League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Jan


Originally posted by JustJohnItalia

That R change should be the default in all of lol, it sucks that aatrox Q cooldowns get reset at each cast unlike Riven whose cd starts on the first.

We intentionally changed it that way because Pro/Elite players were using the mechanic to zone enemies by just pressing Q2 at the last second and having very low downtime on his Q. This version of Aatrox has more counterplay in lane since he actually has a lengthy downtime between his Q's until he starts buying a lot of Haste/ranking up his Q.

Originally posted by slamhk

You have to be a Shen main then. Glad you have taste :)

Nautilus or remake


He doesn't have many hard-counters. Most things that run against Viktor now are soft-counters - things that scale like he does or are useful in fights. Things like Orianna and Corki.

Of course, you can also take assassins against him and just beat him up, but you're against the clock



The only reason you would be getting login code emails is if someone has guessed your username and password, and is either attempting to log into the account management portal with your username and password or you have multi-factor authentication enabled and they are trying to log into the game.

I know you mentioned elsewhere in the thread you've already changed your password, so it may be possible that these are just emails that are 'queued' , but it's unlikely.

Over the past few days we've significant increases in accounts being blocked from logging in due to MFA, to the point where it looks a lot like previously compromised accounts, like yours, have enabled MFA and have stopped automated attackers from actually being able to log in to the account, but because the username and password are the same, the attackers are just getting stuck over and over on the MFA screen, which sends you a token.

I wanna be clear: This is how it is ...

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Originally posted by MyEnglisHurts

Holy shit its him:0. Tell me now script writer, who wins the LEC and does XL make playoff?

I can neither confirm or deny that

Originally posted by NeitherAlexNorAlice

Porno movie quality of acting. Oscar quality for content. LEC production keeps on smurfing.

I can see an Oscar nomination for best Original Screenplay. Totally unbiased opinion.


Originally posted by DragonlordSupreme

Hey, just wanted to let you know that the authentication system just spammed me with hundreds of emails until I finally logged in

Yeah, so we're seeing situations where some people are getting a lot of emails and the team are already trying to reduce that.

There's no bug here; the system is working as intended, sending an email when someone enters the correct username and password for your account. If you're getting lots of emails - and it wasn't you who tried to log in - well, you should change your password :)

We'll be trying to reduce the number of emails sent in this scenario so it looks less like the system is freaking out and more like "oh, actually, maybe my account has been compromised".

Good job on enabling MFA, because you just saved your account from being sold.


Originally posted by Ap_Sona_Bot


It's hard to know that this is the moment where I peaked as a commentator, but if it restores the faith then it was all worth it.


Originally posted by AerithRayne

Is there a chance that this bug can be looked at before making decisions on Janna's balance state? It's hard to see how well the rework is actually landing if Glacial could be inflating that success. I know you might not be the right person to talk to, but I have no idea which Rioter to tag.

SRT (Summoner’s Rift Team) is acutely aware. Just depends if the Glacial bug is easily fixed IMO. They had seen this bug in dev but I assume it’s a tough repro.


Originally posted by AerithRayne

For those who aren't understanding, it's the duration in which Glacial is sticking around. Janna Q at most ccs for 1.25s. If Glacial is 3 + (cc effect duration), it should only be around for 4.25s but instead stays for 10s.

And the slow after the beams disappear is also uber long. This was like 15-20 seconds.

21 Jan

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Will it be weighted down per region like it was in 2019?

I believe so


Originally posted by loveincarnate


Yasuo goes up to 52% winrate with experience

Even more interesting, and a complete nullification of this argument, is that yone winrate increases a full 10% with 50+ games of experience, up to 58% winrate.

These champions are extremely popular and high skill-ceiling. Bad players love these champs and drag their average winrate down significantly.

Phreak is speaking, as usual, with one of the most shortsighted and self-involved perspectives possible.

