Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

23 Aug


Originally posted by tuotuolily

Ooo has rito reached the phase were you guys can joke about Scott Gelb

I’m making a joke about mediating the epic fantasy warfare, betrayals, and intrigue of my favorite fantasy setting in a modern office environment. That’s all.


Correction: He wasn't exiled, he just went in a portal one day and never came out.

If you see him pop out in one of your games, please let us know. We're worried about him.


Originally posted by Darklarik

HR meeting

I feel like these stories are thrown in without logical sense as to why they would happen in the first place. It seems extremely out of character and motivation for Kayn to do this, and Zed would definitely not approve.

As someone deeply invested in the lore, motivations and justifications for characters need to be well written, clear and make sense, otherwise it makes for boring stories. I hope Yi vs Kayn isnt just being thrown in "because it sounded cool"

I'm just saying what happened at the office last week.

As for the stories, a huge amount of effort goes into the lore and its usually in collaboration with the central narrative teams for all Riot stuff. Bear in mind, some stories are based in alternate universes; like the star guardians.

22 Aug


Originally posted by dimondsprtn

Zed: Ok, it’s not working out. I’m gonna need the Shadow Order back.

Kayn: But this is all I have, I’m nothing without this Order!

Zed: If you’re nothing without this Order, then you shouldn’t have it… god I sound like Shen.

Kayn: …I don’t have any other friends

Watching our HR rep explain that massacres in the service of dark ambition “do not represent riot values” was a sight to see. Kayn had to do a whole online training course.


Dreg Dredgers has the most savage.

At least when facing Fizz. :)


This was his face reveal in LoR. He was really excited about it. Quiet guy, but you can tell.


Dreg Dredgers has the most savage.

At least when facing Fizz.


Originally posted by NaturalCard

I had a game where I cast 5 vengeances. It was immensely satisfying.

Once you hit 4+ it's a cycle of vengeance.

21 Aug


All games are unnecessary. Games are a voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles. As long as that's the case, I want to read about kicking enemies into a nexus. :)


Originally posted by kingslayer086

its a very simple answer

if you want the rewards from the pass, you give daddy rito dollars.

its always going to be a case by case basis.

for example, i Liked the star guardian rewards a lot, so i handed daddy riot money.

Thanks. Glad you liked the guardians as much as I did. :)