Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

26 Nov


Originally posted by OnlyAAThinkingXXX

Thank you! I am very casual player, so I thought singleton means only one champ.

No problem! I didn't play many card games before I started working on this one either. :)


Originally posted by OnlyAAThinkingXXX

Here it is:

I hope posting codes here is ok.

Deck codes are just fine, it's not personally-identifying information so no worries.

So you've definitely got one champ and two regions, but you have multiple copies of lots of cards. Singleton specifically refers to having only 1 copy of each card in your deck!


Originally posted by OnlyAAThinkingXXX

None of my custom decks are allowed after the fix. I only have one champion in my deck and two regions. The game shows me the red exlamation mark, but won't tell me what's wrong. Anybody else having this issue?

u/OnlyAAThinkingXXX zip me your deck code and I'll try to figure out what's up.


Originally posted by Neaan

The issue I have with singleton being limited to 2 regions is that it really limits deckbuilding and creativity. I was really enjoying Shyv Dragons and Fizz SI in this lab. Each of those decks need 2 specific the regions to work and now with the change there is really only a single workable Shyv Dragon deck. You start to run out of viable card choices. 3 region singleton has been a deck brewers paradise. I was really enjoying experimenting and trying to find what the best 3rd region for these decks are. I'll probably play a lot less of this lab as a result of the change.

This is good feedback. I'm sorry we limited your creative space with the fix; that was my call so that's on me.

But thanks to the detailed responses from you and others, I think next time we run something singleton we'll plan on it being tri-faction. I know it doesn't help for now, but look forward to that down the line!


Love this idea, let's make it happen in 2021.


Originally posted by Hero-Support211

I have a question. What happens if the player retires the Jailer to hand? Or transforms it.

The champion will respawn next round!

The Jailed Champion token will recreate the champion at the beginning of any round if the opponent has no Jailers. However you accomplish that is up to you!


Originally posted by Karatedom10

ya I have a super wide monitor so let me see if this fixes it. Hopefully there can be a hot fix for this if it happens to be the case for certain aspect ratios. I appreciate the help!

Hi, our official supported max ratio on PC is 18:9, so we wouldn't hot fix for it, but we will look for ways to make it better in the future. Looks like there may be a bug where it's not limiting the ratio properly if you are full-screening on the ultra wide.

Thanks for the report!


Originally posted by melswift

Don't singleton rules allow up to 3 regions though? That is the best part of creating singleton decks.

It's true that the Gauntlets version of singleton has typically been paired with 3-region! Singleton in and of itself just refers to the card counts though.

This Lab was focused on trying out a champion-focused mode and seeing if that was exciting for people. If people like it and we bring it back, it sounds like reinstating 3-region would be a good next experiment. :)

25 Nov


Originally posted by Karatedom10

Ya perhaps it’s fine on mobile but on desktop it definitely went away, there will prolly be a hot fox by tomorrow tbh

Are you on an ultra wide monitor? Try bringing the game window to a 16:9 or 18:9 aspect ratio


We're differentiating the two states further in the next patch, but yes, look for the glowing/slightly moving VFX in the symbol for completed ones.


Hey folks, quick note!

Yesterday, we fixed the soft-locks some players were experiencing in Recursive Heroes 101. We just now rolled out an update that'll fix some other stuff too:

  • The deck rules should now be properly enforced, so the Lab should require a single-champion, singleton deck, with up to 2 regions in it. Previously players could have multiple non-champion copies and up to three regions.
  • You can no longer choose to obliterate your Jailed Champion if your board is full. Previously some players were using this as an easy way to release their champion without killing the Jailer.
  • Discarding your champion will no longer generate a Jailed Champion and Jailer! No more turn 3 ASol (well, until one of you figures out another way to break it).

Labs is all about makin' and breakin' stuff at high speed, but we try not to let those breaks reach all of...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by Kerubia

I didn't get to play today yet (EU), but I saw some people still posting about this.

If you did resolve the issue then it should be all good. I'll reply to this topic if I'd encounter the bug again.

Please! And thank you for getting the word out about a workaround... 'turning it off and on again' fixes all kinds of issues.

...though I'd rather we just not release those issues in the first place!


Hey u/Kerubia, when was the last time you encountered a freeze like this? We believe we fixed the issue around 15 hours ago, 6:30pm pacific time yesterday. If there's another source of breakage out there we wanna know!

And if it's not fixed, yep this is a perfect workaround.


Originally posted by booviiiv

You can see your friends’ profiles in the leaderboard tab. This is on PC though.

You can view your friends' profiles from the leaderboard tab on any platform

24 Nov


Originally posted by Wyulliam

I was playing on pc but I'm not sure how to take the logs. It was one or two hours ago. Can I still help?


Yup, for sure! The logs are at %LocalAppData%\Riot Games\Legends of Runeterra\Logs


Hi! We're looking into Labs freezes like this and could use some logs to track it down. If you're playing on PC, could you submit a support ticket?


Hi! We're looking into Labs freezes like this and could use some logs to track it down. If you're playing on PC, could you submit a support ticket?