Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

03 Sep

02 Sep


2 Mana 4/4 from Demacia


Originally posted by MaisUmMike

So I've tried to change my PC's language to English but the problem still remains. My language is Portuguese (Brazil). Patch 2.14.11. Am I doing something wrong or is the issue still happening?

Iโ€™m not aware of any new reports of this specific problem. Can you upload your logs somewhere and share them with me? Logs are at %localappdata%/riot games/legends of runeterra/logs

01 Sep

31 Aug


Originally posted by CaptSarah

Essentially, as someone who knows that Riot does take and read feedback, it comes down to how it's presented. Something we've stated many times before, which is why we tend to bring up mega-threads for things the community is exceptionally passionate about.

The massive amount of complaint threads don't really pressure Riot at all, it just causes more tension between the player base and the devs, which is not healthy at all for keeping devs around on the platform.

It's mainly the difference between those of us who calmly explain our problems with the game, and those who take it too far and turn to insults and harassment.

That is basically how I interpret it anyway.

Excellent way to think about it.

The idea of complaining loudly or dramatically or repeatedly will lead to change is not true.

There are many factors that lead to change in the game and player feedback plays a critical role in our decision making.

It's important to note, this subreddit is not the entire community and frequently there are takes, posts, comments, etc on this subreddit that do not represent the whole community or directly contradict other data we have.

We do our best to listen and read all of the feedback we can, but if anyone has the idea that "seeing something on reddit guarantees change in the game" or any thought close to that, then those people are setting themselves up for disappointment.

In general, a good framework I think is helpful is that community feedback (on reddit or anywhere) is a good way to start a discussion that can lead to change, but it is not a good way to make a final decision.


Originally posted by Zekkarei

All those complaint posts have been proven incorrect.

Pretty sure the complaints were the reason why we even got this hotfix

That's not how it works at all.