Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

02 Dec


Originally posted by mutantmagnet

This doesn't surprise me at all and it's a problem. I have purposefully avoided using celestial spells because I was worried this was a potential risk and now it's been confirmed. The way this game works is both so obvious and also still leads to unintended results that are obvious too many times. QA needs to just accept the fact this game is way too literal to get low hanging fruit like this resolved before new cards comes out.

as QA, sure, there may be times where weird edge cases slip through like this, but I'm never giving up trying ;)

01 Dec

30 Nov


Originally posted by Sepean

I played chess as a kid and was taught it was bad form to not surrender when the game was hopeless. I know my deck and my outs, and if I don’t have any I surrender. If my opponent is about to do something unusually cool for the win, I let them do it though.

I also think rude emotes are a sign of low self esteem, and in games with friend invites I use the feature to say gg or ask for their deck code, and I enjoy it when someone sends me a friend request and goes all toxic.

So I guess I’m opposite to how most sees game etiquette these days.

Oh wow I didn’t know that was a thing in chess. Good to know. I never surrender especially if my opponent is playing a champ like Fiora so they can see the awesome win vfx. I’m still waiting to get that animation in my own live game!


Adding the hand count for both players is definitely on our to-do list. Not the top priority, I’m afraid, but on the list for sure. Thanks!!

29 Nov

28 Nov

27 Nov