Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

30 Aug


Originally posted by CephalopodLOR

Well done! Tricksy + tricksy + minotaur reckoner is the strongest I've seen so far from reddit!!

I think 2x tricksy is a mistake, your final win condition is super fragile, and you’re exposed to any deck running a “when I’m discarded” effect. It also has a lot of trouble vs any deck running a must-answer 1-drop like Zoe.

1 tricksy seems way more playable.


Originally posted by BaxFloyd

Surprised I haven't seen the clearly optimal strategy:

Rumble, Draven and Ballistic Bot. You use Rumble to discard both Draven and Ballistic Bot on turn 4 duh.

But ballistic on turn two and Draven on turn three are both going to infinitely generate discard targets in hand for Draven to use for axes later in the game. On turn 4 you have one card generated by ballistic Bot and one Draven axe from playing him on turn three to play Rumble and give him quick attack + impact. A third discard for spellshield is likely unnecessary due to the limitations of three cards not allowing for most decks to run removal, but it's an option if you need it. You let through as many attacks as you can that don't progress the enemy's win condition so you can safely level Rumble and likely Draven too, then both of them are value generating monsters that let you overwhelm your opponent. Mecha yordles for the win.

Or alternatively you go full unga bunga, play Fiora on turn 3, any sp...

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Yeah, These limited card formats almost never have a strictly optimal strategy because they can’t easily counter everything. The solutions usually involve maximally resilient threats or maximally flexible answers.

Makes me instantly wonder about landmarks for this reason.

29 Aug


Some more deck ideas:

Treasure Hunt
Lost Riches, Dreg Dredgers, Crumble.
Wait till turn 3 where you have 6 total mana. Play Losst Riches and then Dreg Dredgers to toss the treasures in your deck. On turn 4 you will have 1 spell mana banked and be able to cast any treasure, with another on turn 5. Crumble is there to turn Dreg Dredgers into a resource, killing an opponent's key landmark or unit. Could be any control card though, or an additional win condition like Howling Abyss for a bonus end game condition. Because the treasures include both win conditions and an AoE sweep, there are a lot of good options here.

Aint no Mountain High Enough

Solari Priestess, Targon's Peak, Aurelion Sol. Solari Priestess ensures a turn 3 and turn 4 play, helping you stall to get to Taron's Peak into Aurelion Sol. It's unlikely your opponent can get value off the peak by such a late turn, but if they can then you're likely to get more.


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Originally posted by NuclearTalon

i think you missed that you dont draw at round start

Ah, yep. The mtg format 3 card blind this is based on just has the rule that you don’t die from drawing from an empty deck, you can still draw. Deck manipulation is a big part of the format. Annurid Brushripper was banned for this reason for a while.


Fun to wake up to this challenge. Here’s two decks that I thought of while getting ready for work:

Deck 1 - Hardly Workin’

Chirean Sumpworker, Parade Electrorig, Jinx. Jinx is a draw engine and win condition, while parade electrorig gives you extra copies of chirean sumpworker or jinx if you're worried about her being removed.

Deck 2 - Heavenly Rockets

Supercool star chart, Starlit Ephiphany, Jinx. Same idea but with endless celestials. More fragile to losing jinx but better long value.

EDIT - having realized you don’t draw at all naturally, instead of just not dying if you do - so I'm replacing the unnecessary card in each deck with jinx.

28 Aug

27 Aug

26 Aug