Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

09 Sep


Hello! Yeah, we totally feel how long and how many clicks/taps the end of game experience is. It is painful for sure. The good news is we have some improvements that’ll make it better coming in the future. The not good news is those improvements aren’t going to be perfect right off the bag. The other good news* is that those improvements are just the beginning, and I’m hopeful we’ll eventually get the whole thing much much better

Thanks for the feedback and hanging in there!

*I stayed up way too late trying to get my vault leveled up and was feeling the pressure that the end of game was slowing me down. Don’t tell Riot Exis that’s why I’ll be yawning all day.

**I’m getting a little lost in my own post. It’s Good, Not Good, Other Good?


What the heck. Looking at this now!

08 Sep


Hey... I think you should Leave.

07 Sep


Oh no, I'm a little late to this one so I suspect this'll remain buried! But I wanted to say thanks to everyone for giving their thoughts; threads like this are really useful to us, and we read them carefully.

That's doubly true when there's lots of critical feedback, which is invaluable as we run experiments like Saltwater. I'm pretty excited about the space we're exploring, but it's also vast; we need your help figuring out where the mode should go, using Journey to the Peak and Lab of Legends and Saltwater as anchor points along the way. Telling us what sucks about any individual iteration helps us get where we're going faster!

I'm happy to say that a lot of the notes in here are things we're tuning and changing already. There are also some that are new to us, or are framed in a new way. Either way, they all help us shape how we think about improvements to the mode and its next evolution.

So please, keep it comin'!

06 Sep

05 Sep