Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

05 Aug

04 Aug

03 Aug

02 Aug

01 Aug


This meme made me lol.

Fun dev story related to Veigar: For a few months one of our future set pods would end our morning stand up with an engineer quoting Veigar with his spot on Veigar impression. It was incredible and should live on in LOR dev lore forever.

(To be completely clear - Veigar is not in the set we were working on at the time. He chose Veigar randomly and it stuck).

31 Jul

30 Jul


Originally posted by heeheeshamone

Not OP, but things like the screenshake whenever a landmark is destroyed really bother me personally.. Also the shaking from units hitting the nexus, etc. I'd say the 'deeply integrated shakes' are few and far between so those aren't too much of a problem.

Thank you. There is a "Disable Motion" option in the settings already. We should be able to teach it about some of those shakes :).


Thank you so much for this feedback! Glad you're enjoying the mode, and we appreciate getting feedback posts like this laying out what works and what doesn't for you. We're eager to incorporate y'alls feedback and continue to improve the experience.


Originally posted by androt14_

The deck suggestion is better overall. It's less cluttery, and opens up design space for cards to reduce/increase max hp

If possible, a way to see all Nexus effects would just be perfect, as those are some of the only effects you can't track in-game, but it doesn't take a genius to understand this could be hard to design, specially given the Nexus is technically a card, but that would be so unintuitive to wrap the head around as a newer/non-technical player



Originally posted by BabyPandaBBQ

Yes, I was referring to max HP for the nexus.



Originally posted by BabyPandaBBQ

Feedback: Its very awkward in game not to see ypur max HP. Its lot standard and usually in weird increments, so its hard to know how low ypu are from the top if you have healing. It might be nice to have a "power" that says "Your max HP is X" for visibility.

Just so I get this totally right…you’re talking about the max hp for your nexus right?

I’m thinking we can either show it on the powers widget in the upper left like you mentioned or on the deck inspect when you tap on your deck.

29 Jul


Originally posted by dandelum

Thanks for adding a "no screenshake" option next (◕‿◕✿)

Unfortunately "screen shake" is a surprisingly large family of effects, with many differences in strength, timing, movement-axis, and implementation. Some are very integrated, e.g. in an animation like Darius Levelup pulling the camera closer and thus harder to "turn off"...
Would you mind calling out some situations where you find screenshake particularly objectionable?