League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Mar


Hiya, just wanted to pop in here for some more context/clarity.

The Xin changes are basically 2 lists.

-Reinvigorate Crit/AP Xin. These were builds that players enjoyed playing in the past that have fallen off pretty hard or were nerfed. We're bringing them back up as nice off-builds, but don't plan on them being a main, competitive build for Xin (like AP Shyvana or AP Twitch).

-Separate from AP/Crit Xin, we're also working on changes to buff AD Fighter Xin. We are still fine-tuning the numbers to make sure these changes feel like buffs to Xin, so don't take these as final just yet. The changelist aims to add more value/interest around creative uses of Xin's W (instead of just always waiting to Q3). We've also improved his target access as the game continues. Combined with the W CD buff and R duration (which both carry a ton of weight), we've found that Xin has a lot more ways to function in teamfights as opposed to just E-ing in and hoping.


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Originally posted by Huni_Stan69

u/Pastrytime awesome cast, my man

Stuff like this makes my day, thank you =)


Originally posted by Jusanden

This entire debacle has become a huge anti-Riot circlejerk...The 72% isn't even terrible all things considered - especially when you consider that, according to their statistics, in the previous season, this figure was 22%.

For all the people that keep accusing Riot of intetnionally misrepresenting the data - If they wanted to do that they could have just released falsified data showing exactly what they wanted to and say the stat sites don't have proper data.

For the people saying Riot are incompetent - this is at least a bit more true. But likely all that happened was someone was told to grab aggregate data on mythics, generate charts, and get the number of champs that meet the criteria. Data gets pulled without knowing context and ends up in article. Article doesn't get double checked because why would it be? Its just an article without any game breaking ramifications. I've seen bigger, more costly mistakes being made even in places with a lot more oversight.


Honestly while I do think there's a lot of very... harsh criticism of Riot that happens on reddit, it does become important to focus on the basis of the criticism rather than the actual verbiage. In this case, I agree pretty well with you, that while it's very unfortunate that this particular data share wasn't proof-read enough, the message is still a good one. But in the end we aren't perfect, make mistakes, and will continue to make them, but hope to continue with transparency and timeliness on which decisions we make and why. It's totally fair to call us out when we don't live up to (your very high) expectations, and we definitely read your feedback (whether colourful or tame).

Overall we're doing much better for item diversity than seasons past, but not quite at the ambitious targets we set for ourselves. There is a bit of fighting human psychology we're doing here, where people will always gravitate towards the comfortable, most popular, or highest wi...

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28 Feb


Originally posted by clarkx100

Waiting for the day Rift Herald gets a taste for blood and uses it's charge on a champion for 2k true damage

LOL I know it's not possible because of how it's scripted but that would be hilarious


Originally posted by I_AM_A_MOTH_AMA

Game breaking but that would be hilarious.

And my worst nightmare


Every time I see a "Rift herald does x" on reddit, I'm just sweating and praying it's not a bug. I was half expecting it to charge at the nexus instead of mid outer based on the title lol.


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Lillia is unironically one of Riot’s best releases in the past 15 champions. Her kit is simple and unique, yet has deep skill expression without paragraphs of text explaining her spells.


cc u/RiotMaxw3ll


27 Feb


Originally posted by Nekoworkshop


Gotta love how not a single person in the company pointed it out the data looks iffy.

Overall it doesn't change our goal or plans, we'll continue to try and buff/broaden underused options and reduce the power of dominant choices.

How the hell are the players supposed to trust you when you're balancing your game using wrong data?

These articles aren't proof read by the entire company, it likely only is seen by a handful of people (likely in disciplines that have zero direct interaction with the game, like communications or publishing). We don't balance using this "only" this data at all, this is a single graph out of tens if not hundreds we reference when making design and balance decisions for the game. Keep in mind that while we have dedicated data experts, not all of us that work on the game are experts ourselves and it is very easy to misinterpret or miss certain data points. We are all humans and trying our best.


he might have won the battle, but drakos won the war

Originally posted by OkGeologist8460

Onterview is before matches from what i know. Probably early in the day since ashley is filming from korea where it is night now

Hi! Just to avoid confusion: interviews happen right after the game, live.