League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Jun


Originally posted by The-War-Life

Gwen? We’ve only really seen crazy stats for Gwen in pro play. Her soloq stats haven’t changed all that much for a while and are really acceptable. Nothing too high, but nothing extremely low. Her ban rate just shot up overnight the day that pro play started. Hmmmm.

Gwen's pro presence is also only high in NA/EU. LPL/LCK are both below 50% presence last I checked.


Originally posted by The-loon

I love this, maybe braum passive better tho?

Could be, but I'm putting value in the instant application.


A new one I thought of, probably the best self-sufficient marksman one could make:

  • Caitlyn base for the 650 range and solid base stats otherwise.
  • Passive: Taric. Every ability grants 2x attack speed autos that refresh ultimately provide -2 to base cooldowns.
  • Q: Vayne. Tumble's base cooldown is 4-2, making it very easy around rank 3 to tumble, 2-auto, tumble forever.
  • W: Kog'Maw. Bio-Arcane Barrage is the best auto-attack steroid I can think of for this kit. Bonus points to the fact that it'll always be up thanks to Q+Passive.
  • E: Pyke. I think Phantom Undertow is the best self-peel tool available in League. Solid range. Stuns your pursuers. The base cooldown of 15-11 should be fairly easy to get back with the Passive/Q interactions.
  • R: Master Yi, Nasus, maybe Alistar.
  • Nasus's Fury of the Sands grants 40/55/70 armor+mr and 300/450/600 health. The damage around you is irrelevant, the half cooldown Q doesn't apply (it l...
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28 Jun


Originally posted by JusticeOwl

Can ya expect until tomorrow and see what the actual nerf is?

Nono ziggs kill


Originally posted by YellowGummy

These Lillia changes... I would much rather they leave her in the gutter as she is right now than whatever the f**k they think this is good for.

Removing E passive procs makes her ganks completely and utterly useless and no, a 40% slow will not make up for it and makes it so it doesn't even synergize with her kit, might as well give her a different spell than this.

Edit: The E change was a bug thank god. That was the change I was most ? about but I guess its fine if that's not final. As for the rest it will require some testing but I can't say I like them IN THEORY, a whole other story in practice though so we'll see.

E still procs passive, it's a bug in PBE likely.


Originally posted by freekymayonaise

One might be very pedantic and say tryndamere's Q would only partially work without his passive, and lee sin's W wouldn't work on any champion base stat-line without energy

Tryndamere one is a good point but 10-30 AD and a "press button to heal for 30" isn't trash, either.

Lee Sin I think it pretty forgivable, but I see it.

  • Base stats: Ashe or Caitlyn (Range, base DPS)
  • Passive: Nautilus. Root everyone on first attack? Get me in there.
  • Q: Tryndamere. Infinite sustain, plenty of bonus stats.
  • W: Lee Sin. Solid escape tools, really high sustain as well.
  • E: Gwen. Escape if needed, plus great damage output
  • R: Olaf. Passive resists are good if you just want to make sure there's no way you die to a Katarina/Talon or whatever, while losing those stats for AD and unstoppable works really well, too.

E or Q max. W is an OK one-point wonder.


We won't be doing this for every single game, but all of us on the production team love getting more insight from players and we're hoping to continue doing this regularly.

We want to get coaches involved too!


Originally posted by ayksun

I think it's more than fair to say that Xmithie is the GOAT jungler of NA, if we look at accolades and longevity.

IMO he is the LCS jungle GOAT and it's not close and will not be close for awhile given how much he accomplished.

I think people often overlook that he is still the ALL TIME #2 LCS trophy leader.

Amazing career from an often underappreciated player.

Maybe we'll do an episode on him in the future *thinking emoji*

27 Jun


Originally posted by Blueby5

I don’t really care when you start and when you finish, but if the game starts at 1pm, there should be no reason the entire broadcast doesn’t end at 6 pm(unless a giant pause happened). Less analyst desk during the game, get a quick interview and move on to the next. You could have PGL like LEC or after show sometime during the week, we are here to watch games not listening to analyst deck keep repeating the same lines.

The time between games isn’t completely dictated by how much “post game analysis” time we want, it’s largely driven by logistics of moving one team off the stage and bringing another team on. We give teams time to remove their things, bring in COVID cleaning crews, and then give the new teams time to get setup.

We do believe that it’s important to close out games and setup the next one, as it helps add to the the cast whether it’s driving in on the impact a game could have on a team, or giving newer viewers info on players to watch. But that still shouldn’t be the thing that holds us from getting into champ select, it’s the items above that largely dictate how much time we spend on that.


Hey there, I’m on the marketing and communications team for the LCS. Couple quick notes:

-Most leagues including the LCS turn on their stream an hour before content starts, so in our case it turned on at 11:30PT today.

-Next Level runs on Sunday’s from 12:30-1pm PT

-Game 1 champ select should start by 1:10pm PT. These days due to COVID precautions, we find ourselves with some extra delays. For instance we have a lot more player headset issues these days because we swap them out between each game and sometimes we need to recalibrate for the pros.

-Game 1 also ran into an extra long pause. Not ideal, and was unfortunately as a result of a weird item interaction in the shop, but ultimately made game 1 last longer.

All of this is to say, we also want the time between games to be more streamlined, especially in response to last weeks Reddit thread, we kicked off some groups to explore how to streamline. Some of this is definitely because of COVID ...

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Originally posted by Darangrail

Also sucks cuz even if your playing a champ like Fiora you can't Parry it cuz Noct spellehields the parry...

You can Riposte backwards

Nocturne is still OP though


Originally posted by Wolfeur

Pretty interesting. So one of you has to look at the entire game at once? That's a lot to process at the same time!

Yess, but my obs 2 is basically watching with me since he can't do much either until the action starts. Plus i have my direct camera pc next to me that is 3-4 seconds ahead, showing me everything that will happen right before it happens on my screen - This is my most important helper and probably the monitor i look at most of the time haha :)


Originally posted by Wolfeur

How do observers split the tasks, actually? Are they all watching the entire thing, or are they split by lane, or by player? Is it decided on the go, or is it attributed?

1 observes the whole live game + base race / trade cam.

1 does the replays + Picture in Pictures in the corner for tps or other action + base race / trade cam.

1 does the backup replays in case something happens to the other observer and just focuses on making analyst desk replays & sick broll clips for the end of day broll ^

Calls are made on the go if i urgently need my obs 2 to PiP something i can't get to, otherwise he just PiPs up stuff that is interesting to watch while i can't move away from my spot.


Originally posted by LetMeOmixam

I'm impressed the observers caught it

I'm the main observer and i didn't even know it was happening, my obs 2 just reacted insanely quick haha!

26 Jun


Originally posted by Naerlyn

So, more like GOAT?

Really interesting write-up though, thank you for this insight :)

I pitched the idea of us being the 'Game Optimization Analysis Team' but it didn't take