League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Oct

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by yiw999

I feel like every time one of these posts come up, they're so hand wavy. Even the sparse data that they show isn't helping their case that progress is being made. Like, wow, saving 1.6 mb of memory leakage from wards in champ select is not worth even mentioning when they say in the same paragraph that there's over 100 mb of memory leakage just for using champ select.

With the first set of memory fixes, yes they were small, but we had to make sure everything else remained stable. We have a good number of additional memory improvements we are launching very soon, which should improve the reliability of Champ Select and the client, and it is larger than 1.6 MB overall :)

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by League_of_Halp_Pls

Any talk on addressing the massive .tmp files in players have been reporting in patch 10.21? Seems like a pretty significant issue

But I have definitely noticed their efforts in improving champ select. There was a few months where, idk if it was my internet or what, but I could randomly freeze on 0 seconds at any point in champ select for entire minutes, and if my pick was during that time it would force a dodge. I have t had that issue for at least a few patches now, so great work on their end fixing that.

Yes, that is an issue outside of the client.

I am getting updates from the team looking into that issue and it seems as though the game engine is crashing before getting back into the client successfully. I can assure you we have a team looking into it.


    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

Jesus the amount of bandage fixes are astonishing.

Imagine removing experiences to make a CORE feature of the game (champ select) work better. What a complete waste of time and resources these updates are.

And what’s even more shocking is that without community persistence, the client would’ve only gotten worse. But guess what, it already is even with the legendary client team on the job; just shambles man.

Drop the ego, build from scratch 🤦🏽‍♂️

Your fault it got this point anyways, pure neglect and “if it ain’t THAT broke then why fix?” attitude.

Appreciate the feedback, we are not putting band-aid fixes

We posted the first couple of client cleanup posts to reflect the architecture work we are doing (reducing ember apps, plugins) in order to optimize code and deliver improvements. After listening to players, they do not necessarily care about us cleaning up the architecture (even though internally it's our goal), but would rather see how it would improve their experience using the client

So we put these comms posts in a position to clearly articulate what benefits players will see while cleaning up the architecture (e.g. reducing ember apps in champ select) to provide a more reliable experience.

We also wanted to be transparent, we promised players we are going to do a complete review of the UX/UI of Champ Select to see where we make performance and reliability gains. If we find a lot of players are using the features we listed, we will keep them, and also fix/optimize them

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SlurpTurnsMeGreen

EndGame screen is a hassle to reach. Honor screen slows the cycle. Feels redundant and unneeded. Could be better implemented without loss of honors given. Favorites has some limited use, but its expectation has yet to be met.

We have heard a lot from our community regarding End of Game (EOG), we are working on improving three things;

1 - Time to get back into the client after finishing a game

2 - Fixes for EOG freezing completely

3 - Everything around the reconnect button after finishing a game


I love hearing from Caedrel and I love how Ashley conducts her interviews this is another fantastic discussion. Want to 100% confirm that the advice I've given everyone that works with me, last sentence before going live "Don't be sh*t"


Originally posted by kawaii_song

Does NA and everyone else get another chance? I never got the drop.

Hey if you didn't get the drop, please message player support and we'll take care of you. There's also a chance that the system is still processing your details and the drop will come a little later.


Originally posted by SpiralVortex

It's really great having your twitch linked to your riot account and watching the stream from the start and not getting the drop. :/

Hey if you didn't get the drop, please message player support and we'll take care of you. There's also a chance that the system is still processing your details and the drop will come a little later.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We have a team looking into this, it looks like the game is not closing out properly before heading back into the client.


Originally posted by challengemaster

Surely you could, you know, use the proper things in the champion spotlight that players are supposed to be learning about the champ from? How hard is it to re-record it.

It was changed after we finished the video - so pretty difficult. When we finish the video we send it to the non-English regions to do their VO records, and the timing of shots cannot change at that point. So if there's late breaking changes as what happened in this case, we have to make a call to either ship the video or cancel it because eventually it comes to a point where there's no more time.

29 Oct


We're finding other ways for you to get the drop outside of this event! Stay tuned.


Originally posted by AzureVermonter

Didn't they say they're not making these anymore?

No, we never said that. However, we only do these for new champions, not re-works.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Which one's the final one?

The ones in the bot lane showing demos. We re-filmed those after the update.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

What's with the ammo bar apparently changing the HUD style multiple times throughout the video? Sometimes it's a normal gauge like Corki's and others it looks like a volume bar?

We captured some shots earlier than others before it was finalized. So you see some work in progress huds, and some final.