League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Nov



And, and by the way, you don't want to do that either.

You think you don't, but you don't

There's some weird hotkey in the dev build that causes the map to shift to being vertical instead of diagonal (so imagine that middle lane runs from the bottom MIDDLE of your screen to the top MIDDLE of your screen, instead of bottom LEFT to top RIGHT)

It will give you some of the worst motion sickness you've ever experienced. I legit almost threw up.

OH and any Among Us players, if you've played the Skeld map on reverse... you might have experienced something similar. But this is like... 10x worse. It's horrible. Never ever suggest this again pls pls pls


Originally posted by K-DA_Worlds

Do we just message player support on the in game of the league of legends client?

Yes or through the website.

01 Nov


Originally posted by Seneido

i mean sure aiming high is fine but as i said getting a league spot is difficult. riot will look into his finances and see that he is a youtuber. who knows if he has enough money to keep the team in 3 years? immortals got kicked out for that at least that was the official explanation.

Bit Immortals are back in league xd


Originally posted by Seneido

also i don't see him get an spot. there are bigger fish who want clg spot than him for sure. i thought he would create an amateur team like hai and have fun for low money?

You cant enter the league from relegation tournament anymore, only by purchasing a spot. And he said he'd like to watch his team at MSI and Worlds


Originally posted by [deleted]


how much is a bowl of dogfood worth

31 Oct


Originally posted by TheVerraton

Your casting was the worst part about the set. ngl



Holy moly, this is so creative and awesome. You really stuck to it and have a beautiful group here. I love that you thought up your own skins for each one, super impressive and you pulled each one off well. Congrats!


Originally posted by NocaNoha

Why do they all look so much better than we are used to O.O

would beefup Illaoi bit more, but holy f**k that's amazing

This is Joe Mad’s take on the League universe :)


Originally posted by Piro42

It's outsourced by Riot to be made by another game studio, though, isn't it? They are mentioned at the bottom of the site:


Not outsourced. Airship are our partner for the game, it’s their game. They pitched the idea and have led creative. We’ve been there to help guide them in making sure the game is faithful to the lore. Joe Mad and the team have been amazing to work with.


There was a tonne of pressure and expectation to perform in this series and a lot of nerves. I hope Vedius and I delivered for you.

I'm exceptionally proud of the entire broadcast team, I felt today's show was a banger from top to bottom and I am so happy SN gave us some great games. The best team at worlds won the title. Congrats DWG