League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Sep


Originally posted by Vuduul

If I am not mistaken, and if the "feature" is still available for abuse, one can drop a ward early, then go back for the Sweeper only to switch back to wards again in order to mingle with the cooldown of the waeding trinket and get more wards out of it. I know that some junglers used to do it since they usually back quite often so this is a viable strat for them.

Anyways, that is quite ridiculous. Imagine tilting oneself so hard off a rune/trinket choice to quit the game and risk account suspension, as well as runing the game for nine other people.

On a side note, given the Riot badge you have here, did you uabe the authority to immediatelly issue a punishment for the leaver? Or are the AFK punishments automated by now?

We have no power to ban anyone. I just did a report at the end game screen.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct


We have seen multiple reports of this from several players, and understand the pain :(

We are working with several teams internally to determine the issue and try get a fix in soon.



I dropped a deep ward at level 1 on the enemy buff and backed to switch to sweeper. My mid pinged sweeper and asked me what I was doing. I pointed out zombie ward and that I was support.

He said ff15 and ragequit. So my team had to ff because it was a 4v5.


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

Godspeed, summoners. To pay respects please everyone attempt at least one game of garen jungle in ranked. The resulting spike in the winrate data will confuse the balance team and this will be my true legacy.

I'll never forget our first conversation.

Me: "Hey you're Cactopus right?"

You: "Don't call me that."

Gonna miss ya bud.


Originally posted by untamedlazyeye

Alright fam, ima hit you with some stuff.

I've been in the league community for YEARS. Like late season two. Casually browsing the subreddit, then slowly becoming an active participant. Been a part of many other gaming communities in the past, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Halo, the like. But you know what, the league community just hits different. Yeah we are a bunch of toxic assholes who are pissed about being hardstuck silver 1 half the time, but god damnit this community is a joy.

That level of community is, in part, due to your personal contributions to it. Be it memeing on twitter, shitposting on this subreddit, staning for Garen jungle, or diving into the utter shitshow of this community and hitting us with the facts. Like shit, I can think of 10 or so times where you probably opened up this subreddit and went like this and had to panic call you...

Read more

Thank you for this, and the love is 100% reciprocal. You’re totally right too about the League community. I don’t quite know how to capture it in words either, but there’s just nothing else like it.


Originally posted by Myers112

Riot uses google hangouts? Ewww.

Hey sometimes we use slack too


Originally posted by CloudyTheDucky

Is the Ezreal on theirs or ours?



Originally posted by RiotBrightmoon

Is it too late to fire you??? But seriously we miss you already :(

Jeremy, if you firing me means we get one more Google Hangout, then by all means pull the trigger.

I’ll miss ya, brother.


Originally posted by spiejal

Someone quick post a rune/item guide

Predator boots to make you go more fast. Chilling smite to make them go LESS fast. EZ wins


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

Godspeed, summoners. To pay respects please everyone attempt at least one game of garen jungle in ranked. The resulting spike in the winrate data will confuse the balance team and this will be my true legacy.

Is it too late to fire you??? But seriously we miss you already :(


Godspeed, summoners. To pay respects please everyone attempt at least one game of garen jungle in ranked. The resulting spike in the winrate data will confuse the balance team and this will be my true legacy.

17 Sep


Originally posted by ilovecollege_nope

I would buy this pass even if it was super trash, just because I love Worlds and want to support Riot for it.

Rioters, please ignore above comment and don't bring it in as feedback that you can make next year pass worse or more expensive!

MUAHAHAHAHA 10x the price for Worlds 2021!


Originally posted by baaabuuu

Hey /u/CodeofBear I have a few questions and comments regarding Clash and its rewards.

First of all, I just wanna say that I’m super happy with Clash and its overall state, having played in all but 4? Clash tournaments, I can honestly say that it revitalized my love for the game. Overall I’m a fan of the rewards given that it fits well with the nature of Clash, as we’ve already been rewarded.

For next years Clash, do you plan on reducing the VP required for hitting the higher ranks as the number of monthly Clash games have gone down from two weekends per month to once in recent months?

Is there also a reason for the frequency of Clash games going being reduced? Will it differ on a monthly basis, or was there some special reason recently?

How will Preseason Clash and VP work? Will VP simply be reset at the start of the Season

So we're still working through what the next iteration of Clash is. This includes revisiting what it means to progress, frequency of tournaments, and what Victory Points actually mean as far as rewards and end of season.

I'm hoping to get a. Clash specific blog out before December with some clear updates, but not sure just yet.