Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

03 Nov


This was a bug, should be fixed now! :)

Apologies for any inconvenience.

02 Nov



With K/DA, we wanted to explore a different style of emote than the sticker style, and create K/DA emotes to go with the illustrative style of the group's social media posts. Social media was a defining aspect of how K/DA interacts with fans leading up to their album release. So we wanted to connect with that and bring something new to emotes. These K/DA ones have unique VFX - a first for emotes!

This is why they don't have any of the sticker aspects (such as the peel intro animation and sound, the white border, or the thick black lines).

Typically, new emotes will continue to be stickers (like the ones you'll see with Targon's next expansion), but if there ever is another event in the future that celebrates something with a unique look, new emotes st...

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01 Nov

31 Oct


Starting next patch we will be publishing deck lists with win rates and play rates with our patch notes.

We hope this will make it much easier for the community to try new decks and find strategies they enjoy.

30 Oct


Originally posted by Lejind

Yes... Also Windows PC. Frustrating.

I created a Riot Bug and referenced this thread.

Ticket ID #54387529

Thank you for the report and ticket ID, grabbed the client logs and we're looking into it.


From our data we see the metagame and deck diversity is actually quite healthy.

Recently, our subreddit has fallen into a pattern of making unverified claims about the power of certain cards or decks and then repeating them over and over again.

We are going to start showing the actual data regarding win rates and play rates of decks, so that everyone in the community will have access to the information. I am very excited about it, because everyone will be able to see all of the decks in the metagame and copy any decklist that looks interesting.

29 Oct


Originally posted by MrDrops

Am I misunderstanding something or this is exactly the same situation like in spirit blossom event? All quests and 3 wins per day to get everything.

Less of the bonus is in the "first win of the day" and is in the quests instead, so if you miss playing a day it is easier to catch-up compared to Spirit Blossom


Originally posted by arthurmauk

I sent them a Tweet and Support ticket asking them to clarify the discrepancy, not sure whether they'll fix the page or the game (I'm hoping they'll keep it at 260 lol) but they should be consistent regardless.

It was not our original intent, but we will not be making a change since it is live. Good luck on your journey to 260!


Originally posted by vvvit

how about KDA?

how about it?


Originally posted by MapaoTofu

That's one of the cards I'm not so sure I would take out at all... maybe one copy to bring it down to 2? It's just such a great closer. Since so many (11) of our units are 5 cost+, Warmothers gives us the tempo and mana efficiency advantage that we need to dominate the board. Burst speed unit each turn is fantastic. Otherwise, dropping Kadregrin manually is a HUGE tempo loss.

Instant screeching dragons/shyvana/trundle are all fantastic. Especially trundle since the pillar is generated on summon, so you get a trundle on board and (if he's not leveled) you can level him for free after.

I would encourage you to try to try to maintain board without spending too much mana that you can't play Warmothers. If you can do that, perhaps you can play it without feeling like it's a dead card. The tempo swing is so big with Warmothers that most games are won when it happens. Also, since we don't have like... any draw in this deck, Warmothers helps 'draw' for free. I just don't th...

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Gonna try it with Feel the Rush and see how that works, summoning at 10/10 trundle and shyv right away might solve some of the issues I was running into.

28 Oct


It will repeat indefinitely until the end of the event. It is intended to replace the 1 petal per pvp win of the previous event and allow players who prefer to play vs AI make progress.


To protect players from spending coins/shards/wildcards on cards that can be obtained for free.


This is so cool!

I'm so excited for you and your mom!