Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

29 Jul


Originally posted by dandelum

Thanks for adding a "no screenshake" option next (◕‿◕✿)

u/dandelum what's the goal of disabling screenshake, what is it making difficult?


Originally posted by Lejind

If Riot is reading this - please add subtitles! <3

So many great lines in the game, I want to read them.

oh man, my auditory processing is terrible, I'd love this.


Originally posted by BearSeekSeekLest

I'm really glad you added this, accessibility is tops. Are there any other accessibility features on the table (e.g. keyboard shortcuts, UI scaling)?

We have some keyboard shortcuts in place. if theres any you think would be helpful, please poke me. ui scaling is a whole different fish. I'll kick some ideas around.


Originally posted by RiotExis

I want to piggyback on Salvor's comment to call out u/The_Easy_Target, the engineer who did all the tech work to make it happen on his own time.

Accessibility is absolutely important to us, but with a live game it can be tough to get new work prioritized no matter how important it is. u/The_Easy_Target felt like this could have a big impact for some of our players so he jumped on it to make sure it happened as soon as possible. 🤘

yea, as soon as I mentioned it to him as a possibility, he came back with a prototype in about 15 minutes. he's a rockstar. If anyone has specific comments on the functionality or other changes that would make it easier for you to play LoR, please let me know.


Originally posted by RiotSalvor

Glad it works for you. I'm going to work on making sure it has all the testing we need to get it implemented in normal matches as well

I want to piggyback on Salvor's comment to call out u/The_Easy_Target, the engineer who did all the tech work to make it happen on his own time.

Accessibility is absolutely important to us, but with a live game it can be tough to get new work prioritized no matter how important it is. u/The_Easy_Target felt like this could have a big impact for some of our players so he jumped on it to make sure it happened as soon as possible. 🤘


Hey folks. We think this happened to some players for a few hours toward the end of yesterday, and should be fixed as of 8 hours ago or so.

Unfortunately if your run is in this state, you gotta kill it and restart! If you have a run in progress (but you haven't hit a stuck state like this yet) you should be okay to keep goin'.


Originally posted by ItsVizz

I was playing before bed, around 3:00 am. Which is like, exactly 8 hours ago. NA region. If it's fixed though this brings me great joy. Riot is awesome. Should I remove this post then?

Leave your post up! Maybe someone else will see it and get their question answered too.

Sorry you need to end your run though!


Hey u/ItsVizz, we saw some players getting into this state yesterday but believe that we fixed this 8 hours ago or so. Unfortunately, runs that got stuck do need to be ended and restarted. :(

When did you first get stuck? And if you first got stuck more recently than 8 hours ago or so, what region are you playing from?


Originally posted by MrSymphony

I'm hitting this, am playing from US (pacific time zone)

Thank you! We believe this is fixed now, but (sadly) your current run won't be recoverable. I know that sucks.


Originally posted by RiotSalvor

if you go to the healer you can remove cards.

ETA:not to invalidate your comment at all, I love the feedback

I've asked the mods to start a thread on feedback to have a direct place to gather your feedback so I can point the correct folks at it. Hope you keep enjoying it!


Glad it works for you. I'm going to work on making sure it has all the testing we need to get it implemented in normal matches as well


Originally posted by SenatorMittens

This just happened to me at level 4 as Twisted Fate as of 9:01 pm PST, July 28.

Thanks for the report! We're looking into it.


Originally posted by Frank_JWilson

Actually I just had it happen now, and another time in the past 20 minutes. Maybe it's not fixed yet. But thank you for the update, I'll try to play again tomorrow.

Thanks for the report! We're looking into it.


We had some service instability over the past two hours or so that we believe is resolved. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that your run will self recover. You can retire it through the settings menu in the upper right or on the Champion select screen. Sorry for the trouble!

Edit: As of 12:55am Pacific, we've deployed an additional fix and monitoring so far is positive. I apologize for the false hope, before!


Thanks for reporting— the power will be corrected to reflect the text soon™ (so Dreadway will be summoned when GP's nexus health is 19 or lower on round start). Sorry that he cheated and caught you off guard, but he is a pirate after all 🏴‍☠️

28 Jul


Originally posted by kostas52

will the fix apply to ongoing runs?

Yes, if a run is in progress and we get the fix deployed before Gangplank is defeated, we would expect that run to get the reward mail on completion.


You are meant to receive an icon the first time you win as each champion, regardless of death count. The reward seems to be broken and we are working on a fix ASAP. When the fix lands, you will have to clock in another win as any champions you've previously won with and then you'll get the icon in the mail mail!