Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

18 Aug


It depends if your sole goal is to maximize your chances of winning. If that’s your goal, the difference between a great deck in the game and a deck considered far weaker by the community might just be a 5% difference in win rate. Something like a 53% win rate vs a 48%. This is a big difference if you’re trying to be the highest ranked in your region but in practice it means just 1 more loss in every 20 games.

If your goal is to play with cards you like, I think the power level is usually close enough to still have a lot of fun. I’m kind of biased of course. :)

17 Aug


Originally posted by Crosstar300

Alright :/

We've all been dragon-kicked and learned the hard way. Lee Sin is one of the few champs that can pull something like this off. It takes a lot of setup to get a kill like that though, so when you see Lee Sin in the opponent's deck (you can mouse over their deck or tap it to see what champs they're playing if you miss it when the game starts) you should keep an eye out for surprise c-c-c-c-combo kills and know to put them under pressure so they don't have as much time to set it up.

Most decks don't work like this of course, but try sitting Lee Sin down in a HR meeting. He just kicks down the door and leaves.

16 Aug


Originally posted by Solunare

Hey! Apologies for such a late reply, I was on a trip for the last two weeks and only just got back. This all looks like fantastic advice, I'll be sure to follow all of this. Thank you so much!

Glad to hear it. Maybe we’ll work together some day. :)


Originally posted by YourLocalArsonist

I'm just imagining you reading my comment laughing your ass off knowing that Zilean change was coming down the line in 2 weeks.

I really like the change tho, my boy has an actual champ spell now :)



Originally posted by danielShalem1

Dan what is you fav follower? 😁

I’d tell you but when I say publicly they get all embarrassed. :)


Originally posted by Death-EternaI

So it's basically just getting used to it like anything we do. Thanks, Dan. Thanks for being involved with the community. It means alot to us.

My pleasure. And yeah, I think it’s mostly about “play to find out what happens”. Once I stop focusing on the pressure to win and just focus on the experience the pressure kind of dissolves with familiarity. Once I’ve lost and won a few times it stops feeling so tense. :)