Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

28 Mar


Originally posted by Ploinker21



You’re touching on an interesting point - most people want new cards to be worth playing competitively, and they want to get excited about new cool champions or decks. There are many different ways to achieve that of course, but ultimately it’s more fun if people can get excited about new cards and feel good about building decks with them.

There are other factors involved too, that’s just an important one to achieve.


“Are you sure she hasn’t been in the game since launch, just in disguise?”

“Bro, I still think every champion is actually Leblanc”


Originally posted by Barney_Johnson

Looks more Like he has short fingers but maybe it's an optical illusion lol

My fingers are curled in this picture to better hold the coin. The coin is freakin' huge.

It's possible I also have relatively small hands or short fingers though, never really thought about it. :)


Originally posted by ProfDrWest



It's our precious.

27 Mar


Originally posted by Jazzpha103188

Tip of the hat to them, then! And another to whomever came up with the "grow on you" joke. Great job so far with the set design, sir; can't wait to see how it all wraps up tomorrow.

oh the grow on you joke! that one i don't know for sure but it was likely someone from the narrative team; designers almost never write flavor text


Originally posted by Jazzpha103188

The style and personality in Jack and Samira's followers has been off the charts; haven't been this excited for new cards in a long time. And that pun in the flavor text of Barknuckles is A++ stuff. u/Dan_Felder was that you?

one of the concept artists for this set, Lisha, casually threw out the name during a random meeting and i immediately locked it in


Originally posted by OldWispyTree

To be honest, I do find this terminology to be one of the most confusing in the game.

They use refill mana, they use gain mana, and they use mana crystals such as in gain and empty mana crystal.

I get it, mana crystals, spell mana all that, but it is one of the most unclear parts of the game wording imo, especially for new players.

Maybe that's just me.

this is fair feedback! def something worth discussing with the team


jon and i didn't coordinate at all and yet we both picked nearly exactly the same examples and tweeted within a minute of each other. the design hive mind is real


Why would we call it 8? Sett 1 is just about to release! ;)

26 Mar


TPoC has its own curated card pools, and is eternal by default. Because TPoC uses prebuilt decks, eternal makes it actually easier for us to maintain TPOC content than it would be if we limited ourselves to standard-only cards.

TPoC even invented some TPoC-original cards. The PvP considerations are important, but don't affect TPOC.


Originally posted by moodRubicund

And why does a barbed chain draw cards? It really feels like they just out the wrong name and art on it.

... How else do you draw cards irl?

Isn't this is why people use sleeves?