Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

22 Aug



Are there any plans to eventually add [card] tags similar to other MTG forums so we don't either have to manually link to Gatherer or post enormous pictures when discussing specific cards?

That is a great idea! I will ask if that is possible.



as always well done lexie


Thank you, here is a bad meme I just made in Paint




Will the shuffler thread migrate?
Can we create a matchmaker perma-thread as well?
Yes, the shuffler thread will migrate! I don't think there is a real need for a matchmaker perma-thread. I'm tempted to make a "I hate ______ pls ban it" perma-thread though. :joy:

Can we expect these topics to be regularly consigned to the mega-threads, or will they continue to take up 50+% of the thread bandwidth?

Thanks for the feedback? It's not a big deal that people want to complain about specific cards and decks.





  • Private messaging between other members is not a feature that we are going to add.
For now? Or is it that the infrastructure of the new forums wouldn't ever support it? Members within this forum specifically have expressed interest in playing privately with each other and the PM system would allow such arrangements without clogging additional forum space. Not to mention sometimes members are hesitant to publicly post their email address or other forms of contact just talk to someone outside this space.
Also, sometimes forum threads get deleted or locked for various reasons and a way for two people to continue the conversation without danger of continuing to violate any forum policies is to do so in private. There are many benefits for allowing private conversa...
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  • Private messaging between other members is not a feature that we are going to add.
For now? Or is it that the infrastructure of the new forums wouldn't ever support it? Members within this forum specifically have expressed interest in playing privately with each other and the PM system would allow such arrangements without clogging additional forum space. Not to mention sometimes members are hesitant to publicly post their email address or other forms of contact just talk to someone outside this space.
Also, sometimes forum threads get deleted or locked for various reasons and a way for two people to continue the conversation without danger of continuing to violate any forum policies is to do so in private. There are many benefits for allowing private conversations through the forum infrastructure, so it would be a much appreciated feature even if it is later...
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Glad to hear about these changes! A couple of features I would love to see:
A way to highlight text and quote just the highlighted portion.

A way to preview posts to ensure proper formatting before posting.
Appreciate that you are looking for feedback!


You can tag and change the formatting via the text toolbar, to quote things like this... Is that what you mean? Or I just quote the person and then delete the text that I'm not replying to.

As for previewing a post, I can ask! I'm not sure about that one.



Will the shuffler thread migrate?
Can we create a matchmaker perma-thread as well?

Yes, the shuffler thread will migrate! I don't think there is a real need for a matchmaker perma-thread. I'm tempted to make a "I hate ______ pls ban it" perma-thread though. :joy:



Seems good. It has been too many subforums so far. Having only two makes perfect sense.
One thing: Can we have updated selection for avatars, maybe from Standard legal sets?

Yes! That is part of the rework. :relaxed:



You might consider merging the 2 feedback forums of "Arena Feedback" and "Feature Requests", I have noticed they often overlap with each other where the feedback wants a new feature or the new feature is really just feedback. Anyway this all sound like a really good change.

Those boards will be leaving! The only boards we're going to have (as of now) are:

  • News and Announcements
  • Patch Notes
  • General Discussion
  • Strategy
  • Player Support


It is time for something that people have been asking for, for a while... A forum rework! Woo! The forums you know and love are about to be streamlined, more organized, and easier to use. It's all very exciting!

I wanted to give you a heads up about what is leaving:

  1. Post count- There just isn't a real need for it. Your opinions are valid whether you have 2 posts, or 2,000.
  2. Badges (like Lead by Example)- These haven't been available for a while, so we're wrapping it up.
  3. The closed beta forums- All of the information stored there is very, very outdated. This information will still exist, just not publicly visible.
  4. We're trimming down the amount of boards- We have a LOT of discussion boards, and most of them aren't used regularly. We're keeping General Discussion and Strategy... The rest are leaving. So for example, if you'd ...
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19 Aug


Why Epic Games Store? Because Epic Game Store is an awesome partner that is helping bring our game to new people and places.

There are absolutely no plans to create exclusive content, you'll still be able to play with your friends, and existing players don't have to migrate. New players can still download it from our website if they'd like.

Epic Game Store is just one more way for people to play. :grin:


Nothing is changing for existing players. You can still download the game from our website, and there are no plans to make content exclusive to Epic Game Stores. :grinning:

16 Aug



I am straight up not going through some cumbersome reporting feature. Am really sorry but, it's 2019. We have the technology.


15 Aug


I totally understand that it would be easier to have a bug reporting function in game, but alas, we don't have one right now. If you want us to look into a specific problem, it's really important that we have log files and any extra information you can give us.



Everyone who is experiencing performance issues, report it! Let us know! Provide us with logs and be very specific in what is happening. Ex: "My game lags after I play a match" isn't specific enough, but "After my combat phase I played___ and the lag started when my opponent reacted with ____."


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14 Aug


We’ve got some big news for you!

We’re excited to unveil our plans for the future – one that embraces more opportunities for more players to reach the highest levels of competition in both tabletop and MTG Arena.

Check out the details here:

We know that this announcement has a ton of information and you probably have questions/feedback. We encourage it! We have a Q&A with our both our Esports Director & Senior Manager on WeeklyMTG tomorrow at 2PM PT on ...

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13 Aug



Core Set 2020 Season 1 starts July 31st, 12:05 PT (19:05 UTC), ends August 31st at 12:00 PT (19:00 UTC)

  • First qualifying period for Mythic Championship VII (MTG Arena)
  • Top 1,000 Mythic Ranked players in Constructed or Limited at the end of this season will be eligible to compete in the Mythic Championship Qualifier Weekend VII
  • For more information on the Mythic Championship Qualifier Weekend for Mythic Championship VII, ...
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Reminder it's August 13th and we still don't know styles for this month ranked rewards cause nobody bothered to post them in 2 weeks, or implement that incredibly complicated feature in client in 9 months.

Good morning to you, too! I'm not a dev so I can't implement in-game features, but I can probably track down the card styles.

12 Aug


Another Mythic Championship Qualifier Weekend is almost upon us! Important times for everyone:

  • 6AM PT (13:00 UTC): Day 1 Begins
  • 8AM PT (15:00 UTC): Event entry is closed. Players must have joined the in-game event prior to the 7AM deadline to begin playing their matches.
  • 6PM PT (01:00 UTC on August 18th): Matchmaking queue is disabled. In-progress games will be allowed to finish.

Find all of the information, MCQW rules, etc here:


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