League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Jan

10 Jan


Hi, Azir not stacking Tear with W is an unintended bug we plan on fixing for 11.2.

As for the main point of the post, I do agree that Azir is in a tough spot and doesn't really enjoy buying any of the Mythic options, and he sorely misses the CDR on Nashor's. This is definitely something we're aware of and would like to resolve without returning him to a pro risk.

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Originally posted by pablo_2020klm

So the new champ after viego is the ap fighter top laner?

Thatโ€™s the current plan yes

09 Jan

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Originally posted by RoarkeST

Is the order for releases up until around mid-2021 going to be

Viego->New Champ->Mundo VGU->New Champ->New Champ?

Also, in regards to what happened in 2019, if two of the VGU candidates were to tie, would the champions team consider replacing the planned VGU after the poll-rework to be the second champion that tied?

That is the correct order, yes. As for the second question, we will cross that bridge if we get their


Did someone say Dunkmaster Twitch?

08 Jan


Originally posted by pm_me_ur_giant_boobs

What constitutes whether a skin would come to LoL PC or not?

Depends on a number of things. When and where we come back to a given thematic, also what the production timelines and how much bandwidth we have between other releases. Also finally, whether or not people liked the skin on the platform it originally released on.

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Originally posted by TheAlmightyChanka

can we expect more cinematics like this one in the next champion releases?

All I will say for now is that the story will continue, this is just the beginning...


Originally posted by BADxW0LF1

Idk why, but up until watching the video, my mind always inserted a "t" before the "h" in your name. You will always be Bellissimoth to me now lol

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could I ask what motivated this big push to tell the story of Viego across multiple champs, games and maybe even skins. Since this is quite exciting

Well we originally saw players excited when we made Kai'Sa and we tested the waters more with Senna, and saw that many players really liked the idea of bringing champs from the lore into the game. With Spirit Blossom we took a bigger step to try a big lore event with champions and skins and a story, which was also very well received. This is just continuing to expand and build on the things we are seeing resonate with players

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Originally posted by umbrianEpoch


In the cinematic, Poppy and Vayne come upon the same symbol at the end, shown in that last image, meaning they're coming upon something related to the sentinels. Are Poppy and Vayne gonna become Sentinels? Are they getting Sentinel skins?

You will just have to wait and see as the story progresses ;)