League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Jun


Originally posted by Conankun66

Q speed isn't actually much slower,

then why the wording "significantly reduced"? the tweet says one thing, this comment says another

Poor phrasing tbh, it's 6-10% or so based on dash distance. If it feels clunky or rough on PBE please let me know


Originally posted by ixaxofficial

that's good to hear; i play the champ a good amount top and appreciate attempting to even out the powerspike at least

i'll probably give this a try on pbe sometime tomorrow to see how i feel at the very least, just interested in the emphasis on W which is used to just prep the wave a lot of the time rather than as an actual defining ability of the champ

Yeah, I personally think W isn't a real spell on Irelia on live, so giving it an actual powerful use case should feel a lot better imo


Originally posted by Zarathielis

Thanks for reading all the feedback and replying! The Lillia changes are also coming in 11.14 right? Or were those pushed back?



Originally posted by ixaxofficial

idk how to feel

stuff like bringing 4 stacks back and taking away some early damage is cool but the q speed change seems so unnecessary, does riot understand the fun part of irelia is dashing quickly...? not being able to cast e during q also is a big hit to skill expression

also i guess theyre trying to make her a midlaner more than toplaner with the W mr changes? but thats way more toxic than her being able to brawl up top, idk who wanted MR back on W

edit: yeah these honestly kinda suck, who is this for? this does nothing but make the "dancer" champion clunky and reliant on an ability in her kit that already feels out of place (W). who cares if 4 stack is back if the actual process of getting that just isnt fun? removing q speed is the biggest thing honestly, thats hopefully not hitting live

Q speed isn't actually much slower, but I definitely appreciate this kind of feedback because anything on PBE is still subject to change.

I'd love to get some feedback from people who have played her on PBE as well


Originally posted by HavocRumpet

Glad you guys enjoyed it most of the VFX are anime inspired.

For the VFX shout out to /u/meoseko.


Originally posted by Goofy_030

Glad you guys enjoyed it most of the VFX are anime inspired.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ilyak1986

Girlboss confirmed.

Also, I wonder if she'll constantly have to keep Irelia from snapping at Riven just for being Noxian, despite Riven really wanting to be an Ionian =P

Oh they get snappy ;)


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Oh look your favorite build, /u/cashmiir !!!!

lol end me

23 Jun


Originally posted by Frajdej9x0

- Server: EUNE (any tbh)

- Type of Bug: In-Game bug

- Description: Divine sunderer wasn't properly nerfed for ranged champions, it still deals 12% of target max hp

- Video / Screenshot: Divine Sunderer DMG after 1 Ezreal Q (Target dummy 1000hp 0armor)

- Steps to reproduce: Get into a game as ranged champion, buy divine sunderer, auto attack after using an ability

- Expected result: Divine sunderer deals 9% enemy max hp

- Observed result: Divine sunderer deals 12% enemy max hp

- Reproduction rate: 10/10

- System specs: Doesn't matter

Hi, Frajdej9x0! The tooltip not displaying 9% for ranged champions is an issue that we know we shipped this patch. Functionally, Divine Sunderer's range modifier should be working as intended. I just checked on live to be sure and it was dealing the correct amount. :)

Thanks so much for reporting this though. Means a lot that you took the time to come on here and write it up for us. :)