You have several huge errors here:

  1. You assume all champions are equally "not-mained" before claiming that the "mained" winrate is the accurate number and so the winrate delta is actually how much skill growth is available. That's a fatal flaw. The last time I had hard data (2017), Yasuo was top 3 for most-mained and had one of the highest winrate growths for experience in the game. So a ~5% winrate lift for Yasuo should tell you a substantial portion of Yasuo players are already mains, which echoes my point.

  2. Unless you manually changed things, you were slicing only plat+ data, which, even a day later, only has 388k games. 388k games divided among 160 champions and then further divided into the subset of players with a lot of experience is not a lot of games. You're going to get massive variance. For reference, I changed Plat+ to Iron+ (i.e. all games captured by the site) and the Yone difference went from ~10% to ~5%, or 64th. I don...

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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by robin_2219

when will we get to know this years's vgu poll voting results ??? plz

The polls closed and I have seen the data. Cant talk about it yet and not sure what date the announce will happen. We have to write the devblog and localize it then it will come out, probably sometime in the next week or so

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Would you happen to know where Zeri has landed so far, day 1

No the data hasn't caught up to her release yet. I should for sure have her early data by Monday though


Originally posted by TothB

Plus "it has a 48% winrate, the champ sucks" isn't a valid argument either, given that we've seen time and time and time again that the type of player who plays a particular champion influences the champ's winrate

Champs that are exclusively played by onetricks basically awlays have high winrates, even when the champion is horrible, because onetricks are good at their champion. (for example, when asol's winrate dropped from 55% to 53% he was considered literally one of the worst champs in the entire game and completely unplayable because of how bad he was, but still >50% wr because onetricks were very very good at asol) Meanwhile champs who get picked up and played by inexperienced players and then immediately get quit after only a few games sit at super low winrates because the people playing the champ aren't devoting the time and energy to improve. See: akali back when she was completely broken, 100% pick ban in pro play, constantly terrorizing high elo and sitting at...

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Asterisk: They don't always have high winrates. They have higher winrates than if they weren't played by mains at the present level of tuning.

In 2017, Yasuo was top 3 for most-mained champion (I don't have updated numbers at my fingertips). Putting Yasuo anywhere NEAR 50% win rate means he's tuned lower than almost every champion in the game but players make up for it with their skills on the champion.


Originally posted by Aboko_Official

You also removed the original comment you made for some reason.

I really can't even understand why you chose to respond to me in the first place.

There might be a lingering apology in there somewhere, but the reality is damage control>apology. Otherwise you'd have no reason to delete what you originally said.

You really made sure to solidify any lingering feelings I had about you being a piece of shit.

The initial response was because I don't like character assassinations. I was on the subreddit already, I saw the reply, went through my memory, and was like, "Nah, doesn't sound like me." The fact that your initial comment was like the #4 chain and seemed made up made me go, "yeah, sure, I'll just tell this person off."

Then you were adamant about it.

I replied several hours later because the comment lodged itself into my brain. I kept trying to replay memories from MSG to see if I remembered doing something like this and couldn't.

I remember someone coming up the elevator into our dressing room and asking for photos (obvious no, half of us were in underwear and he wasn't supposed to be there). I remember stopping for pizza at a corner shop. I remember crowds accumulating several times out on the street. I remember walking around with my hood up at one point because I didn't want to be recognized.

But I couldn't remember telling someone to piss off....

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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

What about Mundo? How do you think he done on the longer run compared to expectations?

Mundo has landed where we expected, which is roughly where he was pre-rework. We knew we weren't changing him enough for him to move much, and he was already somewhat popular. The goal was just to modernize him.


Originally posted by SmallBudew

Hi, will this event still be receiving Gemstones as the Mythic essense is not out yet? Thanks!

Yes, and those Gemstones will automatically convert to Mythic Essence!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Alcoholic-Shrimp

Would you guys work on an albino champion one day ?

I don't see why not