League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Jul


Originally posted by Halbaras

I'm still struggling to understand how a champion with a presence of 43% in the LPL and 52% in the LCK is anything other than extremely strong. Pros don't pick weak champions.

She actually fits one of the criteria for an instant nerf in their balancing framework, which is a >45% banrate in challenger.

I will only comment on one thing which is that pros will absolutely 100% pick "weak" champions, and in fact do so very often. This is of course if your definition of weak champion is purely by low winrate.

01 Jul


Personally I have the most fun when the enemy picks something that isn't an enchanter, assassin, juggernaut, tank, mage, marksman or skirmisher.


Originally posted by Quacking92

Getting back to lane even 2-3 secs earlier can definitely have an impact in some games. Not sure about if it'd be OP or not during base defending, though.

I think its impact would be varied, I am sure a lot of players especially lower elo spend more time shopping than just waiting out their regen but it certainly would have some impact especially higher elos. Still very much worth considering


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Could at least making playing mana champions feel better. Even if it has no real impact.

Agreed, which feels like its a pretty free win


Pretty cool idea, not sure how much it would actually do but I think this is a pretty neat and out of the box approach.

30 Jun


Originally posted by Taaarq

in this hypothetical proper metal song, who does the screaming vocals?




Originally posted by Metaxpro

I'd pay money for a pentakill song with Vedi vocals.

That would be POG


Originally posted by Dafuq313

Damn that's actually genius please u/Ovedius

No joke, I've been asking to make a proper metal song for a while now.

One day we'll get it. One day.


based on the comments here - recommend watching on a phone!


Happy that those singing lessons are paying off. Hope you guys like it! We like to come up with creative ways to promote our teams and upcoming games and thought this would be a cool way to bring some fun and hype ahead of a our rematch of the final! Let us know what you think! <3

29 Jun


Originally posted by The-War-Life

Pretty sure it’s less. And yeah I totally agree with you phreak. Gwen doesn’t seem to be over preforming in any way. It just seems that people don’t want to learn how to play against her and are mad she isn’t getting nerfs because they don’t want to learn to play against her.

The never ending cycle of “new popular thing bad.”


Originally posted by The-loon

Makes sense, I’d assume your creation takes smite and hits the jungle, obviously building tri-force first for tons of damage?
