If I am not mistaken, and if the "feature" is still available for abuse, one can drop a ward early, then go back for the Sweeper only to switch back to wards again in order to mingle with the cooldown of the waeding trinket and get more wards out of it. I know that some junglers used to do it since they usually back quite often so this is a viable strat for them.
Anyways, that is quite ridiculous. Imagine tilting oneself so hard off a rune/trinket choice to quit the game and risk account suspension, as well as runing the game for nine other people.
On a side note, given the Riot badge you have here, did you uabe the authority to immediatelly issue a punishment for the leaver? Or are the AFK punishments automated by now?
We have no power to ban anyone. I just did a report at the end game screen.