League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

21 Jan


Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

Hecarim was getting 2 dashes (E engage, R to follow), and now he lost that second proc because Akali was abusing yet another thing she shouldn't. "basically zero change" is such a stupid take

So I see your point but keep in mind a couple things:

You still get credit for the first ~150 units of the dash. Hecarim E doesn’t go a ton farther than that, which means “basically zero” still applies when we’re taking the entire nerf to be like 10 chem energy.

All of the nerds combined (4x as many dashes on Akali, no juice on minion auto) amounted to 1% off of Chemtech Akali. So again, basically zero change for Hecarim.

20 Jan


Originally posted by flUddOS

You can say it's a "proactive approach" but the reality is they have a limited amount of developers working within a limited time frame. Yasuo/Yone being temperamental balancing acts is a time sink.

For example, do you honestly think high mobility tanks are going to get proactive compensation buffs for the Akali-driven chemtank nerfs anytime soon?

If Rammus's win rate plummets 2% and lands somewhere garbage, then yeah. But Hecarim isn't getting three dashes off in a team fight (neither is Rammus) and that thing is charged to full when he starts combat anyway. So I'd expect there to be basically zero change for anyone.


Originally posted by Jiaozy

People have been complaining about Riot's slow speed at buffing champions that get demolished by itemization nerfs, except in a few selected cases.

Popular champions will NEVER stay undertuned for longer than 2 patches, just look at Darius: he lost the dash on Stridebreaker so he got compensation buffs after 2 patches, but most other juggernauts that lost that dash didn't.

Yone and Yasuo losing a few points of win rate, because of Shieldbow nerfs? Patched instantly.

Amumu gets nerfed into the ground because the items were broken while ALSO nerfing his core build later, leaving him in the gutter? Shit out of luck.

The Yasuo/Yone/Darius approach is the right one, but people are pissed because it's done only on popular champions and it's not the standard approach.

Most Juggernauts were fine after Stridebreaker changes. They could just go Goredrinker or Divine Sunderer.

Nocturne? Still great. Actually buffed by the changes. Gnar? Just go Sunderer. Garen? Still very strong for most players. Lee Sin? Still great with Goredrinker. The list kinda just goes on.

Like I'd see your point if the actual facts backed it up but most old Stridebreaker users just found new homes.


Originally posted by PickCollins0330

The approach they are taking to Yasuo+Yone is the correct approach to take to champion balance. The issue is they are applying it disproportionately. Yasuo and Yone get compensation buffs after Shieldbow nerfs but it took some very heavy pushback to get them to buff Samira as well (despite being objectively worse than the wind Bros and hurt more by the Shieldbow nerf) and Ashe, Aphelios, and other ADCs who build Shieldbow who are suffering from this change are basically just shuffled away and told to f**k off.

So either they need to start compensation buffing every champion much sooner or they need to stop compensation buffing so quick for every champion. It’s an incredibly unfair setup and that’s exactly what adds fuel to the hatred for Yasuo and Yone.

Phreaks argument is deceptive as f**k and he knows that. The complaints are not grounded in “they’re op”. It’s “theyre kit is abysmally frustrating to play against”. Yet Phreak will dig his heels in to misrepresent...

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I ty pretty hard to never begrudge players their frustrations. I don't think Zed is very strong but I accept that players don't like playing against him. And he's like 48% win rate for most players, so whatever.

But if the argument is "these champions don't deserve buffs" that's fraudulent.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by EsotericRonin

Oh I see, that’s awesome. I thought originally she may have been half black and Asian but might have just been me. Would be awesome to see a champion represent that sort of mixed heritage one day though :)

Rell is half black and half white


Originally posted by Serinus

We probably won't be supporting Yubikeys, but TOTP is a possibility at some point in the future.

Are you more likely to support these things if I do or if I don't enable the email option?

I think TOTP is a core requirement of a successful MFA solution regardless of how the good the uptake of email-based MFA is.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by EsotericRonin

Is Zeri meant to be blasian or just inspired by SEA?

She is inspired by Filipino culture specifically


Originally posted by Lyelinn

- Server: EUW

- Type of Bug: Client bug

- Description: Every single god damn patch I have to read ranked description(skins/icons/rewards), agree with no toxic policy, see all newbie tooltips (even "we changed runes into mastery points"), all skins and summoner spells are getting reset

- Video / Screenshot:

- Steps to reproduce: Update the game

- Expected result: No tips/popups/picked skins and summoner spells staying the same

- Observed result: Described

- Reproduction rate: Every patch

- System specs: windows 11, r3600x, 3070ti

Looking into this!

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hi all, Ahri's upcoming changes are on the PBE now for testing. The goal of the changes is to lean into Ahri's unique mobility+pick niche and give her more agency to carry fights and games, at the cost of lane safety and a small amount of damage. The changes also include a modernization pass on her mana costs and W spell. Looking for bugs as well as feedback on the direction. Full changelist can be found here.


  • Bugs (duh)
  • Directional feedback, e.g. "I don't like that we're trading X for Y" or "I'm particularly looking forward to or enjoying Z"

Somewhat helpful:

  • Comments on overall balance, though we'll also be quickly following up if she's over- or underpowered.

Thank you!

... Read more External link →

Originally posted by Serinus

Man, I was all ready to go to finally secure my Riot account... and then find it's only email.

Hopefully this is just the beginning of the scope and you can add yubikey/FIDO2/U2F and TOTP.

Here are some starting resources. Yeah, I should probably implement this in something myself somewhere, since it'd take a bit of work.

TOTP: https://hackernoon.com/how-to-implement-google-authenticator-two-factor-auth-in-javascript-091wy3vh3

FIDO2: https://webauthn.guide/

Respectfully, we don't need assistance on implementing these things in the form of guides. The primary limitation to projects of this scale is not in the form of code or know-how. It's logistical. I could go and write the TOTP implementation right now in my text editor, but getting that out to all of our games is significantly more complicated.

We probably won't be supporting Yubikeys, but TOTP is a possibility at some point in the future.


Originally posted by luxanna123321

Lillia is sitting at 44.5% win rate acording to op gg after they nerfed all her core items. Pherk should shut the f**k up sometimes with his lies

I forgot to pitch Lillia buff for last patch :( hopefully she makes it for next one!


Originally posted by koobzar

any plans on making a totp auth?

I've mentioned a few times in this thread: It's not my place to make promises but if it were entirely up to me (it is not) then yes