Oh wow, that's really exciting! Even more skins for underloved champions.
The truth is that when we set out to make a skin for a low play rate champion, our core objective isn’t to support the business, it’s to support a core audience of dedicated players who love that champion.
That's a really good outlook from Riot, and I appreciate that a lot. I love that in addition to trying to make skins that sell super well, they're explicitly looking at how best to deliver content to champions' fans. That's very encouraging - it speaks to us not only getting more skins for less popular champions, but also better skins for them.
It feels more and more like Riot is making good on the idea that Lux and Ezreal skins help to fund skins for less popular champions.
Edit: Also I just want to say that the fact that we get these consistent deep insights into Riot's development process is one of my favourite things about being a fan o...