League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Feb


Originally posted by MedicCasts

Just finished streaming so I'll jump in here. f**k anyone who thinks they're better than someone because of the size of their wallet, or their status in society.

Also, I don't usually play Seraphine, please don't judge me, I need that LP.

Ah, so elitism based on which champion you play is fine though.

25 Feb


Originally posted by kakaleyte

Hey, I don't even play mid lane but there is something that i don't understand with Azir nerf.

this is balance framework

and 81% presence in 11.3 and 63% presence in 11.2 in top 4 regions according to gol.gg

am i missing something? are gol.gg stats wrong or not the correct 4 region?

These are guidelines that are must nerf lines. If a champion passes one of these metrics, we should always nerf them.

The converse is not true ("if they don't pass one of these lines, we don't nerf them"). There are still other factors worth considering.

In Azir's case his priority is dramatically higher than his competitors so he was a substantial outlier.


I'm so excited to work with Ashley and I'm even more excited how positive the entire LEC team to consistently explore using varied guests. One of the very few benefits of Covid has been the ability to dial people in around the world. I'm very excited to see what Ashley can bring to the interview role on our broadcast and super stoked Laure and the entire team are willing to welcome guests to our show and give them a chance to strut their stuff.


This is a known bug with night harvester and spellshields, I believe it works the same way with other abilities like Sivir E. The bug is being tracked but I don’t have a fix date for you.


Originally posted by Tsepha

Big props to Vedi, who solo wrote this piece and our producer Riot MoonCake for her incredible work as always.

Uh, yeah awkward. what this guy said.


Originally posted by Electronic_Bid4659

(Quinn, Vayne, Swain) Ah, I see you're a man (or woman, I don't judge) of trolling the toplane as well.

Teemo player :D


How are you gonna disrespect my man Kled like that?



Here are a couple ADC options to check out:

Miss Fortune has an AoE ultimate (Not exactly like Hou Yi, however) and her Q has an angle component to it for hitting behind the target.

Varus has a fun kit if you like skillshots and combos.

Ashe is overall a great kit to get started with the role.

I'd argue that the two games are different enough that you might want to give other positions a shot. While it's not an exact comparison, I think a bruiser jungle might scratch that Anhur itch (Trundle even has a wall/pillar ability). Kindred is a ranged jungle champ that has some similarities in play styles to those as well. A ranged top laner (Quinn, Vayne, Swain) might suit your solo play style more, too.

Your support shouldn't be taking your farm as ADC, there are items that allow them to gain gold without taking farm. A lot of the play around autos in laning is around timing movements/hits to the opponents auto attack anima...

Read more

24 Feb


Originally posted by AetherialSpace

Quickshot with the dad energy was perfect.

That's literally just me. That's who I am off air lol. Trevor is pessimistic and angry. Quickshot is optimistic and happy lol.


Originally posted by tomorrow_queen

Ender looks so natural in emo that I’m 100% convinced he had an emo phase.

I'm currently in my emo phase.

Except its not a phase


No music drop this time, but hope you still enjoy the content!


Originally posted by sphiinxy

I mean... I would call /u/RiotQuickshot Daddy... 😳

Get in line. Martin first. Becca second. Marc 3rd. This is the way.


This is super cool! I like the approach taken to ideal champion picks by rolling in more of the available information, like pick order and the rest of the team comps.

Nice work!


Originally posted by phoenixrawr

Rigorous documentation of internal code is fairly uncommon and developers are moving further away from that practice over time as the pace of development increases and documentation gets outdated faster than before. It’a a lot of time and effort to invest in something you might never look at until you throw it away because the software changed and it’s not relevant anymore.

Important to pair with that though the practice of writing code to a human reader. If the code is going to be the documentation, I would argue it is more important that it be understandable to a human than be perfectly set up to be optimal to a computer.