recently quit the game because of the low quality of solo queue. Nobody cares anymore because they all have 10 accounts, even gold players. There is a reason Korean solo queue is better - social security numbers.

If you made it so you had to have a phone number attached to your account to play solo queue (and only for solo queue) I am confident the ranked experience would be IMMEDIATELY improved, and improved IMMENSELY. Please, if you have any influence at all, pass this thought on if you could. I would immediately come back to league if this were the case. Force people to play on their mains. Force them to give a shit about the game. You could literally solve trolling and soft inting, which if you ask literally ANYONE who plays this game is by far the main problem.

That's something we'd want to think about very carefully before doing, because it means we'd have to collect a phone number for every single person who plays. That's a lot of player information to track.

I'm not saying we'd never do it; it wouldn't be my call, but I personally would not want this to happen. You shouldn't need to give us a lot of really personally identifying information to play a video game.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yes, but I can't disclose them. Sorry :(


Originally posted by Moerko

Any way to salvage my Silver Kayle from my account last played on in S3 and move it to my "new main" last played in S10?

That sounds like something you should raise to player support.


Originally posted by josh8far

Ok thank goodness, the title scared me. Glad to hear how conservative the rules are for deleting. I still message my late friend I lost last year and don’t want to lose his acc in my friends list

We'll be updating the article in a little while to address concerns we've heard so far and one of the things we will explicitly be addressing is preventing the deletion of accounts of deceased friends and relatives


Originally posted by WeeWooLooLee

Angers the money men. Think danhonks wants to get farted on?

Sexual harrassment isn't a punchline.


Originally posted by MavericxX

Are you sure 3 years isnt too recent? I know a lot of people that played from like 2010-2018 and then stopped. Do those people really need to lose their accounts?

3 years is just one piece of the criteria. You need to have not played in the past three years, and not played more than 20 hours, purchased or received RP and not have any legacy content.


Originally posted by CrazyJay11

But to clarify that also means it will not be deleted if for example;

Played in Season 2-3, hasn't played since

BUT owns some skins they bought in S3

therefore will not be deleted correct?

Yes, you won't be deleted. You owned skins in S2-3 which means you either purchased them, were gifted them, got them through a promotion (hello, Championship Riven, which is legacy) or probably played enough to earn them through ranked play.


Originally posted by Omega370

If I play wild rift using my original league account, as my computer is dead, would that count as my account being active?



Originally posted by Empathxyz

What about the name selling market where they keep names on low level accounts just to sell to other people for IRL money?

Not something we want to encourage and I imagine it would get hit as well on any work we do on account security stuff (see here) but it's not the highest thing on the totem pole right now.

Unlike most other problems in this space, this one is sort of victimless because it doesn't usually involved compromised accounts, we just would rather it not exist because we can't really be sure you're not going to get scammed.


Originally posted by VaporaDark

You're doing God's work in this thread, Dan.

Thanks Vapora. I hope you're doing well :)


Originally posted by iceisak

Are you discussing account selling or smurfs in general? I know some rioters are against smurfs while some are promoting it.

My personal opinion is you can't separate one from the other.

Any attempt at tackling account sale, botting, etc, is going to be intrinsically linked to the desire players have to get a "fresh" account

This isn't really a security problem, it's a "how players interact with our game" problem and it'll require solutions in that vein


Originally posted by MidGodKiller

Thank you! Just making sure I understand, if I haven't logged in for over three years, but I've played over 20 games and have purchased RP, then I won't be deleted yeah?

20 hours of games, but yeah, you should be good


Originally posted by throwway624140

Are you planning on deleting permamently banned accounts as well, considering they don't play valorant or other Riot games on that account? People could use the nicknames that were used on permamently banned accounts.

I addressed this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/wp69rq/riot_will_soon_be_deleting_old_very_inactive/ikev74s/

Note that accounts that are inactive will have their summoner name become available for claim through player support before they are eligible for deletion. I believe the cutoff is 30 months (2 1/2 years) to claim the name of an inactive account, and it's at least 3 to be flagged for deletion.


Originally posted by IanPKMmoon

Sorry but may I ask why? I don't know the reason but the size of playerbases always interests me and I like comparing it, seeing how much the game still grows and/or if the growth is slowing down but it's kinda sad that I can only find rough estimates of the playerbase size on random articles and nothing about the chinese servers sizes.

Honestly, that's a question for someone who actually runs a business and not for an engineer like me.

My guess is that it's because there are more downsides to releasing that information than there are upsides.

Companies only really disclose that information if they are required to by law (i.e if they are publicly traded) or if it's a selling point for one of their products (Steam, specifically, shows you the MAU of products on their platform, but does not show you the MAU of Steam itself).


Originally posted by ElderNaphtol

How much was GDPR specifically a factor?

We've been using GDPR as the floor, not the bar, for player privacy since before it came into force.

GDPR allows you to keep data on individuals as long as you have a legitimate business interest to keep it. I'm not a lawyer, but as far as I know we do have that legitimate business interest to keep player data even of inactive accounts.

We've just decided that we don't keep data around that we know, in good faith, belongs to players that probably won't return. As I mentioned, every email address or account is one more that could potentially be compromised.


Originally posted by I_usuallymissthings

I imagine you did not cut it already because new accounts mean more chance for the user to buy the same skin more than once

I commented on this here.


Originally posted by enflame99

I think I speak for the whole community when I say we would love to be kept in the loop on this obviously don't tell us the solution but any updates on this situation would be very much appreciated. It would certainly be a good will win but actions are louder than words.

Like many other things we've discussed publicly, this is something we are actively investigating and might not have any updates on for some time. We try our best to let you know what we're thinking of but that does also mean that sometimes you might hear about something long before it comes to fruition.

Thank you for your patience :)