Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

10 Jun


Originally posted by CaptSarah

Just to throw it out there, I can confirm all of this, I was in contact with Riot to confirm this was alright, and complied with their 3rd party guidelines before being posted.

What Sarah said! She was on top of it as always.

Anyone else who's thinking about making a tool, please do register it with https://developer.riotgames.com/ even if you think it's no big deal. It's not just for approval, it helps us understand what the community's excited to work on and how w...

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09 Jun


Originally posted by Tiny4901

It would be dope to hold a hotkey to show hand count for both you and your opponent, or have hand count included in the interface naturally.

I also agree with a hotkey to show quests. There are many times where I have 2+ quests and I build a jank dank to knock them out together vs AI, but don't know my exact count toward the quest to end the match at the right time.

We do have designs on adding hand count to the ui, but not sure when it’ll make it on the schedule. Adding a hot key is a great idea!

08 Jun


Originally posted by Askaelw

"x" to win plz



When we first added our original hotkeys there was a whole lot of work involved with getting Oracle’s Eye to work and I think it was especially difficult to QA so we left it off. If you all think of others I’d be down to ask around and see what’s possible.

07 Jun


Hey y'all, in the flurry of fixing the more show stopping issue with iPad Pro's last week, this resolution issue managed to slip by (and actually stems from the same root cause as the black screen bug).

We've got a fix ready and going out as part of our 2.10 patch on June 15th. We try to avoid additional App Store releases off the scheduled two week cadence so I'm afraid this one will have to wait until then. Sorry for the blurriness in the meanwhile 👀

We'll all just pretend it's thematically appropriate some how... a little bit of Yordle fuzz got on the screen and it'll take us a whole week to get that cleaned up. That seems believable.