League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Aug


Originally posted by Mold69

I really disliked this, it sounds incredibly unprofessional. I don’t mind it in incredibly hype moments but for a game 1 of the first upper bracket game of LEC. Makes the time where these words are warranted less meaningful.

Did you see the series play out? Was I right at the start πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”


Originally posted by SoulvG

I'm not sure what there were more of in this series, kills or fines for Trevor.
I love it though, Quickshot's casting was f**king fantastic this series, his passion for the competition still shines through. Banger start to playoffs.

Thank you so much, I love casting and I try hard to stay grounded and just enjoy the small things. Today that was easy because every game was awesome, and the stories felt natural and my colours prepped me so well. The team effort was amazing and I could shine because Nym and Caedrel did so much heavy lifting too.


Originally posted by AfraidTomato-19

Nisqy: exists
Quickshot: Nisqy! Look, Nisqy! Wow, Nisqy!

Don't think that's fair at all based on the entire series. I called him out for being subpar to Larssen multiple times. If you're gonna flame, at least be specific or check yourself.


Originally posted by timetickticksaway

and the moment leading up to it! as someone else said, the pause made it perfect


Woops, that armor nerf isn't supposed to be there. It's supposed to be the same.

25 Aug


All the context is in there, but generally we want to support his multiple builds as well as we can. Obviously with a champion as complex as udyr it's a little tough to land it perfectly on the first go but yeah.

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Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

Hey Reav3 we were told to ask you about the Udyr color story. What happened with that? Please tell me he isn't gonna be stuck with his outdated old one that still features a tiger.

We are currently discussing how we want to do short stories going forward, and how they play into our greater story arcs, especially now that we have more teams the just LoL working in Runeterra's narrative. In the meantime we included all his relevant lore is his bio


Originally posted by Araboth

Yuumi. People act as if you just need to press e every 8 seconds and instantly get to diamond+.

But the difference between a 1st time yuumi and an otp is huge

this is true

24 Aug


Originally posted by moody_P

any chance of nautilus jungle/top being revisited in a similar vein? it's been a lot longer since he was made exclusive in supp but I'm sure theres more boomers than me who'd like to play him in a solo role again

I can't speak to what other champions we are/aren't working on, but we are definitely aware of a number of other champions (including Nautilus) that have similar identity issues to Maokai/Swain over time and could use a touch-up.


Originally posted by IAmLegend97

Server: EUW

Type of Bug: In-Game

Description: Sivir W bounces to dead minions and from there to champions

Video: https://youtu.be/tePdjLn4dsE

Production rate: its not a rare bug, maybe it even always happens cause i think they just forgot to code the simple command target dead=projectile dead. this is likely because there is no other ability involved that could have caused this bug to happen

Steps to reproduce: play with or against sivir

Expected result: sivir w bounces to "surrounding enemies" so it cant bounce to a dead minion

Observed result: Sivir w bounced to a dead minion and from there to a champion

Specs: gtx 1060, ryzen 7 1700, Windows 10

I talked with the designer and this functionality is intended.


Originally posted by Khazu_

Okay Vedi is f**kin Eminem.

Aha not quite but I appreciate this a lot man thank you


Originally posted by memesarenotbad

If that's the case, it's something easy to fix. If players currently own the SG Udyr skin, just set up a flag so that they get a mission of "play one game" and then are awarded the rewards after playing it. The infrastructure exists, it's what they use for pass missions. Rather than the flag being owning the pass, it'd be owning the skin

Discussed that...but the missions system is kinda unstable atm.


Originally posted by HalfAssResponse

the support maokai is just a most recent fad that never really got popular aside from select regions and miniscule playerbase, why cling onto it instead of fully satisfying his og playerbase? making a champion a three way flex is never a good idea for pro especially since mao supp was seeing play here in korea

Maokai support has been pretty popular for years, if we can avoid telling those players they can't play their tree in support we would like to.


Originally posted by T51bwinterized

Okay, but what's keeping him out of top lane is his bad waveclear and mana issues. Does this do much to address those problems?

His waveclear isn't actually bad compared to most toplaners, but agreed on the mana front. We believe he can be a viable toplaner opting into mana starting item and/or runes like PoM


Originally posted by ShiznazTM

So glad you guys are finally taking time to look at the tree.

Have you considered giving him additional jungle monster damage as well if these changes don't speed his clear up enough? Maybe that will be irrelevant with preseason though.

His Q has bonus monster damage now which we can/will tune to get the clear speeds we want


Originally posted by moody_P

I'm curious what your criteria is for allowing flex picks vs discouraging them like with say sylas jungle. Maokai being potentially a 3 way flex if these changes go through will be fine? If it ends up being an issue later what role would you take him out of?

It's almost always around pro play dominance. Sylas is very quickly in 100% p/b if he can be flexed out of bad matchups to the jungle.


Still going through active tuning but direction is correct; should add some consistency to his spell casts and shift some power back into Top+Jungle without sacrificing the support players


Originally posted by DrCarter11

2) Release new icons but make them available to everyone through BE - But SG Udyr Icons might lose the prestige of being attached to an Ultimate skin

This is simply not true. The shop already has the functionality to link purchases to skins though as seen with chromas. You could make the icons purchasable with BE in the shop and only available to people who own the skin.

If the icons are chromas then maybe and even then to sell chromas with essence is not efficient.


Originally posted by GeneralSecura

It's not like it's uncharted territory though. It's the same thing that happened with the Volibear rework, when everyone that already owned him got the Thousand-Pierced Bear skin for free.

Let's say you have to cut some branches in your back yard because a tree fell over that will take 1 hour with your manual saw but it will take you 3 hours to go find some chainsaw. However, you anticipate you will only need to do this once so you decide to just tough it out and manual it.
Then the next year it happened again. You are like meh just tough it out.

Then it happened again.
Do you go buy the chainsaw? Or tough it out again and hope it never happens.

Now, imagine if these three scenarios are not the same people but hired workers coming to a client.
First guy didn't wana anger the customer so he toughs it out instead of delaying 3 hour...same with second... same with third... the the fourth etc etc.
At what point do you go like oh wait I should have bought a chainsaw that would solve this in seconds. But who wana volunteer to be the one that didn't show up to go buy the chainsaw?
This is essentially tech debt >w< ppl who clean up th...

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