G2 is not helping the community grow by hiring players from other teams.
ignorant comment
G2 is not helping the community grow by hiring players from other teams.
ignorant comment
I want to personally thank Voyboy for speaking up on an issue that hits so close to home
Phlox sweating as the on-call guy fell asleep.
I was watching that glorious fiesta LCK series before going to bed, flip on reddit at 3am tucked into my sheets, and bam viego bug :'(
Magical was my first casting duo when we were both grinding NA amateur. Im so excited to see him in the big leagues. He has unlimited energy and an odd attachment to Ohmwrecker, but we wont hold that against him
Oh my
was this in the game with the samira bug? If so, how was a charm the reason for her ult to not be interrupted when samira was killed with GA?
I'm a programmer myself and I'm highly interested in how league works technically (and I think the idea of chronobreak is incredibly cool!) but I don't remember a charm being anywhere in that moment (it was samira vs azir and gp)
No, that was unrelated. I believe the issue was in Azirs scripts (very complex as you'd imagine) that only manifested on Samira.
Yo just wanted to jump in and say thanks to everyone that leaves constructive comments and feedback every week. I'm not on EUphoria but I know the team spend a lot of time trying things out, listening and reading feedback and try to cater to make the best possible product. I really enjoy reading your comments each week as they're some of the best out there, so please keep it up! I know the team appreciates it!
Annie should be able to summon Udyr with her R.
Flash ⚡ Bear 🐻 Slap 👋 - u/RiotQuickshot
If you say it 3 times in a mirror I'll yell at you.
What mythic do you use on AD Shyv?
Stridebreaker or Trinity Force.
when the game plays back everything must be identical to how the original game played
What is the thing that happens to be not-identical? If the server version is the same and the inputs are the same (because they are saved), I thought the work was already put in to make the server deterministic. Where does it go wrong?
Please update us on the details when you find out!
If you're still curious : it was an uninitialized variable. It had a small chance for a buff to self identify as being a charm without applying the effect. We managed to get the fix out the next day for eSports.
Ok but, why did it take so. damn. long. for these twitch buffs/nerfs? Do you guys just stare at data until it reaches the exact arbitrary trend you use to justify fixing. Also, you know the meme of nerfing champion instead of item then nerfing item then champion is dead for a couple of years. Why do you guys do that? And finally, League 2 when?
I mean, that's generally how balance works. If people aren't frustrated by it (ban rate) and players aren't penalized for reasonable choices (win rate) then yeah, you let it ride. AP Twitch had a lower win rate for a very long time, presumably because it took people a while to learn the playstyle. But here we are with like a 2% win rate bump by going Nashor's first vs. an AD mythic and it's a pretty reasonable thing for the designer to check up on his project and go, "OK, yeah, I have to nerf this."
Obviously not the designer who worked on this but, uh, I have thoughts:
I know for a fact that the Xin Zhao work was ongoing well before AP ratios were added to the kit. It's not exactly hard to say, "OK, I'm happy with the reshape, let's slap on some AP ratios now." As someone who gets to see in-progress updates, there were weeks and weeks of design work and updates. The very last change list I saw had AP ratios attached. If you want to take a pessimistic view, I guess it means that there's comparatively less playtesting on the AP build, but the entirety of the design work was done with no changes to AP ratios at all.
So to be clear, the idea of AP Xin Zhao in no way impacted the work done on Xin Zhao.
The refrain, "Literally no one wanted to play [x champion build] before [x champion build] existed" is a dumb one. No one asked for a wind samurai but guess what he's the most popular champion in the game. If your argument is, "No one asked for this" your arg...
Read moreAs you can clearly ;) see in the screenshot, that application is called chronokeeper and has a different function than chronobreak.
You many have noticed that our in-game overlay scoreboard is completely different from the spectator mode overlay, and chronokeeper helps us keep time/stats synced between the observer feed and our custom scoreboard.