League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Sep


Originally posted by AigisAegis

I don't like Riot as a company, but I really like Riot as a developer, and posts like this are a big part of why. Riot is very consistent about being open with their development process, not just in how it works but in how they look at and evaluate it. It's a really fascinatingly in-depth look at how they design the game.

As someone who works in both the corporate and development spaces, can I ask why? What is the differentiator for you?


Originally posted by 2ecStatic

Looks like she’s getting the Ultimate

Katarina is not the ultimate skin.


Originally posted by trevorlolo

the fact that they dont even acknowledge Kalista really hurts me

Can’t make any promises but hang in there. :)


Originally posted by AigisAegis

Oh wow, that's really exciting! Even more skins for underloved champions.

The truth is that when we set out to make a skin for a low play rate champion, our core objective isn’t to support the business, it’s to support a core audience of dedicated players who love that champion.

That's a really good outlook from Riot, and I appreciate that a lot. I love that in addition to trying to make skins that sell super well, they're explicitly looking at how best to deliver content to champions' fans. That's very encouraging - it speaks to us not only getting more skins for less popular champions, but also better skins for them.

It feels more and more like Riot is making good on the idea that Lux and Ezreal skins help to fund skins for less popular champions.

Edit: Also I just want to say that the fact that we get these consistent deep insights into Riot's development process is one of my favourite things about being a fan o...

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Being able to lay out our process and thinking behind our decisions is such an important part of why I love working at Riot. It’s a critical part of having an ongoing discussion with players and ensuring the development of our games isn’t prescriptive but instead a conversation. :)

09 Sep


poro goes : p


Originally posted by stormcaller_op

You and the other 4 skarner players can rejoice!

There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Let's not gloss over the single most exciting addition to League of Legends since April of 2015: